
W.O.D. 4.25.14

"Running Randy"
for time complete:
75 Power Snatches @ 75/55# 
...then directly following complete an 800 Meter Run 

Score should be recorded as follows i.e.(Randy time, total time) (4:05, 7:15)

Life Lessons from CrossFit Kids.

Community Notes:
Good luck to Mike T, Dave N, Cate K and Aimee competing in the Masters of the universe competition at CrossFit Generation on Saturday. If you have time come out to check out this event..."masters" starts at 35 years old...and 9AM!!

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.” 
― Maya Angelou


Unknown said...

What trait or characteristic do you have that you like and want to improve upon? What trait or characteristic do you have that you feel is lacking and could use some "fine tuning"? Can you think of 3 ways to create positive changes to each?

Jason Lyons said...

I would choose a weight so you finish Randy somewhere near the 5 minutes mark. Do not be deceived by the lightish weight, it gets heavy quick. Do not attempt 75/55# just because you know you can do them. Think about big sets and getting out the door. You should strive to make this a sub 10 minute workout.

Unknown said...

5:30 Mobility

Tim H

Paul S said...

Jonathan "I'm Back"
Diane RX 5:45, 12:00
Susan #95 4:14, 8:40
Jill #32 5:04, 10:09
Jackie #32 3:56, 8:32 Row
Lizzie #20 4:15, 8:26
Barb #33 4:30, 11:14 AD
Fugo #15 4:15, 8:47
Kara #35 5:05, 11:46
Christ #35 5:10, 11:14
Nicole #25 4:00, 8:41
Ashleigh #45, 8:00 12:02
Tiffany #45 7:52, 12:02
Justin RX 6:14, 9:54
Bre SC 4:26, 9:53

Good job scaling today, and racing hard on the 800m runs.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the delay with the scores!!

Zelda 9:15@25hng, 16:00
Kim G 4:59@40,10:15
Michal ?@25hng, 11:20
Terry 9:58@65,15:39
King 6:54, 11:12 Rx
Mike S 7:30@45,12:10
Brian 7:04@6512:32
Rachel 6:04@35,10:59

Jill 6:47@35hng, 12:18
Dianne 5:36@25,10:52Row
Mark R 150RusKBS#53 9:13,14:15
Joe 7:56,13:02Rx
Oleg 6:25, 11:43 Rx

Alex F 6:15@53,11:06
Gavin 6:15@53,11:02
Audrey 5:47@25,12:42
Pam 6:37, 10:46Rx

WW @65
James @55
Josh @55
Patrick RX
Manesha @25
Anne @25
Giuls Rx

4:30 I did not get the picture of your scores! Please post to comments if you know them.

Sorry guys huge #coachingfail on scores today!!

Anonymous said...

Paul got a photo of 4:30!!
Manisha 5:52@25, 11:09
Anne 6:45@25, 11:51
Westwood 7:34@65, 12:48
Patrick 5:25, 9:42 rx
Giuls 6:48, 11:24 rx
Josh 6:15@55, 10:52
James 5:30@55, 8:58