

 AMRAP 15 Minutes:

Ring Dips
Chest to Bar Pullups

*Starting at 0:00, every 2:00 Complete 5 Burpees*

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” 
—Michael Jordan


Colette said...

Larissa 95 almost rx :)
Alex 105 rx
Jess 78 banded pull ups feet on box dips
Tori 82 banded pull ups feeton box dips
Subhan 97 box dips
Brennan 84 banded pull ups feet on floor dips 4 burpees

Colette said...

Jackie 63rx
Aimee 129rx
Mary 63 assisted kip

Aimee Lyons said...

Erini 83 rx
Evan 79 rx
Shannon 102 band dip
Eric 84 1/2 band dip/ C2B attempts
Dana H 113 rx
Megs 107 band dip
Geoff 84 bench dip / strict PU
Yormen 108 box dip rr/ C2B
Matty Bo 91 one leg swoop

Aimee Lyons said...

Gordy 98 pullups/one leg swoop

4 Rds for time:
10 strict Pullup or RR
10 Burpees
10 Cal Ski Erg
10 RR or Sit up

Barb 19:28 band / box dip
Terry 17:06 band pullup/ one leg swoop
Deb 18:18 5# sa thruster RR/situp
Teresa 19:00 box dip / RR
Lee 16:07 box dip/ band
Kathy 16:15 10# box/ dip rr
Jordan 15:19 band/ ring dip 2x situp pullup
Ali 16:49 band dip pull-up
Richard 21:32 RR box dip

Ben Shipley said...

Ben 168 Ring Rows and Deficit Pushups
Jeff 147 Rx
Grace 118 Rx
Karen 126 (PU/JD)
Nat 90 (some rx)
Josh 92 Rx
Freaky G 117 (Banded Dips)
Korynne 101 (PU/JD)
Mike 96 Scaled
Corbin 100 (ski cals/Pullups)
Rich 211 Rx
Noah 108 (PU/JD)
Olan 96 Rx