
W.O.D. 9.22.11

Sharon hits a PR at 145...
Olan & Kevin get it done with some respectable numbers!

CrossFit Kids - Med-ball races!

Bench Press

Assistance work:
50 GHD sit-ups for skill or time
200 Double Unders for skill or time

Our friends Joe and Lesha are opening the newest CrossFit gym in the Philly area - CrossFit Novem. Click here for the invitation to their Grand Opening celebration on October 1st from 9AM to 3PM. Good luck with your new venture!!

AC International Triathlon by L. Pappas
Two Years & Box Jumps by S. Vincent

"Courage is the human virtue that counts most — courage to act on limited knowledge and insufficient evidence. That's all any of us have."
– Robert Frost

Patrick 285
Clay 225 (4:58 200 DU)
Travis 160 (1:43 50 GHD)
Diego 160 pr (9:02 200 DU)
Steph 145 pr
Joy 88 (8:33 100 DU)
Allison 145
Denise 73 (4:40 100 DU)
Ernie 245
Doreen 95
Nicole S 95
Dorothy 135 10#pr
Bekah 90 (1:47 50GHD)
Meg B 105 (1:37 50GHD)
Dianne 110
Jay E 350
Chris S. 355
Paul Falc 225
Jon Schell 285
Jonathan S 235
Oleg 205 (1:53 50 GHD)
Lee 185
Kevin 265
Dawn 68
Olan 235 (6:47 DU/2:07 GHD)
Becky 105
Kate 125
Sharon 145 (8:57 DU)

50 GHD's for time:
Plentus 1:18
Aimee 1:20
Vinny 1:59
*Kevin B...as of now we haven't found anyone to complete it in under a minute...but thanks the the challenge!


Charles said...

I'm missing a box opening that's a block from Johnny Brenda's and Frankford Hall? Oh, the horror!

Tim P said...

6am Results

The Strongwomen
Doreen 95
Nicole S 95
Dorothy 135 10#pr
Bekah 90 (1:47 50GHD)
Meg B 105 (1:37 50GHD)
Dianne 110

The Strongmen
New Gym Record(overcoming Chris S's 345)
Jay E 350#

Paul Falc 225
Jon Schell 285
Jonathan S 235
Oleg 205 (1:53 50 GHD)
Lee 185

Great lifts to build on the upper body strength, quality work put in again today. Is Chris S going to rush in tonight and reclaim his #1 spot on the record board?... depends if we have enough small children to load onto the bar...

Jon Schell said...

I think we should rename "Jay E" to a more suitable name like "Jay BEAST"

Nina said...

Nice Dorothy!!

Melanie said...

Daaammmmnnnn Dorothy!! You musta ate your Wheaties this morning!!

Kristin T. said...

holy moly PR city! Congrats Dorothy and Jay E! That is really impressive!!

donkey said...

some kick ass number up in here!

Anonymous said...

Nice work Jay E! 350 - Thats a serious number!


Mike P said...

Nice job everyone . . . . Jay E, you are a beast.

Jason Lyons said...

It was an exciting day today. Jay E held the gym record for just under 12 hours. Chris S came back to defend his title and he did it successfully by pushing a massive


I hear a rematch is in the making!

Congrats Chris S!

Jay E said...

Nice Job Chris, I'll race you to 400?

Chris said...

That's a race you'll win brother.

Thanks for pushing me Jay. That's an all-time PR for me. I wouldn't have even tried it if you hadn't rung the bell this morning.

Vinny said...

4:30 Results

Patrick 285
Clay 225 (4:58 200 DU)
Travis 160 (1:43 50 GHD)
Diego 160 pr (9:02 200 DU)
Steph 145 pr
Joy 88 (8:33 100 DU)
Allison 145
Denise 73 (4:40 100 DU)
Ernie 245

Great numbers on the bench everyone, including a couple PRs...By the end of class I saw some nice progress on the double-unders too...a few each day before or after class can go a long way..stick with it.

Aimee Lyons said...

I'm thinking we have a special Bench competition for Chris and Jay...

Jay - Chris? you both down for a fun challenge?

Anyone else be game to watch it go down?

...and if anyone else wants to take on Kevin B's challenge to finish 50 GHD sit -ups in under a minute...it's on!

Anonymous said...

I got 9:02 on the 200 DU

Anonymous said...

correction: I didn't get 200 DU at that time! hahaha.

Cindy said...

Aim how do med ball races work? Love to use it on Sunday if we get any kiddos!

Aimee Lyons said...

Warm up:
All medballs on one side of the gym...the kids run to get the balls and can take as many or as few at a time to their "hula hoop" or area. We then counted up the number of med balls and looked at the amount of weight they moved = STRONG! (no real generation of number and addition, just an acknowledgment of a lot of work)

Hollow Rock/Super man

Agility ladder (coach stands at the end of the agility ladder) once the CFKid comes though, ask show me a press? show me a squat? show me a hollow rock...if they do that with proficiency they can run and get a ball and take it to a new area to drop it off...(I basically moved the hula-hoops to the other side of the gym)

Redlight/Greenlight (I actually made them answer a question before each round...this was fun and learning all at once)

Anonymous said...

sorry guys....the 9:02 DU was for Steph V...Diego is still working on them...and getting close

Vinny said...

sorry guys....the 9:02 DU was for Steph V...Diego is still working on them...and getting close

Jay E said...

I'm in. Sounds Awesome