

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:

1 Power Snatch (95/135#)
 1 Deficit HSPU (3/4.5”)
 10 Double Unders
2 Power Snatches 
 2 Deficit HSPU
 20 Double Unders

3 Power Snatches
3 Deficit HSPU
30 Double Unders 

Continue adding in this sequence each round for the remainder of the 15 Minutes. 

 Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” 
-John F. Kennedy


Colette said...

Megs 6 75# reg hspu
Jackie 6 65# 1 mat+1 plate
Jen 5+6 55# 2 mats practice
Leah 6+11 2 mats 55#
Cate 6+17 1/2 dubs 1/2 c2

Matt Powell said...

Pam 85# 6+2
Steph 75# 6 3 abmats
Edwin 105# 6+14 2 abmats
Freaky 80# 6+2 1 abmat
Keith RX 6+10 (Annual backpack & clothes wash today)!!

Danielle Gambone said...

6 am
Brian 7 single unders
Jamie 6+20, ski erg
Larissa 5+9, #50,2 ab mats
Jess 5+24,#85,singles, 2 ab mats
Subhan 5+7, #95, 1in deeper than the ocean

Lauren Taylor said...

Lauren 9+21 65# 3in plate PU
Matt 7+ 14 95#

Eric 5+56 115# 2ab
Yormen 6+4 65# 3ab
Kristen 5+57 62# 2ab
Jeff 7+8 RX

Sravanh 6 25# singles PU
Sai 8 45# singles PU
Andrew 7+15 65# singles PU
Seth 6 singles 20 in box PU