
W.O.D. 4.22.16

With a running clock...
On minute 0-4-8-12-16:
Back Squat, Heavy 3 rep

On Minute 2-6-10-14-18:
Power Snatch, Heavy 3 Rep

Use a rack for the back Squat and use two bars. Record the weight used for each movement.

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex 110C DeKalb.

"Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it."  
Frances Wright


CFKOP iPad said...

Briana 180/78-83(full squat)
Matt R 125/75
Kevin B 145/85
Mike Sa 135-145/83-93
Shari 60-65/45
Theresa 105-115/65

Kris 83/53
Mike 1 155/105
Mark C 195/165-170 PCLN
Raj 185/75
Ashley M 140/65
Pete 225/115
Nick C 175/115
Dae 115/55 worked up
Jasmine 125/55 worked up
Laur(a) 145/75

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM and 12:15 Express
Katie 63/ 55/60
Jess A 95/55
Rich A 243/255/267 135/145/155
Luis 243/255/267 135/145/155
Mike Sim 225/155
Mike Roth 155/75
Jackie 145/ 85/95
Jill H 115/125 75
Jonathan P 275/ 155
Manisha 85/95 55/60
Natalie 55/40
Kevin 205/225/235 75
Jodilee 75/45
Terry 55/45
Mary 95/65

Pam 155/85
Denise 135/60
JP 240/135
Tim H 225/95
Meredith 103/55
Karen 135/63
Erik E 115/85
Erika 103/65

Stephanie Vincent said...


Eric F: 225/125 HSN
Nicole N: 83/58 HSN
Ryan A: 315/155 HSN
Dana D: 130/80


JillA: 205/105
Roman G: 185/115
Justin R: 185/135
Josh P: 185/115
Alona: 135/75
Jen S: 75/65
Laura P: 125/90


Christine S: 165/93
Matt E: 225/135
Mariana R: 100/65


Amanda W: 87/63