
W.O.D. 2.16.16

Back Squat 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
20 Feet Handstand Walk
10 GHD Sit-ups

"Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there." 
-Haile Gebrselassie


CFKOP iPad said...

Theresa 125/ 6 (assisted walks)
Kevin 195/ 5+9 RX
Mike Sa form/ 3+ 3 (rom) *3 wall walks for handstand walk
Abby 135/ 4+2 (rom) *3 wall walks for handstand walk

Alex 225/ 6+1RX

CFKOP iPad said...

Bekah 163pr, 7+7 walk att
Mike r 145 5+1 romghd
Jackie 205pr 4+1
Briana 230pr 4+6 ww
Sarah w 130pr 4+2 ww

All PRs for #purplecrush

Anonymous said...

Sarmad 155 6 WW/SU
Steph C Form 4+1 Att
Lindsey 140PR :)WW
Ben 265 5+2 WW/SU
Matt B 295 5+1 WW

Aimee Lyons said...

12:15 Express & 1:00PM Masters
John Mc 285 PR 2 + 1 sc
Cate 205 2 + 2 Rx
Panos 275 :)
Jamie 225:)
Daniel 225 :)
Erika 128 :)
Seba 65# 4 (PU/ABmat sit-up)
Karen 135# 3 sc
Pam 175# 3 (walks to wall)
John P 275# :)
Mike Sim 295# 2 steps!! PR!
Jess A 115 (10 AB/10 PU) 5 +5

Masters cash out 5 minute amrap 10 push-ups/10 ab-mat sit ups
Jodilee 125 PR (to ball and plate) PR! 5
Kevin 215 PR! 4 + 19
Terry 85# PR 3 + 10 HPC

Aimee 235#
Gordy 295#

Miranda said...

430 & 530
Olan 305#PR/4 scale
Erik 285/4+8 scale
Dave H 325/ 4+2 RX
Rich Andrews 315 PR/practice
Adam S 205/8 rx
Jonathon 335 4x walks

Shawna 165/practice
Ashley 135/ 4 1/2 scale
Patrick 245/40+020 rx
Flounder 245/4 scale
Giulz 185/7 scale
Justin 245/:)
Ali 143/scale
Ryan S 245/4 + T2b
Lucy Q 103/4scale
Alex 135/6 scale
Alona 165/7 scale
Jen S 135/:)
Melissa 125/6+2 scale
Laura A 185 PR/ scale
Stephanie < 130PR/5 practice
Matt C 275/4
Ellie 165/:)

Unknown said...

Whoot Whoot... PR party at the Masters class!