

AMRAP 10 Minutes: 
3 Bar Muscle Ups 
12 DB Hang Power Cleans (35/50#) 
24 Double Unders 

 Rest 3:00 Minutes 

AMRAP 10 Minutes: 
2 Rope Climbs (15')
12 DB Push Press (35/50#) 
24 Double Unders

Community Notes:
We are hosting a CFL1 on June 29/30th. 
Saturday 9 AM and Sunday 9 AM Classes on June 29th and 30th will be held at the Lyons Den 555 W Beidler Rd. King of Prussia. 
Open Gym from 7-8 AM on Saturday will still take place at CFKOP.

Join us in support of Lauren Taylor who is going to the CrossFit Games!!!
❤️ CLICK HERE to purchase a T-shirt to support her ride to the games.

We will host a fun community workout on August 31st at 9am where you can pick up your shirts at CFKOP and wish Lauren good luck!

Performance Meal Prep is now delivering to CFKOP,
CLICK HERE to check out what they offer.

Everything we do is practice for something greater than where we currently are. Practice only makes for improvement. – Les Brown


Keith B said...


Kristen 4+2 35/jmu 4+13 1RC
Tori 4+5 su/jmu/25 4+7 pu/25/2u
Jess 3+30 25/jmu 4 bpu/25
Brian 4+21 su 3+25 su
Jordan 3+3 25/jmu 4 25#
Subhan 3+3 pu/su :)
Alex 3+13 35 :)

Colette said...

Monica 5+1 20# h2b practice, 3+1 20#
Aimee 6 30#, 3+6 30#
Cate 4rx, 4 6strict pull up
Larissa 4+15 25# h2b practice, 3+22 10 strict pull ups 20#
Jackie 5+1 1bmu 25#, 3+1 25#
Erini 3+23 1bmu 30#, 4 30#
Megs 4+3 25# h2b practice, 3+17 25# 5spu
Julia 3+30rx, 3+12 25#
Yormen 3+15 singles kipping practice, 2+1 singles rope rom

Aimee Lyons said...

Mike Mit 4+9 30# SU 3+15 30#
Grace 5 + 30 rx 5+2 rx
Grayson 5+2 15 JMU/ 12 DUA / 7 2 pulls/ 15 12 DUA
Jeff 6+3 rx 4 + 2 (with Selene) rx
Matt P 5+13 35# 5 35#
Josh 6 35 # 5+14 35#

Aimee said...

Ben 5+8 rx 6 rx
Keith 3+14 45#. 4+1 45#
Rich A 5+3 rx 4+1 rx
Edwin 4 35# JMU 4 35#
Liam 4 30# JMU SU/ 3 10 ft 30# su
Sarah B 3+2 12 DU/JMU 3+2 20#/12 DU 10 ft
Meredith 5+6. jiu/ 30# su. 4+29 SU PU 25#
Pam 4+2. 12#/25#. 4+2 12/25#
Shannon 5+1 1 BMU SU. 3+2 SU
Gina 3+15 JMU 25#. 3+1. 25#
Matty Bo 4+1 hips to bar/ 3 rx
Evan Z 3+1 35# 12 DU. 3 35# 12 DU
Dana H 5+ 5 rx 3 rx
Geoff 4+5 6 pull-ups 50 su/ 25#/ 4+1 towel pulls/ 50 su 25#

Aimee said...

AMRAP in 10
12 DB Hang Clean
24 DU/30 or SU/ or 5/7 Cal bike
rest 3:00
AMRAP in 10
1 Rope Climb
12 DB PP
24 DU/30 or SU/ or 5/7 Cal bike

Richard 5+2. 4+10 10#30 SU foot holds rope
Lee 5. 4 12#
Terry 6. 5. 15# 30 Su
Kathy 5+2 10#. 5 10# pulls 30 su
Lisa 5+6. 12# 5+5 10# 30 su
Deb 4+10 bike cals 5/ 4. 8# bike cals 5 rope holds
Gordy 4+19 banded BMU/ 4+7 35# 7 cals bike 12#

Daily wod w Masters!
Rakshit 4 35# 1 BMU + attempts 3 35#

Colette said...

Seth 4+32 kipping practice singles,4+2 rope walk ups singles
Sai 4+15 15# kipping practice singles,4+15 rope walk ups
Shravan 4+15 20# practice kipping practice jump rope,4+14 rope walk ups
Danille C 5+3 30# h2b singles,4+7 30# 1 rope climb singles
Greg 4+13rx,3+14rx