Your Coaches...
and a special Congratulations to Jason for completing his Level 1 CrossFit certification.
W.O.D. 2.16.09
Seven rounds for time of:
10 reps of Sumo-deadlift high-pull (95/65)
10 reps of Wallballs (20/14)
Post to comments if you are available for a 'Super size me' and 'Fat Head' movie night on Sunday the 22nd of Feb????
"Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart into it, take yourself out of it."
Hannah Rxd 7:21
Tim M. Rxd 12:35
Joe Rxd 15:38
Jen C. Rxd 8:43
Sam Rxd 12:49
Mike M. Rxd 11:32
Paul Rxd 11:36
Jon 75# 14:35
Miranda 53# 9:53
Scott 70# 7:51
Jeff 75# 12:32
Cindy 50# 12:56
Laura 50# 10:21
Jill 50# 9:48
Congratulations on your cert!!
R U runnin class tonight???
Congrats Jason!!!
No, I plan on going to the hospital to get my legs amputated due to the severe pain in my quads. lol. They destroyed them. Isometric holds suck. We had about 9 people in my group and a lot were VERY new to CF and had no idea what an air squat looked like so we have to get in position and hold while they checked our form and we had to hold until all were checked. Every time they had us squat, front squat, OHS, squat with medicine ball, we held for about 2 minutes while everyone was checked. Mind you the demos were at least 30 minutes long so that was a LOT of holding in the down position. Not to mention they made us do tabata's holding in the down position. I almost fell down the stairs. lol. I will film tonight after I get my ebay stuff done. I did enough SDLHP and WB's this weekend to last me a few weeks.
Congratulations Jason! That is awesome that you passed, I hope that you're body is recouperating :) That's crappy that they had beginners, its supposed to be a cert class right! I can't wait for class tonight, I'm in withdrawl!
You made the main CrossFit page in the lower photo. Nice job getting up front for the photo op!
Congrats coach!
Was going to congratulate you, mijo, but now I'll just send a bouquet to the medical center. I am very proud of you. You have very strong soccer quads. They will survive. Your comment did make me laugh out loud.
I was off today, so I did this at home:
Warmup: 500 M Row 2:48
7 Rounds:
10 Wall Balls 20 lb
20 SDLHP w/ 35 lb KB
Time: 19:40
Finished with:
1000 M Row 6:49
1000 M Fast Walk Untimed
1000 M Row 5:45
I doubled the SDLHP reps to compensate for the work & power output. It had my heart rate jacked to about 98% max at the end of each round, so it did the job.
Tim and I are in for the movies on Sunday.
Hannah- You freaking killed it last night! Way to go girl!!!
Way to go Hannah and Jen C. you girls destroyed that workout. I felt like a slug but you girls rocked.
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