


10 RM Overhead Squat

Cash Out: 

5 Rounds for time of:

10 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10 ft)
10 Handstand Push-ups

“Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness.” 
– Jean Vanier


Colette said...

Bill 33# practice, :) 7 reps of each stink bug 14#
Edwin 135# 4:58 stink bug
Brennan 80# 7:04 stink bug
Subhan 135# 5:55 push ups
Tucker 65# :)

Colette said...

Chet 85# 6:17 14# 1 kick up/5 stick bug
Aimee 110# 5:33 rx
Cate 85# 5:11rx
Jackie 110#pr! 7:42 6 hspu 2 mats
Mary 65# 1 mat 12# 6 hspu

Aimee Lyons said...

Keith 135 6:22 rx
Matty Bo 135 6:23 3 AB 6 hspu
Shannon 115 852 8 hspu in last 3 rds
Camila 20 6:50 10# to 8 ft pushup knees
Lauren 145 x5 BS 6:33 12 MBC 14#/ 12 slamball 15#
Geoff 245 X10 BS 7:01 25 DB thruster stink bug pushup

Deb 35 BS/ 6:57 8#8 ft GHD push up
Kathy 35 BS 6:16 8#8 ft GHD push up
Teresa 11 7:28 8 push ups/ 1 ab mat 1 band
Gordy 65 4:18 14# to 9 ft push ups 1 AB
Ali 45 5:44 10# 4 ab hspu
Jordan 15 5:24 14# push up
Richard 16 6:40 10# push up 1 AB
Lisa 20 6:31 10# push up

Chloe Darley said...

Korynne 105# 7:55 5 strict HSPU
Grace 135# 5:28 Rx
Gent 65# 7min pike push ups on box
Josh 115# 6:57 Rx
Corbin 155# for 9 reps 8:45 sc
Nat 135# 8:22 half reps with an abmat
Josh M. 155# 5:40 pike push ups
Erini 65# 4:37 10#/ pike off 20”
Freaky 115# 8:13 1 abmat
Mike 115# front squat 7:37 3 abmats
Rich 154# 6:38 Rx
Noah 65# 6min pike push ups on box

Chloe Darley said...

Tori 55# 7:17 push ups
Jess 75# 6:47 some push ups
Sai 45# 10:20 HS hold
Sravanh 100# 6:02 stick push ups
Danielle 85# 10:18 2 abmats
Max 95# 10:44 abmat
Mitch :) 10:35 5 hspu attempts w abmat
Danielle G 135x3
Rakshit 110# 9:55 1 abmat 5 hspu
Seth rom 4:34 16#