Plentus, Vinny and Tim return from hiking Mt. Washington - Lions Head
St. Valentines Day Massacre
Each partner must share the work load and complete a portion of the below while the other partner continually holds a bumper plate over head. (Ladies#25/Gentlemen#45). We will scale the load overhead if necessary. If the bumper plate touches the ground at any time, each partner must complete 50 burpees. The bumper plate cannot rest on any object or body part, it must be held over head. Exercises can be completed in any order.
50 Wallballs (14/20#)
75 Kettelbell swings (35/55#)
100 Push Ups
150 Sit-Ups
200 Squats
800M Run
*Valentines, Friends and Family are welcome to come out to complete this workout.
(compare to 2.13.11 or 2.13.10 or 2.14.09 or 6.24.09) we will run this workout at all classes today.
Happy Birthday Danny!!!
"Constant dripping hollows out a stone."
– Lucretius
Megs/Jay E 22:08
Mike P/Tidmore 23:09 35#
Lee S/Sara 27:00 scaled
Alison/Arin 24:44 scaled
Gina/Heather 23:17 scaled
Drew/Jonathon 25:32 scaled
Mike S/King 27:04 scaled
Paul 17:12 (1/2,35kb,14med)
Aimee/Cate 20:23 ladies Rx + 45# plate
Susan/Matt 24:48 (35)
Meg/Kevin 24:52 (35)
Kara/Chris T 26:20 (25)
Jen S/Katie V 25:42 (25)
Lisa/Dianne 31:13 (25/10)
Keith/KT 23:53 scaled
Alison/Miranda 24:52 scaled
Ditty/Kate 23:18 scaled
Joe/Dorothy 32:05 scaled *50 burpees
Patrick/Ben 25:35 45kb/25#
Petersons 28:25 scaled
Ken/Mark 23:42 scaled
Lily/Nick 23:57 25#,10#
Annie/Kathryn 26:16 scaled
Ramon/Matt 27:10 scaled
Danny/Becky 22:43 (Rx/scale)
Kim/John 25:44 (scale/?)
Kathi/Cline 29:08 (scale)
Todd/Faby 21:15 (scale)
Travis/Justin 22:54 (25#)
Rachel/Josh 29:14 (scale)
Lam/Becca 26:15 (25/10)
Joy/Amy 27:24 (10)
Kate K/John 22:17 (25)
Rob/Mel 24:20 (45/15)
Roni/Kathleen 24:31 (15)
Dan/Diego 29:43 (45/15?)
Oleg/Olan 31:23 (25...50 burpees)
Dan/Tim M 21:09 (35)
Steph/Steph/Lisa 24:40 (?)

Barb Z...up the rope for the first time today!
Each partner must share the work load and complete a portion of the below while the other partner continually holds a bumper plate over head. (Ladies#25/Gentlemen#45). We will scale the load overhead if necessary. If the bumper plate touches the ground at any time, each partner must complete 50 burpees. The bumper plate cannot rest on any object or body part, it must be held over head. Exercises can be completed in any order.
50 Wallballs (14/20#)
75 Kettelbell swings (35/55#)
100 Push Ups
150 Sit-Ups
200 Squats
800M Run
*Valentines, Friends and Family are welcome to come out to complete this workout.
(compare to 2.13.11 or 2.13.10 or 2.14.09 or 6.24.09) we will run this workout at all classes today.
Happy Birthday Danny!!!
"Constant dripping hollows out a stone."
– Lucretius
Megs/Jay E 22:08
Mike P/Tidmore 23:09 35#
Lee S/Sara 27:00 scaled
Alison/Arin 24:44 scaled
Gina/Heather 23:17 scaled
Drew/Jonathon 25:32 scaled
Mike S/King 27:04 scaled
Paul 17:12 (1/2,35kb,14med)
Aimee/Cate 20:23 ladies Rx + 45# plate
Susan/Matt 24:48 (35)
Meg/Kevin 24:52 (35)
Kara/Chris T 26:20 (25)
Jen S/Katie V 25:42 (25)
Lisa/Dianne 31:13 (25/10)
Keith/KT 23:53 scaled
Alison/Miranda 24:52 scaled
Ditty/Kate 23:18 scaled
Joe/Dorothy 32:05 scaled *50 burpees
Patrick/Ben 25:35 45kb/25#
Petersons 28:25 scaled
Ken/Mark 23:42 scaled
Lily/Nick 23:57 25#,10#
Annie/Kathryn 26:16 scaled
Ramon/Matt 27:10 scaled
Danny/Becky 22:43 (Rx/scale)
Kim/John 25:44 (scale/?)
Kathi/Cline 29:08 (scale)
Todd/Faby 21:15 (scale)
Travis/Justin 22:54 (25#)
Rachel/Josh 29:14 (scale)
Lam/Becca 26:15 (25/10)
Joy/Amy 27:24 (10)
Kate K/John 22:17 (25)
Rob/Mel 24:20 (45/15)
Roni/Kathleen 24:31 (15)
Dan/Diego 29:43 (45/15?)
Oleg/Olan 31:23 (25...50 burpees)
Dan/Tim M 21:09 (35)
Steph/Steph/Lisa 24:40 (?)

T, P and V! How was that?!!~ Nuts!---
Oh and it's valentines day massacre again! Hot Wheels looovveesss this wod! Not, but imma make him do it when he comes home from work tonight!!! Don't drop that plate!!!!
