
W.O.D. 2.17.12

a sight only a CrossFitter would understand

it was such a "BAC" why not pose for a photo!

Warm up= Catch Plentus

Andrea - working hard!

love the click of the heels Tim!

welcome Russell

3 Rounds for time:
400 M Run
20 Pull-ups
15 Lateral Jumps (paralette or hurdles)
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (25#/45#)

Community Notes:

Good luck to the athletes competing in the Winter Combine on Saturday at CrossFit APEX (John C, Nina, Gabe and Aimee)!! Spectators and cheerleaders are welcome.

“In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.”
- Lee Iacocca

Kim G 18:11 Band/L/12
Drew 15:50 G/P/25
Gina S 13:48 BLK/P/15
Peterson 16:38 MH/35
King 13:06 R/P/30
Lee 10:53 Jump/MH/25
Rachel R. 16:49 G/P/30
Mike S. 17:08 MF/SH/25
Dianne 18:21 G/L/12
Manny 19:25 G/P/25
Pooch 17:00 G/SH/25
Paul 16:03 BLK/P/35
Chip 18:12 21"/35
Lauren 19:47 Jump/P/15
John S. 20:33 G/LH/35
Lam 15:14 MF/17"/30
Becca 20:45 MF/MH/20
Mark 14:34 G/LH/20
Alison 16:36 B/MH/25
Arin 16:51 SmG/P/15
Katie 18:07 G/P/15
Denise 18:18 P/20
KT 13:51 MH/25
Diego 16:26 P/25
Kate K 16:10 MF/P/25
Jerry P/45ROM
Luke 17:38 G/P/45
Mark 16:02 Row/P/35
keith 14:58 LH/45
Jason B 13:41 P/45
Liz 17:38 MF/P/15
Shawn 14:38 P/45
Randy: 18:31, 25/black
Borden: 16:42 25/Rx
Faby: 15:26 ROM
Melissa L: 12:28 20/Green
Pam: 11:49 25/Green
Nick: 16:48 35/Rx
Justin: 14:55 35/Rx
Melissa S: 17:25 Row/Step/Green Jump
Paul S: 16:48 Rx
Jen S: 14:16 Rx
Cate 12:54 Rx
Susan 16:46 25# PU-rom
Peter O 15:37 25#/band
Liz O 16:36 15#/band
Barb Z 18:18 15#band
Jim C 16:27 25#/band
Kim C 17:44 15#/band
Robin 19:44 15#/band
Russell 20:08 25#/band
Howard 18:17 35#/band/jump
Joe G 12:09 Rx
Becky 19:19 20#
Josh F 17:14 12#band
Dan L 17:36 35#/band
Peter W 14:40 35#
Matt G 18:36/35#band
Matt O 18:36/35#band
Jess C 16:10 25#/jump
Tim M 14:29 Rx
Kevin B 16:36 Rx
Sharon 25:42 25#band
Mike Fab 20:00 45#ROMPullup
Andrea 25:42 12#/band/jump
Dawn 20:33 15#/band
Jonathan 14:26 25#/35#/band
Mike V 12:22 (Rx LH)
Plentus 18:35 (Rx+ 20# vest/bench/50)
TP 11:16 (Rx P)
LP 12:27 (Rx SH)
Kate 11:40 (Rx P)
Vinny 11:01 (Rx P)
Megs 15:12 (Rx P)
Mike P 13:19 (Rx Bench)
Josh S 15:32 (MF,P,35)
JZ 13:59 (P,30)
Dang 15:25 (Bl,SH,35)
Steph V 17:41 (RR,P)
Mel 16:15 (P)
Travis 15:07 (Bk,SH,30)
Steph B 16:50 (Bk,P,15)
Olan 14:58 (MH,KB)
Dorothy 13:33 (P, KB)
Joe P 16:17 (2x45, 30)
Patrick 14:01 (P, 35)
Jeff H 16:26 (P, 20)
Rob Ph 14:46 (Band, P)
Brian R 15:04 (P, 35)
Lisa C 16:44 (P,G,12)


Jason Lyons said...

Affiliate team is up to 36! Keep it up. A member joined the team that I never met. Crazy how this thing has grown. So, thanks Peter...we share the came birthday.

Anonymous said...

