
Congratulations to our Athlete of the Month: Miranda

Hometown: Conshy

Current Location: A pineapple under the Sea

Age: 25 + 5 years young

Occupation: Account Manager/Bartender/ Foster Mom to dogs

College: 202 U and a short stay at Gwynedd Mercy

Did you ever play sports? I sat the bench a lot and got real good at keeping score

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit? Hands down the first time I ever successfully climbed the rope! I was an overweight kid growing up and gym was my least favorite class. So, when it came to rope climbs, pull ups and running I cringed. Dodge ball I was the easiest target – go figure

What do you feel that you still need to work on? Hmmm, probably the biggest thing for me would be to get over the mental hump. The Negative Nelly that still creeps up during some wods. Movement wise – MU, HSPU, Dead hangs, un assisted ring dips

Goals for the rest of this year? Dead hang pull up, 120# snatch, Body weight OHS

What's your favorite WOD? Grace & Annie

What is the craziest insane workout outside of CF you have ever done? MS Mud Run – 10k with 18+ brutal obstacles

What’s your least favorite WOD? Eva & Kelly – anything with movements that I struggle with

What’s your favorite lift? Squat Clean

What’s your least favorite lift? Shoulder press or deadlift

What skill do you want to work on in 2012 the most ? Jumping muscle ups/HSPU and dips

What's your favorite foods, and snacks? BACON! Paleo - Guacamole, Paleo Fried Chicken, Coconut Pancakes, Sweet Potato Fritters, Fudge Balls. Non Paleo – BeerJ, Pizza, Wings, Wine, Martinis

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? My bandana – it makes me feel bad a$$, oh and of course my tape and chalk.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? Im in the best shape of my life since starting CF 3.5 years ago. I can run a 5k and not feel fatigued, I recover faster and feel healthy

Who is your favorite coach? Each coach has a made an impact on me in a different way. Aimee was my first coach and there will always be a soft spot for her. Jason – always calls me out and makes sure I am true to form. TP – encourages me to be better and do more. Plentus – can give a quick fix in any movement, Donkey – well she can wake the dead with her skills, but is great at keeping you motivated. Vinny/Mel/Laura/Steph – I hope to be in more of your classes this year. Nikki – Although you are no longer at Kop, you made a huge impact on my training and I am thankful for all your guidance.

PR's to mention?

Deadlift – 285#
Snatch – 110#
OHS – 135#
C&J – 140#
Bench – 110#
Back squat – 185#
Max Pull-ups 10


Keith B said...

Yeah Miranda! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

love you miranda. You are 100X MORE AWESOME than you even think you are. Strong and intelligent. Loving and compassionate. Determined and unstoppable. congrats!!

KSB said...

Congrats, Miranda! Wow, amazing PR numbers. You are kick ass even without the bandana:)

Mike P said...

Yay! Congrats!

Arin said...

Awesome, congrats!

Ken Blackwell said...

Congrats Miranda!

Jen S. said...

congrats miranda!! love having you in class and wodding with you! you definitely push the bar higher for me and are an inspiration in my book.

Jen Naspinski said...

You made such an impression on me when I first started at crossfitkop. I remember thinking - maybe one day I'll be 50% of the bad ass that girl is. I admire everything you have accomplished at the box. Plus, you are a sweetheart and glad to have you as a friend. Keep up the great work - you are one of our leaders ; )

Jon Schell said...

Congrats! I always look forward to seeing you put in work at Westside. YOU'RE A MACHINE!!

Unknown said...

Congrats Miranda! Love it when we are in the same class! You always push me to go faster/be better. This is long overdue and well deserved!

Kathleen said...

Congratulations Miranda! You are Bad A$$!!!!

Nikki said...

Congrats Miranda! You're one of the strongest women I know... and I mean more than your deadlift/C&J/OHS! You are an inspiration for a lot of people at CFKOP. Keep up the great work! I miss working out with you!

Jeff said...

Congratulations Miranda, well deserved! An inspiring athlete who works incredibly hard. You've come a long way from when we started the journey, and you get better every day.

Jason Lyons said...

Congrats Miranda. I remember a woman that needed constant reminders that she belonged in the gym, now I see a woman that is determined to overcome anything. I am proud of you for beginning to believe in yourself.

Now enough of being all sappy, fix your internal rotation of your shoulders in the bottom pic. :)

Eileen Banis said...

Nice Spotlight on Miranda...Congrats, Mom, AKA GiGi

Anonymous said...

Congrats Miranda - a well deserved award! You always have such a great attitude.


Chris P. said...

this is definitely a well deserved spotlight. Miranda always gives it her all and is a role model for the newer KoP members

Dorothy said...

Congratulations Miranda. You are an amazing woman. I am honored to know you and always love when you are working out next to me.
When I first started doing pullups without the band I was very excited that you would be there next to me grinding thru them. You showed me that finishing slower is not a big deal if I am trying to take a movement to the next level. I will be incorporating that philosophy this weekend with hspu. And you are the one that taught me that. Without that lesson I'd still be using a band and sucking my thumb.

Thanks for sharing your experience with me. It's made my life better to have you in it.

Patti said...

Congrats Miranda!! You deserve this title!!! In my eyes your always the athlete of the month!! You work so hard and always encourage others to do the same. I'm proud to be the one that ran that ms mud run with you!! That was awesome:)))) let's do it again! You are a great friend. Im proud of you!

Miranda said...

Thanks everyone for the kind words! This came as a shock to me and I have all of you to thank! I love crossfit and I love kop, but most of all I love being part of such a kick a$$ community. You are my family and I will do what I can when I can to help you! Thank you again for such an incredible honor.

Anonymous said...

Miranda: You ROCK :) Congrats!