

For time: 
 40 GHD sit-ups 
4 rope climbs - 15ft
800-meter run 
30 GHD sit-ups 
3 rope climbs - 15ft
400-meter run 
20 GHD sit-ups 
2 rope climbs - 15ft
200-meter run 

 "Success isn't owned - it's leased. And rent is due every day. Every single day, someone's coming for your job. Someone's coming for your greatness. If you're the greatest, someone wants to be the greatest, and so if you're not constantly improving your game, somebody else is." - J.J. Watt


Aimee Lyons said...

Keith 18:20 C2 Bike 1/2 GHD
Gordy 17:56 1/2 GHD
Ana 13:01 30/3, 20/2, 10/1
Shannon 17:21 x4 Strict Pull Ups
Megs 18:40 C2 Bike, 20 Strict Banded, 20 TTB, 20 Kip PU
Rich A. 16:30 Rx
Geoff 14:34 x3 towel Pull Ups, situp
Carl 13:20 Rx
Pam 13:34 Rx
Gina 18:42 Rx
Aimee 17:33 C2 Bike, 20 Strict Pull-up, 20 TTB, 20 Kip Pull Up
Cate 19:25 C2 Bike, 20 Strict Pull Up, 20 TTB, 20 Kip Pull Up
Gillian 20:04 Run, 20 Strict Band Pull Up, 20 TTB, 20 Kip Pull Ups

Taylor W said...

Jessie 19:06 400-200-100
Mark S 15:09 situps
Colette 14:54 sc
Erini 18:08 rx
Jackie 18:35 30-20-10 GHD c2
Monica 17:02 c2 bike 10'
Jamie S 14:25 rx

Mark Spak said...


Alex 15:15 c2, abmat
Jordan 16:11 c2, abmat
King 14:12 abmat
Kristen 19:20 abmat
Jess 19:33 15-10-5 banded pu
Tori 19:43 гх
Eric 19:47sc
Larissa 19:38rX

Taylor W said...

Dana D 17:04 rx
Grayson 14:11 3x banded PU
Trevor 17:30 10' climbs
Edwin 17:10 rx
Matt 16:36 rx
Karen 18:35 c2 situps
Freaky G 16:45 rx
Mary 20:08 c2 30-20-10
Norman 20:06 sc
Mitter 18:20 situps c2

Dc 24:11 c2
DG 17:41 rx
Scientist 19:07 rx
Bay 18:09 2.5 pulls
Steph 20:06 1/2 situps
Sandra 16:00 attempts
Seth 17:30 situps c2 pull to stands