
W.O.D. 12.29.15

10 Hang Power Cleans (115/165#)
50 Wallballs
2 Rope Climbs - 15 foot
8 Hang Power Cleans (115/165#)
40 Wallballs
2 Rope Climbs - 15 foot
6 Hang Power Cleans (115/165#)
30 Wallballs
2 Rope Climbs - 15 foot
4 Hang Power Cleans (115/165#)
20 Wallballs
2 Rope Climbs - 15 foot
2 Hang Power Cleans (115/165#)
10 Wallballs
2 Rope Climbs - 15 foot

Holiday Schedule: 

December 28th- December 30th
Regular Class Schedule

Thursday, December 31st
Daily WOD- 6am, 7am, 9:30am, 12:15pm Express, 1pm Masters
(No Evening Adult or Kids Classes)
Open Strength-10:30am-1pm 

 Friday, January 1st

"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed."
-Cavett Robert


CFKOP iPad said...


Mike San: 27:19 / 100# / Rope Climb
Regi B: 20:05 / 103# / KBS / Rope Pull
Chris D: 21:52 / 95# / Rope Pull
John K: 24:49 / 135# / Rope Climb
Justin D: 26:37 / 115# / 14# WB / Rope Pull
Mike Sim: 19:30 / 165# / Rope Pull


Jeff B: 24:07 Rx
Manisha: 23:19 / 65# / 8# WB / Rope Climb
Adam S: 22:07 / 125# / 18# WB / Rope Climb
Briana K: 21:20 / 115# / Rope Pulls

- Clay

CFKOP iPad said...


Bekah: 23:02 / 95# / 12# WB / Partial Rope
Laura A: 21:25 / 105#
Nick C: 19:52 / 145#
Jackie H: 22:40 / 105# / Partial Rope
Julie R: 26:51 / 63# / Partial Rope
Jill H: 23:59 / 85# / Partial Rope
Laura P: 17:18 Rx

- Clay

Anonymous said...

Pam 17:05 95
DD 2019 85, 10
Emma 19:26 35, 8, RPx3
John M 25:49 135, 18
Therese W 23:49 65, 35GobSq, RR

Masters (Wall Balls- 25,20,15,10,5 & 1 RC)
Kevin M 13:02 75, 14, RPx3
Terry 12:45 53, 8, RC Attempts

Rachel Spring said...

Jon P 24:54 Rx
Giulz 25:44 Rx
Aimee 14:53 Rx
Roman 18:58 145#
Gordy 18:52 135#/20#
Elissas 15:26 scale
Barbara 19:56 scale

Flounder 18:00 115#/14#/Pulls
Shawna 27:15 scale
Rob P 24:38
Rich A 18:53 Rx
Lucy Q 21:05 scale
Brian T 24:35 115#/20#/attempts

Rachel 18:53 Rx
Ryan 19:39 rope attempts
Danielle 17:42 scale
Ben V 18:34 scale
Brian G 17:53 scale
Kris L 18:19 scale
Jessie S 19:39 sc (weight only)

Dave 24:09 Rx
Sir 28:48 125#