
W.O.D. 3.31.16

Rowing Grace
1K Row
30 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)
1K Row

"Trust the timing of your life. Stay patient, stay calm, stay determined, stay focused, and most of all trust your journey."


Anonymous said...

if you're new at CFKOP and want to get the 411, check out our FAQ here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ihsWNaBaw3BxHCEPJ5hbCyD9NPdOaOmL3m6AVCVO6Uo/edit

If you would like to get set up on total wod shoot me an email at coachstephvincent@gmail.com and we will get you set up!

Aimee Lyons said...

6:00 AM
Kevin B 12:35 85#
Mike Sim 10:21 rx
Mike San 15:31 75#
Ben M 16:40 95#

Dae 13:58 35#/750M
Jasmine 13:10 35#/750M
Pete 13:05 rx
Bri K 14:35 rx
Nick C 16:33 rx
Jon P 13:55 rx

8:30 AM
Gordy 13:04 115#
Aimee 13:11 rx
Jill A 14:32 rx
Jenna 14:57 75#
Bekah 15:25 85#

9:30 AM
Meggan 15:54 73#
Darcy 15:33 53#
Ashley M 15:41 75#
Heather 15:58 35#

Giulia 15:15 rx
Panos 13:08 rx
Jamie 14:50 75#
Kyle 13:30 65#
Daniel 14:33 85#
Danial 14:15 115#

1:00 PM Masters
Dad 15:38 45#
Terry 17:15 45#
Barb C 18:22 35/45#
Jodilee 15:33 45#
Mom 17:12 20#

12:15 express
Alona 14:31 85#
Jen s 15:38 65#
Tim H 13:56 95#
Mike I 16:04 85#
Erika 15:13 65#
Therese 16:01 55#
Meredith 15:47 55#
Mike S 12:05 rx
Dana 15:40 85#
Pam 14:45 rx
Drew 13:57 115#

4:30 PM
Laura ! 13:15 75#
Justin R 13:15 rx
Mike R 15:00 95#
Anne B 14:04 35#
Luke 16:11 95#
Jess A 13:35 55#
Rob C 12:50 115#

5:30 PM
Keith 11:46 rx
Mark 15:40 115#
Twinnie 16:00 55#
Mariana 15:48 65#
Rich A 12:42 rx
Josh 14:59 120#
Shawna 14:27 65#
Silver Fox 14:12 rx

Keith B said...


Matt E 12:50 Rx
Dave 13:50 Rx
Cline 14:54 125
Erika 14:43 55
EJ 14:53 65
Alicia 16:07 55
Raj 15:38 65
Erik 15:07 115
TJ 15:43 75
Lindsey 13:55 55
Danielle 13:23 55
Mike C 14:17 75
Sermed 15:35 75