

For Load:

Back Squat 

Cash Out: 
20/25 Calorie Air Bike
25 Burpees  
20/25 Calorie Air Bike

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” 
- Chinese Proverb


Chloe Darley said...

Subhan 231, 5:25
Alex 275, 5:59
Brennan 165, 5:35
Brian 275, 4:29
Edwin 285, 4:26
Larissa 105, 6:32
Bill 75, 6:05 (15 burpees)
Kevin 245, 6:39

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 188 5:46
Gavin 81

Aimee Lyons said...

Gordy 115 x 10 7:10 ECHO
Mary 130 6:28
Jackie 190 5:46
Gillian 127.5 belt squat x10 5:27
Sarah B 125 7:40
Shannon 245. 4:12

Jackie Halpern said...

(20 burpees in cash out)
Teresa 125, 6:54 echo
Kathy 75 (80x2) bench? 5:33 ski/incline push up
Lee 120 5:40 c2

Aimee Lyons said...

Keith 345 5:17 echo
Greg A 265 4:10
Ryan S 215 5:18
Pam 205 4:20
Geoff 285 7:08 row
Yormen 235# PR 6:00
Chloe 175 4:38
Jen F 65 PR 6:00 15/20/15 reps
Abby 95 PR 6:07
Gent 235 safety squat PR 5:49

Ben Shipley said...


Jeff 385#/3:23
Adrian 301#/4:52
Karolina 125#/4:52
Nat 215#/5:04
John 205#/7:23
Matt D 224#/3:34
Freaky G 195#/4:53
Matty Bo 315#/6:20
Danielle G 205#
Grace 215#/4:04
Mike M 195#/7:50
Rich A 363#/4:33
Karen M 195#/5:48 C2
Trevor 301#/4:44
Korynne 195#/5:25

Seth 235# SB/6:20 (50 Air Squats)
Rakshit 308# PR!/5:26
Matt P 235#/5:35
Graysen 143# PR!/5:23
Tucker 255#/4:36
Steve K 115#/ :)
Sai 100# PR!! (2)/7:55 15/25/15
Sravanh 255# PR!/7:12
Lindsey 135# PR!/5:20
Chet 175# PR!/5:45
Steph 125#/6:43
Ulises 200#/5:28
Christina 100# PR!/7:45