

30 Overhead Squats (75#/115#)
60 AB Mat sit ups
20 Overhead Squats
40 AB Mat sit ups
10 Overhead Squats
20 AB Mat sit ups

“Our thoughts create our reality -- where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go.”
-Peter McWilliam


Stephanie Vincent said...

Rachel W 12:16 15#
Gina S 10:47 55#
Justin R 13:36 75#
Ellie 10:25 50#
KT 9:45 Rx
JK 10:43 40#
Roni 10:54 65#
Klutch 11:57 Rx

Mark C 11:21 115
Nick C 13:19 95
King 11:55 115
Dinger 11:29 FS
Peter 14:20 Rx
Oleg 10:10 Rx
Alex 11:23 95

Paul S said...

brian H 10:53

Unknown said...


Mark B 9:44 backsquat
Timmy P 7:34 75
Brian R 9:46 95
Westwood 10:45 45

Great work scaling the weight back and keeping the stimulus of the workout in mind!

Paul S said...

Diane 10:20 RX
Rich 10:33 SC
Susan 8:25 #45
Jill H. 9:14
Jonathan 8:15 SC
Dan M. 12:07
Derreck 12:22 #95
Agam 12:33 #75FS
Jess C. 10:46 #65
Kwon 9:29 #75
Dave 9:41 #95
Sue L. 13:45 #45
Tracy 10:39 #45
Bre 10:38 #55
Kelly 10:41 #25
Steph C. 11:50 #35

Killa said...

Just in case we see this one again...
Sara 6:57 Rx
Kevin 10:31 95#