

In an effort to constantly improve the service we provide to CrossFit KoP members, we have licensed a software package called FitView for you to use free of charge. FitView is an easy, on-line way for you to track all of your workouts, both in and outside of CF KoP. You can now digitally log all of your workouts so that you have the ability to easily search for past performances for comparison. In this software, there is also a measurements section where you can track physical measurements, i.e. body fat, weight, waist size, etc. Once you put more than one value in, you can visually graph all of these metrics over time. So that you already have data stored in the system, Jason has been tracking ALL of your performances since August 1st and putting them in the system for you. This way when you log on, you will already be able to see some results. If you are interested in using this software, please email Jason or post to comments and he will send you an invite. For those that are interested, Jason will be at the gym on Sunday at 11:00AM after classes to visually show and give a tutorial of how to fully utilize the software. To get the most out of the software, it is recommended to use Safari for Macs and if you are a PC user, you will need to get google chrome.


flounder said...

i want

Tim H said...

me want too

Mike P said...

Me want too too

Jen Naspinski said...

oh boy, this is awesome. I've been using beyond the whiteboard and love it. curious to try this out...

JZuck said...

I am interested. Thanks!

Laura Pappas said...

I've been part of the test group, so far it's pretty good. I don't have a Mac or an iPhone so I use it exclusively on my iPad.

Its cool because its easy to add crossfit workouts but still gives you the flexiblity to add your own stuff, like 40 mile bike rides ;)

Mike T said...

Jason, please send me an invite. This looks great! Pumped to use on the iPad
Please send it to mtobin19@gmail.com

Kristin T. said...

I'm in. Hook me up with an invite!

Chris Cruikshank said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm interested, please send me an invite. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I'm in!

Chris Cruikshank said...

I'd like an invite too, please.

Charles said...

Hook a brotha up!

Olan said...

Yes please

Tim G said...

I would like to try it, please.

sharon said...

I'd like an invite also, Thanks!

Patti said...

Me please! Thanks.

Jay E said...

I think this would be awesome

Borden said...

Sign me up, please

Jason Lyons said...

Everyone up to Jay E has been added. As more ask, I will continue to update. I would highly recommend finding the tutorial and going through it. You can find it through the contact us link.

Also, please let me know if you plan on coming on Sunday. I do not want to show up if no one can be there.

You will note that WODs from last Friday through today are not on FitView. I was away and had no access to a computer...I will update them before the weekend.

J Ly said...

I am assuming Dig is Diego...if that is not the case, please let me know. Also, if you did not get an email it is because you have ridiculously bad hand writing and we put it in the computer wrong...let me know your address and I will send again. Up to Borden is now updated.

Jon Schell said...

Hell yes. Sign me up.

Chris Tidmore said...

Same here

Miranda said...

I would love an invite too! Thanks! This is awesome!

Mike S said...

Please send me an invite. Thanks.

Dorothy said...

Yes please. Thanks for taking the time to do this Jason. This is how I know you care...even though I sometimes think you are trying to kill me.

I am not planning on coming Sunday. I will take the tutorial instead.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested! Thanks!

Jess S.

Anonymous said...

I'd like an invite too...thank you :)

Denise said...

Me too! Thanks so much Jason! Also, I won't be able to make it on Sunday.

Nina said...

Please sign me up too..This is great thank you!!

shoeless said...

Can I do it too? Probably can't come on Sunday though

Jackie Halpern said...

Me too please! :)

Ross said...

I would love an invite as well

Lindsey said...

Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up

Sam b

Cline said...

What those other people are saying in regards to the whatzit you're talking about.

Jon Schell said...

I'm working a 12-hour shift on Sunday and will be unable to attend. I still want in if that's manageable.

Unknown said...

Yes please! I'll take an invite.

Jason Lyons said...

everyone that has asked should be invited. you will notice that you CANNOT edit group workouts at this point in time. the fitview group is working on it.

if you have questions, just let me know.

also, PLEASE post if you can be there on sunday. if no one is coming, i will not come home from my parents house. thanks!

Flounder said...

how do we stop getting emails every time someone posts???? I cant find any place to turn it off

Mike T. said...

J, I cannot attend on Sunday.

Miranda said...

Thanks Aimee and Jason!
Jason - I wont know my work schedule until for Sunday until Friday. I will post if I can make the tutorial. Thanks again for offering this!

Rachael said...

Please sign me up too!! Thanks Jason

Peterson said...

Hope you're still reading this.

I would like to sign up!

Stasie said...

i'd like an invite as well. thanks.

Ken Blackwell said...


Please sign me up. I've been excited to use this ever since you mentioned this in class a while back. Thanks again for all your efforts in testing and prepopulating the data, and all the beta testers too!

Jason Lyons said...

Everyone that has asked should be in the system. Here is what we know...

1) Flounder, you cannot turn it off. The people need to not select the whole group when posting. If the whole group is selected, the whole group will receive it. They will set an option for that in version 2.
2) Coaches cannot see your private workouts that you put in, nor can anyone else. They will have a feature that you can allow people in your group to see your workouts in the future
3) You cannot edit anything that I put in the system...in version 2, you should be able to do that.

The bad thing is that there is no idea when V2 is coming out.