Danny, happy birthday!!!!! Bear crawls for everyone to celebrate! Hope you have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Danny!
Happy Birthday Danny! Have a great day.
Tim, Plentus, and Vinny - Great pic and awesome accomplishment. Congrats!
Happy Birthday Danny!! Have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Danny - hope you enjoy the day.
Will Cupid be on hand to partner us up if we come stag today?
Happy birthday Danny
Kathleen - the blind dates are some of the best workout groups!
@Kathleen - NO. You will be forced to do all exercise while holding your plate overhead. Good luck with the pushups and wall balls.
Happy birthday Danny.
Happy Birthday Danny!!
TP, CP & Vinny, glad to see you boys are back safe. I went out in the city Saturday night and it was about 30 degrees and I almost didn's survive.
Danny! I knew you were a lover and not a hater. No one can match your intensity at the box, esp. the first 15 reps of Grace during the team workout. Happy birthday buddy!
JZ, I'll let you borrow gear for those blustery nights in Philly.
Kathleen - of course!
Danny. I don't like you...mainly because the only thing I am still better at than you is OHS...and double unders. Despite this, I will say happy birthday.
To all men doing this WOD...if you take my class, your team will be penalized for switching the weight mid wod. A lot of guys think that this is going to be easy with 45 and finish with 15. That will be a lot of burpees at the 4:30. Just warning you to plan accordingly and put your chesticles on the shelf. xoxoxoxo
6am Results of the V-Day Massacre
Megs/Jay E 22:08
Mike P/Tidmore 23:09 35#
Lee S/Sara 27:00 scaled
Alison/Arin 24:44 scaled
Gina/Heather 23:17 scaled
Drew/Jonathon 25:32 scaled
Mike S/King 27:04 scaled
Paul 17:12 (1/2,35kb,14med)
*Reminder for the night classes, this can get ugly if you do it with your significant other and then turn from massacre to armageddon.
Danny Happy Bday! - It's very cool to watch your major progresses over the past year. enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday, Danny!! Make today your last big celebration before Sectionals.
I love this wod! :-) Keep your shoulders active and a hollow position - it helps!
Another tip I learned the hard way last year:
My partner and I saved it for last, when our arms were tiredest (it's a word, honest). But it's the one leg that you can't easily switch out on (unless your spear-carrier joins you on the run). And it may or may not have led me to tell Aimee to go to hell (which is about 8 minutes into most metcons).
9:30 results:
Susan/Matt 24:48 (35)
Meg/Kevin 24:52 (35)
Kara/Chris T 26:20 (25)
Jen S/Katie V 25:42 (25)
Lisa/Dianne 31:13 (25/10)*
*owe 100 burpees EACH.
Happy Valentine's day!! definitely save the pushups for last.
Great article
. . . . before today it never occurred to me that 35# can be a f-ton of weight.
Thanks for remembering those damn burpees, Cate! However, I did do an additional three when I got home, so I am currently at 8.....only 92 to go!!! (visualize Peter Griffin face down, bent arm/leg and that, uh, will be me)!LOL Happy Valentines everyone!
Happy Birthday Danny!
Vinny, T & P, congrats on your climb!
proof that my wife is stronger than me. ugh!
good job ladies with the men;s weight. you will crush a lot of souls before the day is through!
thanks everyone for the bday wishes!
Happy B-Day Danny
Happy Birthday Danny! Hope you had a great day!
And I agree with Cline, do the run first! My partner and I made the same mistake last year and were absolutely dying. Speaking of which, anyone need a partner at 5:30?
Happy Birthday Danny! Hope you had a great day!
And I agree with Cline, do the run first! My partner and I made the same mistake last year and were absolutely dying. Speaking of which, anyone need a partner at 5:30?
Far be it from me to post wild consipiracy allegations on a blog's Comments section, but those could technically be any 3 people who live near an REI holding a CF KOP shirt anywhere with a touch of snow.
Just saying.
happy birthday danny!
rawr!! this was fun! i was tempted to stay for the 5:30 class! but i'm home and i think it's time for a shower and a na----
Happy Birthday Danny I love your spirit, fire, and intensity. Keep it coming :)
Cline, actually, it was a green screen.
Now for the 5:30 results:
Keith/KT 23:53 scaled
Alison/Miranda 24:52 scaled
Ditty/Kate 23:18 scaled
Joe/Dorothy 32:05 scaled *50 burpees
Patrick/Ben 25:35 45kb/25#
Petersons 28:25 scaled
Ken/Mark 23:42 scaled
Lily/Nick 23:57 25#,10#
welcome to Lily and Joe for visiting...not every workout is that hard. Sometimes it's harder.
Happy B-Day! I would love to see you do Grace with Plentus or Pappas and I mean using them as your bar and weight......
6:30 results
Annie/Kathryn 26:16 scaled
Ramon/Matt 27:10 scaled
Danny/Becky 22:43 (Rx/scale)
Kim/John 25:44 (scale/?)
Kathi/Cline 29:08 (scale)
Todd/Faby 21:15 (scale)
Travis/Justin 22:54 (25#)
Rachel/Josh 29:14 (scale)
Great job working together on this WOD everyone! Danny- I hope you had a great birthday!!!
happy birthday, Danny! hope you enjoy your special day.
Yes 15. Down from 45...25...then 15 all the way. It's an officially I have little girl's shoulders.
Thank you again for all the birthday wishes! I hope everyome had a great Valentine's day too!
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