

Bring a Friend or Family Member for Free!

With a Partner, Complete For Time, Splitting Work as Needed:

AMRAP in 22 Minutes:
40 Box Jumps (20/24")
40 Pull-ups
40 Calorie Row
40 Toes to Bar
40 Calories Air Bike

"Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one."
 - Astrid Alauda

1 comment:

Lauren Taylor said...

Danielle/LT 1+188
Aimee/Grace 2+ 38
Ben/Jeff 2+130
Edwin/Rich/Matt 2+94
Janelle/Abby 1+167
Shannon/Chloe 1+174
Leo/Nat 1+177
McKenna/Karin 1+112
Noah/Kristen almost 2
Matt/Gray 2
Gordy/Jim 2+43
Josh/Gent 2+36
Erini/Tucker 2+29
Dana/Megz 1+116