

OPEN PREP 18.2 - 'ish' 

On an 18 Minute Clock:

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of: 
Dumbbell Front Squat 
Bar-facing burpees 


Build to a HEAVY 1 RM Clean 

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison."
 - Ann Wigmore


Chloe Darley said...

-Bill *first class* air squats and regular burpees/ 35# power clean
-Kurt finished DB front squats and burpees in 10:03 Rx/ 185# clean
-Brennan finished DB front squats and burpees in 14:06 (35# DB’s)/ 115# clean
-Alex finishes DB front squats and burpees in 11:29 Rx/ 235# clean

Aimee Lyons said...

Larissa 8:11 (20#). 70#
Jackie 9:25 (25#). 160#
Mary 9:38 15/ burpee. 125#
Gordy 9:43 (25#). 165#
Megs 7:565 20#/burpees 90#
Yormen 10:30 (30#) 165#

Jackie Halpern said...

Amrap in 12
DB front squat
Then build clean

Lee 9:06 15# /85# PR
Teresa finished 9's 15#/75# PR
Kathy 9:50 12# incline burpee/65#
Jordan 11:40 35#/:)
Lisa 11:33 15#/65#
Deb 11:28 5# incline burpee/45#

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 9:36 Rx 140#

Aimee Lyons said...

Chloe 10:05 Rx 145
Ben 6:10 rx 345 pr
Abby 9:27 20# 75 pr
Karen K 9:59 15# 53 pr
Eric 9:19 40# 225
Sarah 12:47 15# 105
Shannon 7:27 rx 175
Pam 7:41 rx 170
Gent 14:49 35#
Ryan S 9:12 35# 185

Lauren Taylor said...

Lauren 7:57 25# stopped at 125# (lifted clean on Monday)

Ben Shipley said...

Grace 7:32 Rx 185#
Jeff 6:16 Rx PR! 315# (stopped for tweaky catch)
Freaky 7:13 Rx 125#
Danielle G 8:14 Rx 160#
Matt D 8:07 Rx 205#
Matty Bo 11:26 (45 No 50s left) 220#
Trevor 10:34 Rx 215#
Mike M 11:47 (25#) 165#
Adrian 8:17 Rx 253#
Karolina 11:03 (15#) 100#
Rich A 8:21 Rx 293#
Matt P 11:07 (35#) 220#
Graysen 8:57 (15#) 97#
Tucker 9:40 (25#) 185#
Nat 8:46 Rx 165#
John Rd 9 at 12:00 Cap 105#

Ulises 9:00(25#) 135#
Josh 10:23(20#) 115#
Seth 7:00(25/MBSU) 308 BS
Lindsey 8:45 (20#) 85#
Steph 9:22(20#) 120# PR!
Tori 9:37(25#) 115#
Chet 12:00(30#) 135#
Rakshit 11:10Rx 200# PR!!