
W.O.D. 9.21.11

5 Rounds for time of:
200 M Run
15 Toes through Rings
15 Push-ups

Pistol (One Legged Squat)

"In response to those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, I say keep dreaming and make reality."
- Kristian Kan

Mike P - 17:34 rx
Pat - 16:14 (knee raise)
Megs - 16:52 rx
Oleg - 15:12 rx
Pooch - 16:34 (knee raise)
Chris T 18:06 (knee raise)
Mike T 11:36 rx
Diego 19:29 rx
Kevin B 15:03 rx
Keith 23:55 rx
Tom H 20:03 DC
Becky 20:28 rx
Kara 18:16 (knee raise)
Nina 24:53 rx
Cate 14:42 rx
Aimee 14:25 rx
Olan 19:16 rx
Brian 18:08 rx
Mel 20:35 rx
Laura P 14:58 rx
Gabe 16:04 D.C
Alison 13:47 knees
Christine E 15:38 knee raises
Katie V 19:31 Knee raises
Jon S 24:42 knee2elbow
Rob P 15:00 knees
Jason Balm 17:51 D.C.
WW 18:26 Knee2Bar
Becca 20:07 knees
Arin 16:09 knees
Dan G 15:55 knees
Graeme 15:38 knees
JZ 17:18 Rx
Denise 20:49 scale
Katie F-M(L) 21:24 scale
Borden 23:37 scale
Sandy 19:32 scale
Ben 21:30 scale
Mrs. Peterbutt 21:20 scale
Kelly 20:59 scale
Lizard 20:14 scale
Vinny 12:44 Rx
Kate 17:40 Rx
Flounder 20:06 scale
Akeem 19:52 scale
Stasie 20:38 scale
Conn 20:05 scale
JNa 17:00 scale
Zach 16:57 scale
Jess C. 22:50 dc
Justin K 18:57 scale
Mark B. 18:43 scale
Kristin T. 17:16 Rx
Dan B 16:37 scale
Charles 24:57 Rx


Vinny said...

6:00am Results

Mike P - 17:34 rx
Pat - 16:14 (knee raise)
Megs - 16:52 rx
Oleg - 15:12 rx
Pooch - 16:34 (knee raise)

Toes through rings made everyone fight hard this morning...nice work; on a move we don't see that often. Way to start the day 6am crew!!!

Unknown said...

I recently came across this website http://www.fitocracy.com/

It's a really neat way to track your fitness stats. It's not perfect for Crossfit, I haven't yet been able to figure out an easy way to track overall WOD performance, but it's still quite nice and I like a lot of the social aspects, it makes tracking your exercises quite a lot of fun.

It's free and I have a few invites left, so if anyone is interested, let me know and I'll send one your way.

Cate said...

12:00 results:

Chris T 18:06 (knee raise)
Mike T 11:36 rx
Diego 19:29 rx
Kevin B 15:03 rx
Keith 23:55 rx
Tom H 20:03 DC
Becky 20:28 rx
Kara 18:16 (knee raise)
Nina 24:53 rx
Cate 14:42 rx

Melanie said...

Ben- have you been on FitView yet???

Unknown said...

Melanie - Yes, I will be using both to track my results, Fitview allows me to track my WOD performances more easily (especially with named ones), but I REALLY like the game/social features of fitocracy, it's a ton of additional motivation to do workouts on my own or while traveling.

Nina said...

Speaking of FitView..I never got a request or whatever in my email..Do I just go to the website? Im confusedd

Jason Lyons said...


if you did not get one and requested one, the email address that we have on file for you is wrong or you no longer check it. this is probably because your writing was super sloppy and we could not understand it when we were typing it in. lol. email me your email address that you use and i will fix it in the system.

Anonymous said...

Heelllo all you lovely CFKopers....just wanted to drop by the blog today and say THANK YOU!! Todays my 2 year CF Anniversary. (WOD #1 CFT 9/21/09 with the Original(aka Nicole S) and Curtain) Thank you to Aim and Jas, to all who have ever coached me, yelled at me, laughed with me, talked with me or will soon. Blessed to have this supportive community and amazing thing called CrossFit in my life.

Steph V.

Jon Schell said...

Pretty sure I was going to double scale the toe-through-ring x15 with knee-to-elbow x10 on the last round, but Mel convinced me that anything short of 15 and I would regret it.

Did I finish strong? Hardly. Did I finish? Absolutely.

Thanks Mel =)

Unknown said...

This workout kicked my ass but it was certainly worth it!

TP said...

430 Bears

Olan 19:16
Brian 18:08
Mel 20:35
Laura P 14:58

Gabe 16:04 D.C
Alison 13:47 knees
Christine E 15:38 knee raises
Katie V 19:31 Knee raises
Jon S 24:42 knee2elbow
Rob P 15:00 knees
Jason Balm 17:51 D.C.
WW 18:26 Knee2Bar
Becca 20:07 knees
Arin 16:09 knees
Dan G 15:55 knees
Graeme 15:38 knees

Nice Job, I loved the sprint intensity, it was noticable that this was a 200, NOT a 400

Chris P. said...

5:30 and 6:30 IWCABTAMDers

JZ 17:18 Rx
Denise 20:49 scale
Katie F-M(L) 21:24 scale
Borden 23:37 scale
Sandy 19:32 scale
Ben 21:30 scale
Mrs. Peterbutt 21:20 scale
Kelly 20:59 scale
Lizard 20:14 scale
Vinny 12:44 Rx
Kate 17:40 Rx
Flounder 20:06 scale
Akeem 19:52 scale
Stasie 20:38 scale
Conn 20:05 scale
JNa 17:00 scale
Zach 16:57 scale
Jess C. 22:50 dc
Justin K 18:57 scale
Mark B. 18:43 scale
Kristin T. 17:16 Rx
Dan B 16:37 scale
Charles 24:57 Rx

nice work everyone. Remember, if anyone asks you what CrossFit is all about, tell them IWCABTAMD. Then you'll get an "oohhhh, I get it"