
W.O.D. 2.18.09

200M Row
5 Burpees
10 Ring Dips
20 Pull-Ups
30 Box Jumps (21"/25")
40 Push Ups
50 Air Squats
40 Sit-Ups
30 Push Press (55/75)
20 KB Swings (35/55)
10 Med Ball Cleans (14/20)
5 Burpees


"For many of our people fitness training has become their sport--a sport where the aims are simply to become as fit as possible."
-Coach Greg Glassman, Founder of CrossFit

...our friends at Central Bucks CrossFit had this quote from Coach posted yesterday and I couldn't resist sharing it because its so true! Click here to check out a new local affiliate and CrossFit friend.

Jen 20:10
Jeff 19:10
Laura 16:33
Tim P. 13:40
Jason 21:22
Sam 15:16


Anonymous said...

Nice form on the kipping pull ups!!

Anonymous said...

Did what I could with what I had at home. I still don't have rings or pull up bar, and I still can't do the burpees or box jumps due to injury.

So, I Sub'd the following:

500 M row to start and finish
10 X 2 Chair Dips
20 lat pull downs @ 200 lbs (bw+10)
50 Squats (20 with 35 lb KB)
30L/30R 35 lb KB Push Press
Everything else as RX'd

Time 28:15

It was at least metabolically equivalent if not functionally equivalent. Excellent full body metcon.