

For Time: 

75 Air Squats 
200' Sandbag Carry 
20 Sandbag Cleans 

50 Air Squats
150' Sandbag Carry 
15 Sandbag Cleans 

25 Air Squats
100' Sandbag Carry 
10 Sandbag Cleans 

Sandbag (70/100#)
*Sandbag Carry Must be Bearhug - Cleans are to the Shoulder*

“A goal is a wish. A standard holds you accountable." 
—Tunde Oyeneyin


Chloe Darley said...

Subhan 17:45 first half at 100#, then 70#
Brennan 17:48 70#
Alex 13:14 Rx

Colette said...

Colette 10:15rx
Jackie 13:06rx
Mary 12:55 50#
Aimee 12:55rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Megs 13:50 50#
Shannon 11:16 rx
Carl 11:03 rx
Gordy 16:12 70#
Erini 11:57 Rx
Eric 14:53 rx
Geoff 11:14 95#
Abby 11:40 50 Clean/70 Carry
Chloe 13:02 Rx

Chloe Darley said...

Matt D 11:33 Rx
Grace 15:30 Rx (back issues)
Nick 14:37 70#
Jeff 9:06 Rx
John 70#
Matt B 17:40 Rx
Mike 19:50 70# ROM air squats
Noah 8:46 50#
Karen 10:45 50#
Matt P 15:59 Rx
Graysen 13:18 50#
Adrian 13:15 70#
Karoline 15:02 50# squat to WB
Alex 12:45 Rx
Olan 18:57 Rx
Rich 11:23 Rx squat to WB

Danielle Gambone said...

Danielle G 11:07 rx