Congratulations to Tim H. our Athlete of the Month for September!
I spent most of the last twenty years living on takeout food and beer. I kept my weight down by biking everywhere. After finishing college six years ago, I got a desk job. No more biking. I drove from my house in the city to my office in the suburbs and back. Between 2005 and 2010, I put on about 50 pounds. I belonged to a globo-gym for 6 years and I rarely went. I was not good at motivating myself. I would run on the treadmill and use a few machines. The free weights were way too intimidating for me. I took up long distance running for about a year. It was OK, but not really my thing.
In 2010, I was introduced to CrossFit by a friend. I came to KoP for the intro class and I thought I was going to die doing the baseline. I couldn’t believe 10 minutes of work could turn me into a quivering puddle. I hated it, but I wanted to stick with it because I wanted to find something that could work for me. For the first few months I did not enjoy CrossFit at all. I was frustrated by how weak I was I struggled to stick with it, but my wife was teasing me about being a quitter, so I kept on going. Unlike the globo-gym, Crossfitt did not allow me to just “pass the time” at the gym, I had to get through the class, no time to play on my iPhone while sitting on a weight lifting machine. The other added bonus of Crossfit was the support of other members and coaches. I was not anonymous and I felt that my improvements were positively noted. By the second or third month of my membership; I started noticing positive changes in my body, new found energy and satisfaction from my accomplishments at CrossFit I have learned so many new things; including olympic lifts that I hadn’t heard of eighteen months ago.
The coaches are phenomenal and the community that Aimee, Jason and the rest of the coaching staff built is just awesome. I can’t count the times that someone’s cheering has pushed me when I felt like I was burnt out. I’ve been to five other CrossFit affiliates and while there are great things about each of them, they don’t compare to what we have at CrossFit King of Prussia.
Since I started CrossFit in May 2010 I have lost about 35 pounds. Since July 2010, I’ve lost 20 pounds, 6 inches off my waist and reduced my body fat percentage by 7%. A lot of that is due to meeting with Aimee last month to talk to her about nutrition. She had me start on the Zone Diet. Prior to talking with Aimee, I had lost some weight by cutting back on grains, but I was at a plateau. My weight had not changed in a few months. Over the last four weeks that I’ve been doing Zone I’ve dropped 12 pounds and I no longer have that mid afternoon post lunch coma. It requires planning that I’m not used to, but the results are definitely worth it.
Thank you Aimee, Jason, Nikki, Tim, Chris, Jeff, Cindy and Donkey for the great coaching and advice you’ve given me. I’m looking forward to being a member for a long, long time.
Getting to know Tim H. – Q & A:
Hometown: Malvern, PA
Current Location: Philadelphia, PA
Age: 43
Occupation: IT
College: Drexel
Did you ever play sports? No, never.
When did you start CrossFit? May 2010
What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit? 35 pounds lost since I started CrossFit. Next time I see my doctor, she won’t yell at me about my weight.
Goals for the rest of this year? Climb the rope, get a handstand push up, double unders.
What do you feel that you still need to work on? Scaling the 8’ wall, overhead squats, pull ups, etc.
What is your favorite time of day to WOD? After work. “CrossFit. It’s better than happy hour.”
What's your favorite WOD? I don’t have a favorite. I like any WOD that uses barbells.
What’s your least favorite WOD? I don’t have one in particular, anything where I have to be upside down (HSPUs) or in the air (rope climbs)
What’s your favorite lift? The Deadlift. Although it’s also the one that got me three months of physical therapy for being stupid.
What’s your least favorite lift? Just about anything overhead.
What's your favorite foods, and snacks? Grass fed beef (Yay Philly Cow Share!), Eggs, avocado, lots of fruits and nuts.
Who is your favorite coach? I love all my coaches equally.
PR's to mention? Continuing with CrossFit. I have never stuck with an exercise program as consistently as I have with CrossFit.
Tim H. is the MAN! there are a few people I can list as being so dedicated to CF and have seen such improvement; Tim H. is definitely on that list. What Tim doesn't tell you is how his DEDICATION to getting better is what MAKES him better. Tim shows up to barbell strength consistently and works on his weaknesses. We can all take a lesson from him and figure out what we want to work on and DO IT! Congrats on the gains Tim, I'm excited to see you continue your CF journey.
Congratulations Tim!!!! This is an honor you totally deserve. I will never forget the first time we met- Team Angie with 400 reps of pull-ups, push ups, sit ups and squats between me, you, Jeff and Jaime. I think it may have been your first WOD. I was soo worried about you after that WOD and now look at you!!!! I am so happy to see how far you've come. You are a true example of what hard work can do for a person. You definitely come to the box with a smile and you are always ready to give it your all! I too look forward to seeing all of your future successes and accomplishments at KOP! Keep up what you're doing my friend because it is definitely working!!
Congrats Tim!! Well deserved! I have enjoyed working out with you over the last year+ and am in awe of the constant improvements that you make. I have noticed your confidence grow as time has gone on and see no reason why you can't reach and exceed all of your CF goals going forward. Keep up the good work!!
Love your attitude and energy in a wod! Well deserved Tim! Keep pushing and staying positive! Congratulations!!
You are the only person who literally looked like you were going to pass out and, and you kept on going. You never quit.
Congrats on your progress.
Keep kicking ass Tim!
Grats Tim, you helped me out with some workouts in the beginning, made me feel comfortable, paid it forward. sorry I had to get back down to florida for law school, but when i get back up to philly, i'll join you for happy hour!
Awesome work, Tim!!
Congrats Tim!!! You are always a pleasure to be in class with. Keep up the great work!
Congrats Tim! Glad all of your hard work is paying off!
Tim - great to see you making such great progress. Keep it up!
Congrats on all your progress Tim! You're one of the nicest people I know, and an excellent athelete and sportsman. I love this picture of you, it captures the incredible determination you bring to every workout.
Congrats Tim! You continue to inspire, keep up the great work.
Tim, well deserved! Congrats and keep up the great work!
Congrats Tim! So happy for you and all your accomplishments. It's been a treat coaching you and watching you grow into the new you!
Great profile, Tim! Congrats on all you've accomplished! Keep it up!
Tim: You always bring it--a positive attitude and an incredibly solid work ethic. Watching you progress in the lifts and skills has been a pleasure and a testament to what dedication can bring. kudos to you!
Awesome work Tim!
I admire your honesty about your crossfit experience and what lead you to it. I never noticed you were struggling ; )
Its good to learn more about you - keep up the awesome work!
Tim, I can think of no one better to be the August Athlete of the Month. That next doctor's visit is going to feel great!
Congrats Tim! It has been great to work along side of you at the box
TIM!!! I am so proud of you! We started about the same time together and you are such an inspiration to me! I always love walking into the box and seeing you there, buddy! WAY TO GO!!!
Congratulations Tim, way to go! You have inspired me by what you wrote as I am now right where you were last year… frustrated by my weakness, struggling & struggling to stick with it. Some days I question if I'm cut out for this; it’s really hard & discouraging feeling like that. You just helped me see that I’m not any different than others & to stick with it. Thank you!
Tim thanks for sharing your story allmof your hard work and dedication are really paying off, and you can see the amazing results you're getting. You always out your all into a WOD, even if it's something you don't like or struggle with, I know that if you're working out you are giving it your all. Keep up the amazing work, you are a great athlete of the month!
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