
W.O.D. 12.18.15

Build to a Heavy Single:
Hang Power Clean and Jerk

Advent Day 18: 
Max Pistols (One Leg Squat) in a Minute
Athletes can alternate legs or stay on the same leg.

"Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion." 
-Tony Hsieh


Stephanie Vincent said...

Mike Si 225pr
Sue 75
Theresa 100
Justin D 155PR
Kevin 135

Briana 139 PR,PwrCln
LP 125
Joe C 215
Nick C 175
Regi 143
Lauren H 110

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM
John P 135
Kevin H 135
Mary H 78
Matt B 205
Jackie H 145PR
Jess A 75 PR
Manisha 85 PR
Jill H 115 PR
Gordy 190 PR
Jason I 195
Barb C 55
Jill A 150 PR 155 power clean PR
Emma 45

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 163
Denise 130 PR
Luis 176 PR
Tim H 115 from
Karen 103#
Rich A 230 PR
Taryn 130

CFKOP iPad said...


Julie R: 105#
Elissa S: 75#


John Mc: 175#
Jen S: 100# PR
Rachael M: 90#
Roman G: 185#
Josh P: 185#
Ryan A: A LOT
Alona: 120#
Laura A: 135#


Shawna P: 105#
Shelia Mc: 75#
Chris C: 155#
Adam S: 155#
Brian T: 165# PR
Steph Mc: 70#
Danielle G: 90#

- Clay

Stephanie Vincent said...


Dave 225# PR!

Ryan A said...

Sorry Clay, I had to run out early to pick up my daughter from daycare. 275 C&J