
W.O.D. 3.8.16

27-21-15-9 reps of
Thrusters (65/95#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65/95#)

EMOM complete 3 GI Janes (Burpee Pull-ups)

(Time cap 15:00 minutes)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the ANNEX, 110C DeKalb Street. 

"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals."
- Henry Ford


CFKOP iPad said...
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CFKOP iPad said...

Bekah 15:49 kbs
Jess a 16:17 45sc
Karen s 16:20 45 sc kbs
Heather 1545 sc 35
Emma 16:17 35sc

Jenna said...

Briana 15:48 RX
Taylor 15:17 (35, burpee)
Mike Sa 16:21 (53)
Theresa 15:45 (55)
Mike Sim 15:42 RX
Kevin 15:42 (75)
Abby 15:33 (55, pulls)
Manisha 15:58 (35, pulls)
Jon 15:43 RX
Justin 17:44 (65)

Joe 15:53 (75)
Laura A 11:41 (45)

Anonymous said...

EJ 16:20 65
Kate 15:19 25
Mike C 16:10 65 *
Nate 16:19 65 *
TJ 16:10 65 *
Kris 16:20 45
Lindsey 15:55 45
Steph C 15:48 45
Danielle 15:27 45

*full rom on Pull ups

Rachel Spring said...

Julie 13:46 (45#, 1 plate)
Lucy 15:33 (35#, ROM)
Anil :)

Aimee Lyons said...

12:15 and 1:00 Masters
Pam 15:28 65#
Scott 16:13 75#
Meredith 15:48 35#
Mike I 16:12 75#
Rob C :) 65#
Erika :) 45#
Therese 15:45 35#
Jessie 16:00 45#

1:00 pm- Masters
Goblet Squat
Terry/Barb- 227 reps
Kevin/Jodilee 207 reps

Jason Lyons said...

Sarmad: 13:55 (35#)
Giuls: 13:50 (45#)
Fish: 12:59 (35#)
Ly: 15:09 (35# rom)
Jen S: 15:43 (35# rom)
Alona: :) (55#)
Mike R: 15:27 (65#)
Melissa: 15:43 (35# rom)
Matt E: 15:45 (75#)
Dana: 15:17 (55#)

Sarah: 15:40 (35# sc)
Dr. Intensity: 15:50 (75#)
Olan: 15:32 (65#)
Rich A: 15:27 (95#)
Kyle: 15:28 (75#)
Erik: 15:50 (75#)
Dave H: 15:48 (95#)

Unknown said...

:) means math is too hard when you want to die.

Aimee Lyons said...

True story Erika!