

21-15-9 reps of:
Strict L-Pull-up
Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge (35/50#)
Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (35/50#)

Community Notes:
Saturday 9:00 AM FREE FRIENDS and FAMILY!!!
(grab someone new and introduce them to CrossFit KOP)

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar


Colette said...

9:30Nick 12:54 banded pull up+ :30 Lsit hold 30#
Jackie 14:03 11/8/5 bent knee Lsit pull up + ring row 30#
Erini 13:34 rx
Monica 14:31 banded pull up 15# 20#
Cate 14:48 rx

Colette said...

Megs 12:05 25# 1/2 l sit pull up 1/2 rr
Pam 12:56 1/2 lsit and knee bent 1/2 strict pull up 85# barbell push jerk
Matt 13:41 15 lsit pull up then strict pull up 45#
Edwin 11:11 rr and l sit holds 35#
Trevor 14:16 some bent knee pull ups and rr 35#
SHannon 13:15 1/2 strict pull ups 1/2 rr
Jamie 12:29 strict pull ups
Meredith 12:14 25# rr and lsit hold
Kevin 8:33 rx
Liam 14:45 rr and lsit hold 25#
Rich 8:55 rx