
W.O.D. 2.10.15

Well...that was fun!

Gymnastics Skill Work 
Bar Muscle-Ups 
Spend 10 Minutes working on technique or proper scaling. 

4 Rounds of 30 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10 ft) and 20 Calorie Row
Rest 3:00 minutes between rounds
Record total time for each round.

True strength is keeping everything together when everyone expects you to fall apart.
– Unknown


Tim P said...

Gina 2:40/2:35/2:45/2:32 (10#)
King 2:03/2:07/2:26/2:17
Brian H 2:21/2:20/2:46/2:22

Jeff B 1:39/1:43/1:50/2:17
Rich A 2:12/2:08/2:19/2:04
Peter 1:58/1:53/2:05/2:30
Jon P 1:48/1:54/2:02/2:09
Luther 2:45/2:55/2:51/2:50 (14#)

CFKOP iPad said...

Jill h 2:44/2:43/3:08/3:17 #12
Denise 2:19/2:20/2:28/2:28 10#


Anonymous said...


Liza 2:49/2:52/3:06/3:06 12#
Giuls 2:45/2:45/2:44/3:06 rx
TP 2;17/2;32/2:28/2:16 rx
Josh M 2:08, 2:09, 2:31, 3:00 rx
Erik 2:59, 2:57, 3:55, 4:05 Sc
Pam 2:26, 2:22, 2:29. 2:22 Rx
Jonathan P 2:21, 2:21, 2:29. 2:20 Rx
Josh B 2:11, 1:53, 2:04, 2:00
Lauren 2:45, 2:45, 2:49, 2:51 Rx
Jonathan S 2:12, 2:31, 2:49, 3:00
Carmen 3:00, 2:40, 2:50, 3:20 14#
Sue 3:02, 2:53, 3:55, 3:54 8#
Olan 2;18, 2:50, 3:32, 3:52 Rx
Karen 3:32, 2:06, 2:50, 1:99???? 10#
Keith 2:10, 2:04, 2:13, 2:29 rx
JZ 2:48, 2:45, 3:08, 2:44 #14

Unknown said...

?????? You mean there are not 99 seconds in a minute? :) HaHaHa

Anonymous said...

Fran 2:56, 3:02. 2:54, 2:57
Christ 3:06, 3:15, 3:10, 3:15
Kara 3:13, 3:01, 3:00, 3:01
Barb 3:18, 3:23, 3:32, 3:34
Scott 2:31, 2:53, 3:16, 2:52
David C. 3:30, 3:46, 3:58, 3:46

Keith B said...

5:30 for Tim P

Ryan S 2:47/3:01/3:35/3:43 15cal
Meg B 3:15/3:25/2:45/2:42 15#/10#
Patrick 2:02/2:20/2:32/2:46
Sharon 3:04/3:48/4:02/4:03
Seshu 2:30/2:55/3:00/3:06
Rebecca C 3:05/3:20/3:29/3:30 10#


Balmer 1:44/1:49/1:47/1:47
Cline 1:54/2:26/2:53/2:31 18#
Matt E 1:59/2:02/2:27/2:33


Anne 2:59/3:21/3:28/3:31
Britt 2:43/2:47/2:55/2:58
Carleena 3:25/3:26/3:29/3:03
Dave N 2:06/2:37/3:02/3:01
Fayth 2:58/3:07/3:39/3:40
Stephanie C 2:56/3:05/3:05/3:03

Keith B said...

corecction Sharon in the 5:30 is Shawna