
W.O.D. 4.8.14

 U.S. Marine Corps First Lieutenant James R. Zimmerman, 25, of Aroostook, Maine, assigned to 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, died on November 2, 2010, while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Lynel Winters, parents Tom and Jane, sister Megan, and brother Christian.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
11 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 deadlifts, 205/315 lb.
10 handstand push-ups

"Those who set their minds on virtue will do no evil"
-Chinese proverb


Unknown said...

Never settle for anything less than you deserve!

Jason Lyons said...

I tried to find a choose your own adventure for the Kindle but I could not find one. Would have been fun.

Paul S said...

Kara 12 #103/Band/SB
Christ 10+13 #103/Band/AM
Jonathan :-(
Lauren G. 15+7 #117/Band/AM
Joe G. 9+8 #225/Band/SB
Fran 12+11 #113/Band/SB
Rich 10+12 #205/Band/SB
Fugo 8+18 #95/RR/PU

*Kara/Christ- Great job with the #103, and Kara sticking with that one band! Christ, Going upside down for the HSPU awesome!
*Jonathan- Rest up buddy, I know how it feels :-(
*Lauren G.- Always great to see you!! Getting so strong!
*Joe G.- Jacked and Tan bro. Welcome back from Mexico, good work today with the #225 and you being smart enough to know to switch to RR when you felt discomfort.
*Fran- You were amazing today, Crushing the #113 Deadlifts and finishing those stink bugs, very proud.
*Rich- Your dedication to come in 20min early before class every time to stretch and warm up is paying off.. Starting to see the payouts from it, getting strong man and more flexible.
*Fugo- Deadlift form was spot on and you as well knowing your limit and when you felt discomfort, we moved on to another movement. Good job lady.

Good Class 9 Trey.

Flounder said...

Look harder jason:


Paul S said...


Travis said...


Jason Lyons said...

Liza: 7+20 (105, band, sb)
Keith: 7 (rx)
Ryan: 6+3 (sb)
Regi: 8 (145, band, ab)
Travis: 6+6 (295, sb)
Marci: 8 (123, band, sb)
Giuls: 6+1 (2ab, 65fs)
Olan: 7 (275, pu, sb)
WW: 6+1 (275, sb)
Aimee: 9+12 (rx)
Patrick: 9+9 (295)
Jason/Travis/Ryan: 7+5 (sc)

Liza: Your stink bugs ruled, super impressive...time for a smaller band
Keith: Nice finger tip pu
Ryan: Much better stink bugs, great work
Travis: C2B like a champ
Marci: Awesome first dead, nice and tight
Giuls: Your knee placement is perfect
Olan: Way to fight this one out, getting stronger by the minute
WW: Your form is getting better by the second, amazing effort each time.
Aimee: Way to push your shoulders after yesterday
Patrick: Simply put, the hardest I have ever seen you push. WOW.

Paul S said...

Jeff 10+11 SB
D 7+8 SB
Linda 7+11 #125/Band/SB
Steph C. 13+4 #135/Band/SB
Rach 7+17 #185/Band/AM
Dave 4 #255/Band/KU
Fayth 8+21 #145/Band/AM
Anne 8+11 #175/Band/SB
Seshu 7+4 #185/Band/SB

*Jeff and Derreck- Good job guys on the duel at 6:30. Way to push yourselves, Jeff cut the hell out of his hands but never stopped. D your Deadlifts looked great and your C2B as well man.
*Linda- Way to challenge yourself on the Deadlifts and had the best SB form of the night!!
*Steph C.- Push yourself more!! You are so much stronger than you think! I added 10lbs to your deadlift 5 min into the workout and you did not even notice! Pull-ups looked awesome!
*Rach- You killed it today, Awesome HSPU, Strong Deadlifts and especially in the warm up with the KBs. The other ladies respect and look up to you, you are setting a great example. Keep it up.
*Dave- I still have the #95 Deadlift video on my phone where you look like a dog shitting in the woods. You have come a long way bro, proud of you.
*Fayth/Anne- Best mother daughter combo in the box.. JK JK. You two did great with Deadlifts tonight, Anne going heavy and Fayth keeping your butt down (No Channing was not behind you).
*Seshu- Seshu you have become a great leader for the 7:30 class, Keep up the intensity and the motivation of other members in the class.

Anonymous said...

Chris 8+11 Bnd/205/SB
Audrey 11+11 Bnd/113/sb

I felt so safe today coaching a fireman and a doctor.:) Good job you two.

Miranda said...

Zelda 7+13 75#
Tobin 9+22 rx
Gina Did work 165#
Luke 6+5 275#
Kim 8+13 145# rr
Steve 8 SB
Pete 6+10 275#
Ronnie 11+ 8 95#
Mike S 5+10 165#