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Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go
AMRAP in 30 Minutes:
15 Hang Power Cleans (95/135#)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
750 Meter Row
15 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (35/53#) KB
15 Ring Dips
15 Hang Power Cleans (95/135#)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
750 Meter Row
15 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (35/53#) KB
15 Ring Dips
Community Notes:
Join us tomorrow 11/14 at the Lyons Den for the 9 and 11 AM classes!
“Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible.”
– Rodolfo Costa
Meigan 3+700m C2/GHD/80#/Band
Subhan 2+31 8dips/6dips
Jeff B 3+31 Rx
Julia C 3+72 85/asst dips
Danielle G 3+672m box dips
Mike Mel 3+47 Rx
Mike San 2+38 95/44kb/asst dips
Kevin B 3+33 115
Jeremy D 3+30 115
Dana D 3+8 Rx
Greg A 3 115
Jamie S 3+33 Push Ups
Mark S 3+30 115
Theresa L 3+30 85/40KB/bench dips
Anna C 3+16 65/30KB/bench dips
Manisha 3Rds 75/Band dips
Sam B 4Rds Rx
Cate 3+110m Rx
Aimee 4+1 Rx
Missy 2+53 (45#/26KB/Band)
Dana H 3+19 Rx
Stephanie 3+6 55/26KB/Band
Karen M 3+345m Rx
Cathy H 3+345m (10reps each/42#/18kb/box dips)
Lee 3+21 (10reps each/48/26kb/box dips)
Marissa A 3+25 Rx
Ben B 2+80m 115
Rich A 4+30 sc
Kevin H 3+59 rx
Colette 4 (bo)
Randy 3+12 rx
Jonathan 3 rx
Natalie D 3+573 (no jump burp, box)
Mary H 3+15 (85, 26, box)
Jill H 3+27 (85, box)
Jess A 3+30 sc
Jessie 3+463m (box, 60)
Ashley H 3+42 (c2bike, 25#db, box, no jump, hang high pull)
Brian H 4 rx
Pam G 3+53 rx
Chris L 3+9 rx
Laura A 3+30 (65, box)
Jenna 3+469m rx
Lea W 4 (toes on box)
Cate 3+10 band
Tyler 4+15 rx
Julia 3+19 (44, 26, box)
Alex B 3+15 (75, band)
Leigh =]
Mae 2+44 (60, band, 26#)
Karen Mas 3 (85)
Mike Mit 3+1 (95, 44)
Sal 3 (115, box)
Grace 3 (75, box)
Gianfranco 3+230m rx
Olan 3+5 rx
Yex 3+177m (75, band)
Roberto 3+7 rx
Alana 3+5 (65, box)
Raj 3+22 (box)
Sarah J 2+401m (toes on box, 75)
Samson 3+25 rx
Danielle C 2+29 (box, 55)
Nick C 2+510 m (95, 44, neg)
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