
W.O.D. 4.24.14


Take 20 Minutes to get to your 1RM Split Jerk


AMRAP in 7 Minutes
25 Double Unders
2 Bar Muscle Ups

Coaches Notes:
 The AMRAP is meant to be FAST, if 25 DU's will take you over a minute, consider scaling back to less reps to have a faster cycle time (i.e 15 reps or use attempts).  Bar Muscle Ups can be scaled from a box to a high bar or a racked bar closer to the ground.

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
― George Bernard Shaw


Unknown said...

Can the 25 DUs in the AMRAP be scaled to 75 SUs? I have never done more than 3 in a row.

Aimee Lyons said...

Nick. 3 SU in a row or 3 DU? If DU I would go with that. The only way to get better at DU is to do them. Maybe try 10 DU per round if that is the case. Or if you are still working on SU then 3 times SU is usually what we use.

Unknown said...

3 DU in a row. I will scale to 10 to 15 DU and see how it goes.

Unknown said...

Do something outrageous today. Do something so profound that you shock yourself. You will be amazed at just how liberating it is to be "quirky" or "off the wall".

Tim H said...

Travis - here's the location of the track: https://goo.gl/maps/e6J9B

Jason Lyons said...

Terry: 145PR (6 rds w/ 50-75 SU)

It was great having you in class today. I am glad that we backed off, got your head out of the way and then charged on to add 10 more pounds. The last rep was the easiest of the day so something definitely clicked...I am anxious to hear what you get the next time I see you.

Travis said...

Thanks Tim, I'm doing my best to make it.

Unknown said...


Thanks for the one on one today.
I agree that the last set was the easiest. I wish I had my head out of my butt 3 sets before. I think I could have done more weight.

I really appreciate the time you spent with me, and the tweaks to my form. I really think that I am going to enjoy doing more split jerks now that I understand what I am doing, and not being afraid of the weight.


Tim P said...


Peter W 200# (jerk PR), 9rounds 13" box assist
King 185#, 8rounds 13" box assist
Nick C 200#, 8rounds Rx

The jerk requires intensity and speed on the drop, I enjoyed watching these guys nail it once we were warmed up. Nice work tropical pete hitting a no BS, "just do it" last attempt.

Tim P said...

To whoever is coming tonight to our track workout at 5:30 on the Upper Merion HS track, keep in mind the middle school kids will just be finishing their make up rain track meet. Today is the only date we will have conflict from the make up rain date, as they usually have meets on Mondays.

We will start off using my "fake track" on the side closed off road that is distance marked and lined that we use for our HS kids when we can't practice on those Mondays thru-out the season.

In reality we will probably just do our warmup on the grass field then move to the real track because they should be done by then.

Aimee Lyons said...

Manisha 75#
Diane 185#
Fran 35#
Ashleigh 73#
Tiffany 80# (7 rds) first Bar MU!!
Jill 53#
Lizzie 83#

Welcome to Tiffany and Ashleigh who will be dropping in the next two days...visiting from Bermuda and here at KoP to shop!

Vlad 165# 7 Rx
Bre 125# 5 C2B/15 DU

Anonymous said...

Hey Pete, that split jerk looks legit....must have been working on it somewhere! :-)

Keith B said...


Aimee 160PR 2 Rx!!
Laura 148 7 PU
Shawna 85PR 2 sc
Fayth 105 6 sc
Anne 100 5 sc
Josh form 8 sc 13"
Derreck 205 5 sc box
Matt B 205 3 sc box
Cline 140 5 sc box

Aimee- Awesome job going for 160 with only 30 sec on the clock. Like Jim said, you have a ton more in the tank. It's just a matter of dropping lower under the bar while keeping your back foot in line with the shin to keep the stability.
Laura- 148 NICE!!! Now get off of that tight rope!!!
Shawna-I always say "let's see that smile", but now i think it's time to start getting mean and aggressive. It's ok to throw things around in the gym!! (as long as it's a bar with bumper plates)
Anne-nice job keeping those elbows up in the dip drive, now you have to add that stomp!
Fayth- reps at lower weight will help train keeping the hips square without keeping your back leg straight and stiff
Josh- nice job getting your head through while also getting your foot out in front
Derreck-same as Fayth more reps at lower weight to train that form and get that foot out in front
Matt B- Awesome working getting that speed under the bar.
Cline- Great job correcting that turnout in order to keep your hips square while dropping under the bar.

Way to work everyone! I love the energy in the box lately. Let's keep it up!!!

Aimee Lyons said...

Byrnsie 255PR 7rx
Keith 275 8 Rx
Nick S 125 4 sc
Justin R 115 6 Sc
Ryan S :) 5 Rx
Roman 200 PR 5 Rx
Marci 73 :)
Zelda 63 4 sc
Jill 113 4 Sc
Regi 155 PR 4 sc
Arieanne 73 :)
Taryn 125 :)
Sharon 135 3 sc
Giulia 145# 5 + 26sc
Kate F 93 PR! 4 sc

Brynsie- welcome back for a PR at Kop!
PR city today:
Big props to Regi on the 155 PR- your speed and split under the bar were amazing!
Roman coming through with a 200# PR, now stay in the heels.
Kate F---well done woman keep those shoulder and elbow active and you can get more!