
W.O.D. 9.24.19

For time:
Push Press (95#/135#)
Ring Dips

Complete 10 Push Press followed by 1 Ring Dip, 9 Push Press, followed by 2 Ring Dips...leading up to your last set which will consist of 1 Push Press followed by 10 Ring Dips.

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."
-Ben Franklin


Jenna said...

Jenna 16:30 rx

Cate 13:56 (65/ band)
Tyler 12:29 rx
Albert 16:45 (band)

Stephanie Vincent said...

Just wanted to take a few moments to share my coaching philosphy when it comes to the RX, since we've had a few workouts lately with movements that are easy to unintentionally short change standards (push ups, push press, ring dips, wall balls).

Movement standards are important in CrossFit for many reasons. Yes, it can help us more fairly compare our performance to others but more importantly they help us compare our own performances over time. Standards help us to move well. Meeting full range of motion in functional movements is not only virtuous; it is also important for efficiency, improvement and often safety.

As a coach, if an athlete is not meeting a movemment's standards (and is physically able) I am going to cue them to fix it. If the issue continues, I may suggest a scale (or demand it if not safe). If the athlete continues without fixing, I'm 100% going to question an rx score at the end of the workout. However I will allow the athlete to ultimately decide if their score was RX.

I am a coach, not a judge. I'm not watching every rep. I don't know if bad reps were made up. Sometimes my angle isn't the best. We are all adults, If I question you and you still say its RX, that's the score I will post.

The reality is the daily WOD is just a workout. It's up to each individual athlete to make the most out of their fitness everyday. What one person does has little to do with what others are doing. When it's competition time there will be a judge to no rep unmet standards.

All that being said...integrity is important. How we do one thing, is how we do everything. Take pride in your performances, earn your RX and own your Scales too!! Scaling isn't in place of the RX, scaling is process towards RX (and making the RX more efficient, more safe and more virtuous).

Stephanie Vincent said...

Rich A 7:20rx
Pete D 10:20 115
Cate 11:37 rx
Meredith 11:04 65/ftbox
remer 13:58rx
bridget 14:11 ftbox
joe c 10:39 115
erin 14:03 85/ftbox
dana 15:40 rx

1pm Masters
cathy 14:13 dip/incpush, 35
dianne 11:08 45/pdip
eileen 10:48 35/ft support
pam 10:12 43/ft support
terry 8:55 45/ft support
anne 12:03 45/pdip

Manisha said...

Holly F 14:30 RD using box/55#
Jamie Sp 11:44 Burpee DL
Jeremy D 11:00 115#
Mike C 15:06 85/ROM Dips
Manny 17:29 85#/ROM Dips
Laura s 10:12 55/sc Dips
Kevin B 13:38 115#
Andre 14:00 sc dips
Christine R 11:02 Dips using Box/55#

Mike M 15:02 115#
Sam B 11:36 Rx
Alfredo 16:10 95/sc dips
King 16:50 115
Mike P 14:00 115/sc dips
Mak 15:08 Dips using Box
Colin R 14:58 115

Evie said...

Anna C 11:30 standing ring 55#
Delaney 12:29 65# box ring
Ryan C 13:32 95# box dip

Mary H 12:17 65# box ring
Jackie H 14:01 85# box ring
Em G 13:57 65# box ring
Shawn 14:33 115#
Ben 13:50 105# sc dip
Christina 14:20 45-45# box dip
Tim H 12:42 95# box dip

Jenna said...

Alex tu 18:43 (75)
Roberto 15:16 rx
Josh mc 10:15 rx
Matty bo 16:57 (band)
siva 17:20 (95, ft)
Micah 12:37 rx
Donna g 10:53 (70, box dips)
Yasmine 14:10 (45, box)
Amanda w 13:40 (55, box)
Tunde 15:07 (65, box)
Larissa 12:38 (55, ft)
Sydney 13:44 (65, box)
Jill h 15:16 (75, ft)
Mike m did work
Raj 14:43 (band/ box)
Joe m 14:40 (125, ft)

Danielle Gambone said...

Blaire 14:08,63,box dips
Alex 12:11,80,box dips
Missy 12:11,65,box dips
Mike R 10:12,115
Colleen 10:50,box dips
Ro 11:53,65,box dips

Anonymous said...

Jen: 10:20 85 box
John: 7:56 rx
Jeff: 9:35 RX
Joe: 10:19 RX
Andrew: 9:59 RX
Cory:10:05 RX
Bhargav: 11:55 75 box

Gia: 13:15 75 Band
Steph C: 11:44 58 Band
Erika R: 11:56 55 band
Laura S: 9:@7 30 box
Subhan: 14:28 1/2 dips
Josh: 14:20 RX