
W.O.D. 9.16.14

Burpee Elizabeth
21 Squat Cleans (95/135#)
21 Ring Dips
10 Burpees
15 Squat Cleans (95/135#)
15 Ring Dips
10 Burpees
9 Squat Cleans (95/135#)
9 Ring Dips
10 Burpees

(This is a classic benchmark workout with a twist)

It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.
-Julius Caesar


Unknown said...

Going through some major setbacks and changes? Look at the good things in life and focus on why they are important. They will get you through!

Paul S said...

King 13:33 rx
Pete 15:03 rx
Melissa 17:34 #34/Band
Mike S. 20:20 #75/Band
Ellie 17:04 #85/Band
Justin D. 19:42 #75/Parr

Anonymous said...

Holly 12:03 36 pdip w/mb
Dianne 15:50 35 pdip
Pam 9:34 pdip w 17box 63 squat thrusts

Sarah said...

ughhhhh I wanna do the wod :(

Tim P said...


Jill C 16:38 (80#)bnd
Shawna 18:36 (65#,bnd)
Dana D 13:47 (65/band)
Dave N 19:12 (band)
Flounder 19:01 (85#,band)

Unknown said...


Mark R #95 20:16 Band
Sarah S #30 OHS 10:24 band
Jess Ssss #53 10:50 band
Steph C #55 13:27 band

Paul S said...



weird 8 min tabata?

Regi 14:15 Band
Keith 12:52 Rx
Giuls 15:13 Band
Roman 15:02 #45
Sue K. 14:35 #55 Band
Justin 15:32 Band
Seshu 11:29 #95 Band
Bill 10:10 #135 Band
Rachel 15:18 #95 Band
Matt 16:17 #135 Band
Jeff 14:48 #135 Band
Candy 14:57 #65 Band
Dave 14:25 #95

Shout out to Matt who went RX Weight and crushed.