
W.O.D. 4.20.12

Congratulations to Mike and Tracy on the birth of Erin Marie! She was born yesterday weighing in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and 20 inches long.

For total time and rounds complete the following.

100 Double Unders

AMRAP in 7 Minutes of:
10 Pistols (one legged squat- alternating R/L)
20 Kettlebell Swings 35#/55#

100 Double Unders

Community Notes:
Reminder -- the Gym will be closed this weekend for the Level 1 trainer course. We will host a 9:00AM Adventure WOD both days. Meet and park at Frosty Falls. Rain or Shine.

Dorothy, Gina, Keith and Kristin T. will all be going through the course this weekend. Wish them luck!


Happy Birthday Nina!

“When you reach the top, keep climbing.”

John C 10:11/4
Mike P 17:12/5
Jamie 16:24 + 3
Jen S. 11:07 + 4
Keleigh 12:56 + 4
Shoeless 13:47 + 2
Faby 23:08 + 4
Jason 10:36 + 4
Matt O 10:49 + 2

Alanna 17:39/4 (50DUA/thinbkl/18#)
Tidmore 14:17/3 (SU)
Jay E 21:05/4 (Blue)
Lam 11:55/3 (17box)
Ellie 15:31/3 (13box/26#)
Gina 13:54/4 (blue)
Mike S. 23:04/3 (DU&DUA/Blk/35#)
Chip 15:05/5 (blue)
Peter 10:48/4 (blue)
Dawn 18:01/3 (box)
Kim C 12:49/3 (band/35)
Susan 17:34/4 (squatsubforDU)
Barb Z 17:23/3 (box)
Lauren 20:17/3
Kara 18:18/3
King 16:43/3 (box)
Jim C. 11:51/3 row/box
Sharon 18:45/4
Megs 12:29/4 box
Stasie 15:38/4 band
Kim G 14:42/3 band/singles
JNa 16:45/3 (35/du)
Lisa C. 17:11/4 SU/band
Jeremy 17:52/3 box
Mrs. Peterbutt 13:35 + 3 scale
Mr. Peterbutt 10:31 + 3 band
Dee Dee 14:19 + 3 band
Katie 12:48 + 3 SU/band
Tim H. 14:27 + 4 scale
Nathan 13:27 + 3 scale
Shawn T. 11:52 + 3 ROM
Kyle 17:48 + 3 (17”/35#)
Borden12:33 + 3 band
Nick 15:30 + 2 13” (SU)
Tracy 14:15 + 3 band/26#
Derreck 13:48 (55#/band/SU)
Alison 16:34 + 5 band
Paul 20:26 + 3 (70#/17”)
Melissa 19:50 + 3 (26#/13”)
Rebecca 13:10 + 4 band
Ph 17:54 + 5 (bands)
Justin R 15:21 + 2 (band, 50DU)
Heather 11:55 + 3 (dua, 35#)
Alexis 13:38 + 2 (35DU, 26#, band)
Josh S 10:26 + 3 (plate)
John S 10:44 + 3 (plate)
WW 17:02 + 3 (squats)
Kathleen 15:24 + 2 (band/plate)



Jeff said...

Congrats Mike V and Tracy! And Happy Birthday Nina!

Howard said...

Congratulations Mike and Tracy!

Happy Birthday Nina!

Sooki said...

Gorgeous! Congrats!

I feel some debauchery coming on. Happy bday, nina!

Sooki said...

Hey, Aimee. Maybe it's my phone or cuz i'm punchcard but I'll see you for the noon wod today

Unknown said...

Congratulations mike and Tracy.

Chris P. said...

Mike and Tracy, congratulations! She looks great!

Chris P. said...

Happy birthday Nina! Your strength, both physical and mental, is awesome, but your positive attitude is even better. Enjoy your day!

Chris and Nicole S said...

Congrats Mike and Tracy! Happy Birthday Nina!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mike & Tracy!


Happy Birthday Nina!


Megs said...

Congratulations Mike and Tracey on a healthy and beautiful baby girl!

Happy Birthday Nina! Can't wait to see all you accomplish in 2012!

Anonymous said...

