

For time:
50 Ring Dips
Run 400 meters or Row 500 Meters
50 Push-ups
Run 400 meters or Row 500 Meters
50 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters or Row 500 Meters

Community Notes:
All weekend classes (on 6/29 and 6/30) will be held at he Annex!

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
- Thomas Jefferson

Roni 23:54 scale
King 23:17 SB
KT 25:00 (less 37 hspu)
Lam 25:00 band (less 41 SB)
Pete 23:30 SB
Rebecca 22:08 scale
Kim 24:54 scale
Pat Pad 22:26 band/Rom
Mike S 24:48 scale
Dave N 25:00 scale (less 400M)
Susan 17:01 SC
Alison K. 13:50 1/2
Steph C. 18:12 SC
Diane 14:18 1/2
David 15:16 SC
Nick Z. 13:01 SC
Beth 22:45 SC
Sue L. 20:25 1/2
Bre 18:35 SC
Hector 30:26 (ab)
Chris F 29:19 (scale)
P 25:30 Rx
Kyle W 21:59 (scale)
Becky 27:24 band
Killlla 33:29 (abs)
Ryan 19:32 (SB)
Travis 28:18 (scale)
Sam B 16:27 Rx (some people think he did half reps)
Heather 22:12 scale
Shawna 20:05 scale
Jess S 27:39 scale
Mark B 21:26 scale
Jill 21:06 scale
Nora 21:15 scale
Joe P 21:26 scale
Bill 26:29 scale
Miranda 26:35 scale
Oleg 18:59 scale
Vinny 29:31 Rx
Faby 28:31 ROM
Derreck 22:03 scale
Borden 22:38 scale
Johnny 29:52 scale
Ryan P 21:37 scale
Melissa 24:14 scale
Conn 19:30 scale
Pablo 28:31 scale
Deedee 28:22 scale row
Ditty 26:40 scale row
Kate C 35:42 Rx
Maria 26:30 scale
Seshu 30:13 scale
Bridget 28:16 scale
Justin h 38:26 rx/run
Sharon 31:36 run/scale
Dianne 20:38 run/half/scale
Natalia 20:48 row500/scale/half reps
Sam m 28:39 run/rom on rd/hspu
Jack 24:49 run/scale 


Paul S said...

Vinny said...


under a 25:00 cap

Roni 23:54 scale
King 23:17 SB
KT 25:00 (less 37 hspu)
Lam 25:00 band (less 41 SB)
Pete 23:30 SB
Rebecca 22:08 scale
Kim 24:54 scale
Pat Pad 22:26 band/Rom
Mike S 24:48 scale
Dave N 25:00 scale (less 400M)

SB = stink bug
everyone ran

For 6am, this was a WOD where muscle fatigue set in before lung capacity ran out. As reps get harder, try your best to maintain solid form, and scale accordingly.

We used variable scales today, that is; as one method became impossible we stepped down to the next variation that allowed the movement to be completed. Get with a coach and make sure you have the necessary scales set up for your needs.

Lastly, I don't know about other classes, but there is a 2 ab mat limit for HSPU at the Wednesday 6am class. If you're putting 3 and 4 ab mats under your head for HSPU, the range of motion is so limited that you almost can't improve. Think about stink bugs or box HSPUs as a solid alternative...just my thought, maybe there is someone out there that started with 7 ab mats and had success.

Jason Lyons said...

My comment on scaling HSPU is as follows: If you are afraid of getting upside down, you need to work on getting upside down, even if that is with multiple ab mats. Vinny is correct and a 0.005" deficit will not make you stronger at HSPU but it will get you comfortable in that position. Stink bugs are a MAGNIFICANT tool to get stronger but you ABSOLUTELY must do them the correct way to get the benefit. I used to struggle with HSPU and I worked on stink bugs quite often and now I can string over 15 strict HSPU when fresh. To get stronger, you need to keep your butt as high as you can in a pike position and touch your head as far in front of your hands as you can. You are basically approaching crow where you feel ALL of your weight is being supported by your tri's. If you do this correctly, stink bugs IMHO are 100% harder than HSPU.

Sarah J. said...

Yeah, Jason, I totally agree, being comfortable upside down is key to that movement. Today was especially challenging as most athletes could not stabilize while upside after the dips and push-ups.

Doing some "kick ups" or "kick up holds" spliced in with the reps is an awesome idea, but what I saw today, made it really tough, and understandably so.

Megs said...

Happy Birthday Boots!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Susan 17:01 SC
Alison K. 13:50 1/2
Steph C. 18:12 SC
Diane 14:18 1/2
David 15:16 SC
Nick Z. 13:01 SC
Beth 22:45 SC
Sue L. 20:25 1/2
Bre 18:35 SC

Chris P. said...

Paul aka Boots!

Happy birthday buddy! I remember when you and Melissa came in for your intro. Oh if you only knew what world you were getting yourself into. You dove in headfirst and haven't looked back. I'm glad you found something you care about so much and dedicate so much time towards (who else besides maybe Aimee can say they spend 12+ hours at the gym most days??)

Do some "21"s for your birthday...or should it be "24"s??

Paul S said...

Thanks P!

Miranda said...

Happy Birthday Paul!!!!!

Chris P. said...

(everyone ran)
Sam B 16:27 Rx (some people think he did half reps)
Heather 22:12 scale
Shawna 20:05 scale
Jess S 27:39 scale
Mark B 21:26 scale
Jill 21:06 scale
Nora 21:15 scale
Joe P 21:26 scale
Bill 26:29 scale
Miranda 26:35 scale

Oleg 18:59 scale
Vinny 29:31 Rx
Faby 28:31 ROM
Derreck 22:03 scale
Borden 22:38 scale
Johnny 29:52 scale
Ryan P 21:37 scale
Melissa 24:14 scale
Conn 19:30 scale
Pablo 28:31 scale
Deedee 28:22 scale row
Ditty 26:40 scale row
Kate C 35:42 Rx
Maria 26:30 scale

Scales included but were not limited to: bands, leg support, knees, stink bugs, ab mats and plates.

Great job folks, that one was "JT" on roids!

Jen S. said...

Seshu 30:13 scale
Bridget 28:16 scale

Anonymous said...

Justin h 38:26 rx/run
Sharon 31:36 run/scale
Dianne 20:38 run/half/scale
Natalia 20:48 row500/scale/half reps
Sam m 28:39 run/rom on rd/hspu
Jack 24:49 run/scale

Great job finishing this wod Justin. Most of the time it makes sence to scale for intensity and time domain. But this was just one of those times when making it through the wod RX was just the right thing to do for you personally. It was frustrating but you did it. Legit.

Unknown said...

Hahaha I believe you Sam b!

Unknown said...
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