

For Time: 
Complete multiple 2:00 AMRAP to get to 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs

AMRAP in 2:00:
10/12 Calorie Ski
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/24")
Rest 1:00 

Continue with AMRAP's until 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs are Completed. 

“Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.”
-Tony Robbins


Keith B said...


Tracy 23:00 Step/7calRow 66reps
Matt 22:50 Rx
Julia 22:20 8cal
Jamie 18:59 Rx
Alex 19:56 stepover
Brennan 28:59 13" step
Larissa 22:59 Rx
Subhan 25:15 10cal/step

Shannon said...


Erini 28:49 Rx
Jackie 22:51 8 cal ski, athletic burpee over box
Mary 22:53 8 cal ski, burpee jump over plate
Matthew 29:45 20" burpee box step overs
Em 😀 Welcome back!
Leah 29:00 75 reps
Megz 22:12 8 cal ski, burpee jump over plate
Cate 25:51 Burpee step ups

Aimee Lyons said...


Shannon 22:12 Rx
Keith 15:00 55 reps 5 Rnds
Yormen 29:05 Rx
Matt 31:22 Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

1:00 Masters

Kathy 16:59 - 5 cal Ski, 50 Burpee Plate Jumps to a mat
Richard 19:48 - 5 cal Ski, 50 BBJO 11"
Jordan 22:56 - 8 cal Ski, 80 BBJO 24"
Terry 28:59 - 8 cal Ski, 100 BBJ/StepO 13"
Ali 28:50 - 8 Cal Ski, 100 BBJO 13"
Gordy 22:30 - 10 cal Row, 100 BBJ/StepO 20"
Jorge 28:26 - 5 cal Ski, 50 Burpee Plate JO
Ivette 28:40 - 5 cal Ski, 50 Burpee Plate JO

Aimee Lyons said...


Kristen 22:14 - 8 cal Ski, 100 BBJO
Matt 19:18 Rx
Karen 23:15 - 8 cal Ski, 100 BBJ/StepO 13"
Mike 23:15 - 8 cal Ski, 100 BBJ/StepO 13"
Grace 19:29 Rx
Josh 11:55 EMOM 2min, 12 cal Assault Bike, Accum 100 DBBPress #45