Alanna 17:39/4 (50DUA/thinbkl/18#)
Tidmore 14:17/3 (SU)
Jay E 21:05/4 (Blue)
Lam 11:55/3 (17box)
Ellie 15:31/3 (13box/26#)
Gina 13:54/4 (blue)
Mike S. 23:04/3 (DU&DUA/Blk/35#)

Chip 15:05/5 (blue)
Peter 10:48/4 (blue)

Some of the atheltes this morning choose a banded scale for the pistols. the band is strung over a rack at a height where you can sit on the band. The thickness of the band determines how much help you get from it. The idea is to get FULL range of motion with this scale (hip crease below knee crease). If you use it, make sure that your foot is under your body (not out in front), weight is kept in the heel and that you stand all the way up coming out of it before putting the other foot down.

Morning classes did a max unbroken kettlebell swing cash out. The Rockstar of the morning was Gina with 100 reps with the 35lber- legit! Have fun at the cert this weekend Lady!

Happy Birthday Nina!! And Congrats Mike V and Family!!

Mike P said...

Welcome Erin Marie, and congrats Mike and Tracy!!!

Happy Birthday to THE Nina!!!

Oleg said...

Happy Birthday Nina! Have a great and fun one!!


Congrats Mike & Tracy!

Laura Pappas said...

Congrats Mike and Tracy! So exctied to see your bundle of joy made it :)

Kristin T. said...

Congrats Mike and Tracy!

steph said...

Happy Birthday Nina!!!!
Congrats Mike & Tracy!
Good luck to Level 1s this weekend!!!

I see one common celebratory theme here... BEER! :)

Nina said...

Thanks everyone! That will be 24 birthday burpees please :D You all are the best, you all make me so happy and are awesome motivators, and I would not be where I am today without all your support and awesomeness! You all have a great day too, see you all in MAY! (For reals this time ;) )

And Congrats Mike and Tracy!!

Jason Lyons said...

Happy thoughts to everyone. Smiles to Mike, Tracy, Nina and all of their families as well...even the extended ones that they do not like that much that pinch your cheeks at holidays.

Beer...ah the good ole days of CrossFit after a 'cert'...it went from keggers in 2008 to 2 cases...if you are lucky in 2012...more people drink progenex than beer. It is how I know I will never be great. lol

Tidmore said...

Happy Birthday Nina and Erin Marie!

Mike S said...

Mike and Tracy, congratulations on your great news!

Nina, happy birthday! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Congrats Mike & Tracy!

Happy Birthday Nina! Hope you have a great day!

Lindsey said...

Congrats Mike and Tracy. Happy Birthday Nina!

In other news, my sister just told me that today is the LAST day to sign up for the Lancaster Farm Co-op program. If you haven't signed up yet and wanted to, make sure you get online and submit an application TODAY!

Anonymous said...

Jason -

Are you still doing the golf outing in a couple of weeks? I haven't seen any details or anything.



Jason Lyons said...

Ellie, sorry, I will work with Aimee to get them up tonight. The golf tourney is May 12th. Details forthcoming!

BTW, come to my classes, I have not seen you in forever!

Anonymous said...

Did the date change? I thought you had said May 5th before. Perhaps that was my mistake. Either way, I will try to make it.

Coming to class tomorrow! It has definitely been awhile.


donkey said...

Happy birthday, The Nina! Enjoy your day and we will hopefully see you tonight!

Congratulations, Mike V and Tracy! She's beautiful!

Melanie said...

Donkey says:
5:30 results:

Mrs. Peterbutt 13:35 + 3 scale
Mr. Peterbutt 10:31 + 3 band
Keleigh 12:56 + 4 Rx
Dee Dee 14:19 + 3 band
Katie 12:48 + 3 SU/band
Tim H. 14:27 + 4 scale
Nathan 13:27 + 3 scale
Jamie 16:24 + 3 Rx
Jen S. 11:07 + 4 Rx
Shawn T. 11:52 + 3 Rx /ROM

6:30 results:

Kyle 17:48 + 3 (17”/35#)
Borden12:33 + 3 band
Nick 15:30 + 2 13” (SU)
Tracy 14:15 + 3 band/26#
Faby 23:08 + 4 Rx
Derreck 13:48 (55#/band/SU)
Alison 16:34 + 5 band
Shoeless 13:47 + 2 Rx
Paul 20:26 + 3 (70#/17”)
Melissa 19:50 + 3 (26#/13”)
Rebecca 13:10 + 4 band

Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys... the ladies are doing great!

Happy birthday, Nina!

Mike V.

Miranda said...

Congrats Mike and Tracy! Happy Birthday Nina!!!

Good luck to everyone taking the L1