

Back Squat

Max body weight back squats in 5 minutes.

"We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible."
-George Santayana

Nora 103 / 50@53
Jen K 118 / 65@53
Kim G 135 / 41@83
Jason Form / 49@75
Pete 265 Pr / 50Rx
Oleg 275 Pr / 49Rx
Pat Pad 295 / 23Rx
Nick V 235 / 36@135
Nick T 235 / 31Rx
Dinger 195 30@165
Nick Z. 235-36RX
D.C. 205-28@110
Susan 160-40@95
Jessie 145 30@93
Byrnsey 245
McC 315
Riley 110
Becky 125
Joe C. 220-40@135
Keith 405 (PR!) /68@rx
Fayth 105 /44@75#
Anne 100/ 36@ 65#
Seshu 153 / 38@123#
Gavin 155/ 22@rx
Smizzy 130/ 25@rx
Bridget 105/ 30@ 85#
Jill 100/ 35@ 75#
Stephanie 103/ 50@75#
Mike P 355# PR/74 @165
Lee 250/31 BW
Andrew 250 HUGE PR/39 BW
Sandy 145/20 @ 105
Tim 255/38 @ 155
Al 365/50 BW
Conn 275/29 @ 165
Borden 325/28 @ 205
Erika 155/24@115
Lauren 175 PR/20 @135
Johnny 285/40 BW
Greg 215/ 23 BW
Kyle 255/56 BW
John 210 /21 @ 145
DeeDee 175 PR/19 @ 125


Sarah J. said...


Nora 103 / 50@53
Jen K 118 / 65@53
Kim G 135 / 41@83
Jason Form / 49@75
Pete 265 Pr / 50Rx
Oleg 275 Pr / 49Rx
Pat Pad 295 / 23Rx
Nick V 235 / 36@135
Nick T 235 / 31Rx
Dinger 195 30@165

Nice work morning crew, a couple PRs too! Jason, backing the weight down was the right call, I could see you getting better and better with each rep once we lightened the load, nice job, stick with it. Nora, nice correction as well, in warm ups your lower back was definitely rounding under, but as we dialed in your technique it seemed like we eliminated it all together. Awesome!

Chris P. said...

One of the gold standards for CrossFit is a double bodyweight back squat for guys, a little over bodyweight back squat for ladies. Some elite olympic lifters have had upwards of 300-380% though! See this excerpt from Poliquin:

"For most sportsmen a double bodyweight squat, ass to the grass, is plenty to compete at the Olympics in most power sports. You can achieve that norm by squatting once every 5 days. That being said, such results won’t do much for you if you want to step on the podium in a weightlifting event!

The top eight weightlifters in the world often full squat between 350 and 380 percent of their bodyweight, with the higher percentages being seen in the lighter weight classes. For example, Stefan Botev back squatted 370 kg at 110 kilos bodyweight, while his Bulgarian teammate did 404 percent of bodyweight in the 67.5 kg weight class.

Agapitov squatted seven days a week to become World Champion. But in order to get to that level of proficiency, weightlifters will often squat 9 to 15 times a week." - http://www.charlespoliquin.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/668/Best_Tips_For_Maximal_Squat.aspx

Other "standards": http://www.crossfit.com/cf-journal/WLSTANDARDS.pdf

Jason Lyons said...

Great links P and people complain about Smolov! LoL

Jason Lyons said...

To continue conversation...what are you working on outside of class?


1) eccentric false grip holds
2) stretching
3) trying a new routine designed by Brother Jon starting Monday.

Meighan said...

1 - Training smarter. I was scared of heavy squats for a long time but I worked on building a base, technique, and stretching and am now seeing the payoff.

2 - Mixing in some am workouts - constantly varied, right?

3 - My tan

4 - Butterfly pullups!

Denise said...

Jason - I like when you post questions to start conversation. For me, I am working on butterfly pullups and muscle up progressions. I would ideally like to work on endurance also but have not been able to make it to one of Tim's endurance WODs yet.

Jen "Smizzy" Smith said...

At home I am working on:
1. Shoulder mobility
2. Kipping
3. The ever elusive consecutive
double unders

Tim P said...

Hmmm, speaking of Endurance, come out to our track workout tomorrow at 5:30pm and see what you can run a mile in.
If anyone can beat Jim C in a mile, i'll buy you a Rita's gelato.

Thurs: Short and Fast speed day:
warm up
Timed Mile (4 laps on the track)
Full Recovery then:

jim c said...

If no one beats me, do I get gelato?

Paul S said...


Nick Z. 235-36RX
D.C. 205-28@110
Susan 160-40@95
Jessie 145 30@93

Jessie, you made amazing progress on your squat today, way to go!


Byrnsey 245
McC 315
Riley 110PR!
Becky 125PR!

4:30 B.A.C

Joe C. 220-40@135

Paul S said...

I am bringing Greg tomorrow to endurance if time permits... Jim... Better be ready.

Aimee Lyons said...

Arin should bring Teagan!!!

Jason Lyons said...

I can beat him...

On my bike

Jen S. said...


Keith 405 (PR!) /68@rx
Fayth 105 /44@75#
Anne 100/ 36@ 65#
Seshu 153 / 38@123#
Gavin 155/ 22@rx
Smizzy 130/ 25@rx
Bridget 105/ 30@ 85#
Jill 100/ 35@ 75#
Stephanie 103/ 50@75#

Squueeeeze the butt!!! Knees out! Chest Tall!

Miranda said...

Mike P 355# PR/74 @165
Lee 250/31 BW
Andrew 250 HUGE PR/39 BW
Sandy 145/20 @ 105
Tim 255/38 @ 155

Al 365/50 BW
Conn 275/29 @ 165
Borden 325/28 @ 205
Erika 155/24@115
Lauren 175 PR/20 @135
Johnny 285/40 BW
Greg 215/ 23 BW
Kyle 255/56 BW
John 210 /21 @ 145
DeeDee 175 PR/19 @ 125

Great work tonight guys! Saw some big numbers!

Miranda said...

What I'm working on:

1. 220# back squat
2. Rehabing my elbow back so I can get into a front rack position and all other upper body lifts
3. Endurance

Anonymous said...

I am working on qualifying for the American open. It's a big scarey goal...with big scarey weights. But I want to see what I am able to achieve when I put in work and dedication. This is the first time I'm announcing this in public. That's scarey too.