


We are exited to launch this new class and bring back our 6:30 PM class time two days a week 

(Tuesday/Thursday - 6:30 PM)

Get ready to rev up your fitness engine with our exhilarating 60-minute HIIT class, The Engine. With new coach Mike DeVito! 

This class is designed to ignite your metabolism and push your limits, this dynamic workout combines bursts of intense exercise with short recovery periods to maximize calorie burn and sculpt lean muscle. 
The Engine delivers a high-energy experience that will leave you feeling empowered and accomplished. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, our class offers modifications and challenges suitable for all levels. 

 Join us and discover the thrill of pushing past your boundaries, building strength, and boosting endurance in a supportive and motivating environment. Fuel your passion for fitness and unleash your full potential with The Engine HIIT class.

Class begins on Tuesday 4/30 - counts as a regular class with CFKOP membership. 
Check out the first week for FREE - Bring a Friend for FREE too!

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