Kim G 18:11 Band/L/12
Drew 15:50 G/P/25
Gina S 13:48 BLK/P/15
Peterson 16:38 MH/35
King 13:06 R/P/30
Lee 10:53 Jump/MH/25
Rachel R. 16:49 G/P/30
Mike S. 17:08 MF/SH/25
Dianne 18:21 G/L/12
Manny 19:25 G/P/25
Pooch 17:00 G/SH/25
Paul 16:03 BLK/P/35

Chip 18:12 21"/35
Lauren 19:47 Jump/P/15
John S. 20:33 G/LH/35
Lam 15:14 MF/17"/30
Becca 20:45 MF/MH/20
Mark 14:34 G/LH/20
Alison 16:36 B/MH/25
Arin 16:51 SmG/P/15

This mornings classes did a cash out I'll name "ughhh"
30s-10reps-20s-10reps-10s-5reps of Hollow Body/Superman Static Holds and Rocks

Peter's part of the morning crew! So glad to see you signed up!

Anonymous said...

Code for the lateral jumps:

P= Parallette
SH=Small Hurdle
MH=Medium Hurdle
LH=Large Hurdle
L= Mat Line
#"= Box height -Two boxes with a PVC across (thanks lam you are so smart!)

Melanie said...

Lee- you need to stop doing those jumping pull-ups! Let's get you on a band my friend or better yet, let's teach you to kip!

Lee said...

ugh! I know. My shoulder is so frustrating. There are two things that aggravate my shoulder:
1. Holding my hands out wide.
2. Coming down from the pull-up.
This is also related to the fact that I can't snatch any weight or do OHS. I am debating going back to PT and improving my flexibility in that respect. Culprit #1 of why I am shying away from the CF Games.

Jason Lyons said...

This is an earnest question...what would PT deliver that practicing OHS with a PVC pipe and some band/ball work could not?

Megs said...

Have you had Donkey or Jeff or anyone of the coaches who are mobility certifited show you some of hte stretches to increase your flexibility?

Lee said...

Jason & Meg-
Good questions. Honestly, no and no. I should!! When I started PT after my injury, my priorities involved regaining my strength and mobility to pull up on the handlebars of the bike and reach behind my back to grab food out of my pocket (cyclist). And I did improve a lot. At the time, I wasn't considering mobility with my arms overhead. I probably should just stop guessing and let Donkey or Jeff help me out...

Lee said...

For giggles, there was a guy in my race wearing a helmet cam. VIDEO. Skip to 54:45. I am the guy with the Victory Beer logo on the ass. We were on the last lap and cruising at about 30mph. I really thought I would win this one...

Chris P. said...

good luck Aimee, John, Nina, and Gabe. You all are a great representation of KoP. Remember, whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right.

btw, the security word includes "of speal" - YES

Anonymous said...

Katie 18:07 G/P/15
Denise 18:18 P/20
KT 13:51 MH/25
Diego 16:26 P/25
Kate K 16:10 MF/P/25
Jerry P/45ROM
Luke 17:38 G/P/45
Mark 16:02 Row/P/35
keith 14:58 LH/45
Jason B 13:41 P/45
Liz 17:38 MF/P/15
Shawn 14:38 P/45

steph said...

i'm finding that i still suck at pull-ups, haha.

to the athletes competing in Winter Combine, good luck tomorrow!!

donkey said...

630 Studs/Studettes:

Randy: 18:31, 25/black
Borden: 16:42 25/Rx
Faby: 15:26 ROM
Melissa L: 12:28 20/Green
Pam: 11:49 25/Green
Nick: 16:48 35/Rx
Justin: 14:55 35/Rx
Melissa S: 17:25 Row/Step/Green Jump
Paul S: 16:48 Rx
Jen S: 14:16 Rx

donkey said...

PS Note to other coaches: Melissa L and Pam G are badasses who are banned from the green band. Blue from now on!

Jeff said...

Jason, good question. A good PT will be able to determine if there are tissue issues going on that inhibit range of motion or need more intense repair. Once that is figured out, work at the box with bands/lacrosse balls will help keep the full range of motion in the shoulders and allow OHS, starting light and working up, so that good mechanics can be reestablished.

Lee, just my 2 cents, but if you're having shoulder issues, the last thing you will want to do now is kipping pull-ups as the strain on the shoulders can exacerbate whatever's going on. Focus on using a band if necessary to build strength on regular pull-ups as long as you don't screw up your shoulders. Once you've got your full range back, then work on getting the kip. You'll be stronger as well which will make pull-ups easier.

Anonymous said...

Jerry's time was 13:30