
W.O.D. 9.28.20

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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

"Kinda Awful Annie"
Double Unders
Ab-Mat Sit-ups
Clean (155/225#)


"Awful Annie"
Double Unders
Clean (185/275#)

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” 
– J.K. Rowling


Jackie Halpern said...

Kinda awful: 16:59 (113#)

Manisha said...

12p Zoom
Geoff 14:30 135#/abm/25-20-15-10-5 DUs
Anne 13:40 68#/abm/Pogo Jumps

Danielle 15:11 125# Power/abm
Subhan 15:44 175/abm/45cals bike
Brian S 16:41 175# Pwr/1/2GHD+1/2ABM
Jamie S 18:03 155(1@165)
Mark S 17:05 175/1/2GHD+1/2abm
Susan A 18:30 95#/abm
Karen M 17:06 130#
Mak 22:39 165/1/2GHD+1/2abm
Julia C 15:30 120/abm
Mike S 17:26 abm/115#
Kate C 17:38 125/abm
Theresa L 12:38 abm/95
Anna C 12:47 Single Unders/abm/75#

Manisha 19:46 90#/1/2GHD+1/2abm

Jenna said...

Aimee 15:04 (155, ghd)

Leah 21:51 (105, ghd/ ab)
Matty bo 17:12 (155, ab)
Mary h 16:11 (103, ab)
Kevin h 15:23 (205, ab)
Dana h 18:28 (ghd/ ab, 135)
Ana c 14:10 (80 ghd, 70 ab, 135)
Pam g 18:45 (rx kinda awful)
Steph c 14:38 (75, ab)
Brian h 19:46 (225, 2x su, ghd/ ab)
Ashley h 12:43 (85, ab)
Yex 12:27 (20/18/16/14/12 du, 95)
Jessie 16:35 (90, ab)
Carl b 21:33 (225, ghd)
Sara n 19:44 (145, 120 ghd, 30 ab)
Jill h 15:32 (105, 2x su)
Rich a 29:44 rx
Jess a 20:15 (20-18-16-14-12 du, 95)

Jenna said...

Remer 18:12 (225, ghd)
Mike mit 17;15 (155, ab, du/su)
Grace T 15:23 (95)
Chris L 14:53 (135, ab)
Gianfranco 13:12 (205, 1/2 ghd)
Alana 16:42 (1/2 ab/ ghd, 65)
Sal 16:50 (115, ab)
Dana D 17:27 (125, ghd)
Dave H 18:36 (rx kinda annie)
Ana 14:20 (105, ab)
Raj 16:25 (rx kinda annie)
Olan 18:55 (165, ab)
Megs D 15:02 (1/2 ghd, 100)
Karen Mas 18:40 (115, 2x su, 1/2 ghd/ab)

Josh Mc 14:37 (1/2 ghd, 185)
Amm 15:09 (125, ab)
Keith 17:00 (rx awful)
Marwan 14:$5 (145, ab, x2 su)
Samson 13:24 (1/2 ghd/ ab, 185)
Greg A 17:55 (155)
Colin 19 ish min (135, ab, some ghd, su)
Ben B 19:28 (165, su, ghd/ ab)
Danielle C 15:36 (65, su, ab)
Bhargav 19:52 (115, 15 du e round)
Randy 15:27 (ladies rx awful)
Joe S 13:26 sc

CFKOP iPad said...

Jenna 18:13 (165, awful with ghd)