

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Squat Cleans (75/115#)

Cash out:
400 Meter body Weight Sled Pull

Community Reminders:
Our Summer Schedule starts this evening, we will offer a 3:30, 4:30 and 5:30 CrossFit Class followed by a 6:30 Barbell Strength Class. There will be no 7:30PM class throughout the summer.

"Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities."
-Robert H. Schuller

Bre 5 + 4 (65/jmu) (3:45 for 200M)
Barb 6 + 3 (55/jmu) (3:58 100M)
Mike T 4 + 8 Rx (6:07 400M)
Sarah S 5 (45/jmu)  (5:00 200M)
Dianne 4+3 (35#/jmu)
Alison 5 + 5 (jmu) (5:39 200M)
Brian R 6+3 (95#box13") 7:41
Dave N 5+3 (85#box17") 6:36
Sue L 3+4 #35
Steph C 4 #55
Jill 3+15 #55
JZ 5 somethin
Sharon 3+11
Jason I 4+ 11 (45/sc), 10:25 rx+
Jill c 5+ 14 (45/sc), 4:50 (90)
Jody :), 8:54
Shawna :) (15/sc), ?
Kate c 3+14 (115/sc)
Miranda 5+5 (sc), 9:30
Melanie 5+5 (sc), 9:56
Ryan s. 4+ 12 (105/sc), ?
Kyle w. 5+ 8 (115/sc) 


Sarah J. said...

Vinny said...

Can I just say that I freakin loved this weeks WODs!!! I hate that jury duty had me sidelined for some of them...but, its been an awesome week for KOP wods. It always is, but this week was beyond the normal awesomeness!!!

Chris P. said...

for those not on the Book...Testimony from Gina S. on getting stronger


Chris P. said...

6 spots left for CJ clinic this Sunday from 12-3pm. Sign up here!


Paul S said...

Sue L 3+4 #35
Steph C 4 #55
Jill 3+15 #55
JZ 5 somethin
Sharon 3+11

Anonymous said...

Jason I 4+ 11 (45/sc), 10:25 rx+
Jill c 5+ 14 (45/sc), 4:50 (90)
Jody :), 8:54
Shawna :) (15/sc), ?
Kate c 3+14 (115/sc)
Miranda 5+5 (sc), 9:30
Melanie 5+5 (sc), 9:56
Ryan s. 4+ 12 (105/sc), ?
Kyle w. 5+ 8 (115/sc)