3 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
15 Front Squats (125/185#) - from the floor
7 Bar Muscle Ups
“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.”
—Elizabeth Edwards
Larissa 12:59 45sec double under attempts/ 60#/ low bar jumping BMU
Erika 13:05 singles/ 35#/ jumping BMU
Brian 15:07 100 singles/ 5 BMU+2 strict pull ups
Julia 13:45 95#/ 5 BMU
Alex 18:23 Rx
Subhan 14:50 110#/ 2 BMU
Brennan 16:26 100 singles/ 95#/ hips to bar attempts
Kevin 16:36 45sec double unders/ 155#/high bar jumping BMU
Lee 12:07 55#, jbmu
Teresa 13:36 su, 55#, jbmu
Kathy 10:39 su, 55#, 5 sec hold, 3rr
Ben 7:07 Rx
Jeff 8:40 Rx
Rakshit 19:35 (165/5BMU + 2 Attempts)
Trevor 16:20 (158#/2 BMU)
Danielle G 12:42 (JMU High Bar)
Matt P 12:56 (125/C2B)
Graysen 14:49 (65/SU/5 JMU High Bar)
Nat 14:44 (JMU Low Bar)
Karen 10:41 (95#/ JMU Low Bar/ SU)
Olan 17:48 (115#/SU/BMU Attempts Got 2!!)
Freaky G 15:05 (115#/4 BMU)
Mike 14:45 (SU/105#/5 BMU)
Seth 11:37 (Back Squat/KBS/SU)
Lindsey 14:12 (75#/JMU Low Bar/SU)
Dan 16:16 Rx
Chao 13:10 (Kip Swings and JMU Low Bar/26# Goblet Squat/SU)
9:30 AM
Aimee 10:40 100#
Gordy 12:48 95# 3 BMU -banded
Sarah 15:55 DUA/SU 75#JBMU
Jackie 14:28 105#/ 4 BMU
Nick 16:03 105/ DUA/ JBMU
Mary 16:13 DU/SKI 70# BMU 5 banded
Cate 16:32 83/ some reg BMU some banded
EM G 11:39 83/ JBMU
Pam 14:02 4 BMU
Edwin 11:45 155/hips to bar
Erini 11:05 95 JBMU
Eric 13:05 135/ JBMU
Gent 14:00 50 DU/ 100 DU DB FS 45#
Angle 10:33 65/ JBMU
Chloe 10:29 95 JBMU
Shannon 13:44 rx
Yormen 12:30 75/ JBMU
Geoff 12:45 185 BS/ 100 SU 7 CTB attempts
Abby 7:58 SU/ 35# JBMU
Dana H 14:48 rx
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