
W.O.D. 4.27.14

Back Squat

Cash out:
400 Meter (bodyweight) Sled Pull

"Don't tell me how rocky the sea is, just bring the ship in."
- Lou Holtz (College Football Hall of Famer)


Unknown said...

Always follow your intuition. It's there to serve and assist in our development. It may place us somewhere that's uncomfortable for a time, but you and I both know that that is where the biggest rewards are!

Keith B said...


Tim H 255 5:56 Rx
John Mc 225 4:50 Rx
Zelda 65 7:05@100
Diane 275PR 6:55@135


Marci! 75 6:14@80
John B 115 6:06 115

Laura Pappas said...

Bummed I missed the 5 rep back squat, been doing them at my work gym but they don't really have bumper plates AND you're not allowed to drop weight so I've been leary to go up the 10 pounds I think I can.