
W.O.D. 4.15.14

"The Original"
courtesy of the "original JZ"

As Many Reps as Possible in 5 Minutes of Body Weight Back Squat*

Then immediately after:
15 Minute Clock Starts

You must run 800m

then with remaining time complete

As Many Rounds as possible of:
5 Box Jumps (24"/20")
5 Pull Ups

Score is Reps of Back Squats + Rounds

*If a body weight back squat is unattainable you will scale according to level and ability. If it rains and you don't want to run you can sub with a 1000 meter Row.

Click here and check out what Kim had to say about CrossFit KoP! Thanks for taking the time to write about your experience at CFKoP. See you the next time you are in town!

At one point in your life you either have the thing you want or the reasons why you don't 
- Andy Roddick


Travis said...

That was a great summary from Kim's visit. I was in that 4:30 and we had a great time completing a great wod.

Unknown said...

Keep it simple. Simplify everything as much as possible. Keep asking yourself "how can I make this more simple". If at first you don't like the answers you com up with ask with more certainty and confidence. Eventually the right one will come. You will be amazed at the answers you find!

Tim P said...

Brian H 34 (195), 9 rnds scaled
Peter 52 Rx, 17 Rx
Oleg 26 Rx, 16 Rx
King 31 Rx, 19 Rx
Nick C 42(135) , 11 Rx
Gina 42 (95), 11
Kim G 36(65), 11
Tracy 25(135, 10

Solid 20min of work gang

Unknown said...

I don't care if it is raining cats and dogs this afternoon: I may be the only one that gets excited about a WOD with running!

Unknown said...

Great wod!!! I used my bodyweight from 3rd grade ;)

Aimee Lyons said...

Nick!!! That's awesome!

Paul S said...

Dave 43 #165, 8 Run/Band
Zelda 30 #53, 8, Row/RR
Diane 67 #135, 13 Row/Band
Susan 62 #95, 8 Row/Band
Lisa 49 #75, 12 Row/RR
Fran 60 #55, 13 Run/Band
Kara 30 #53, 13 Row/Band
Christ 38 #53, 13 Row/Band
Rich 42 #135, 9 Row/Band
Fugo 54 #55, 9 Row/RR
Lizzie 54 #65, Run/10

This one is always a good one, Way to go Fran, Lizzie and Dave who went out in a torrential downpour!

Unknown said...

JZ this workout looks badass! I am definitely doing this at open gym! I can only hope that it is raining when I do it -LOL

Aimee Lyons said...

Miranda 25, 10 Rx weight, step up, Row
Giulia 37, 14 Rx
Ken 20, 8 165# (thanks for dropping in)
Liza 38, 8 step up (85#)
Laura 35, 135# 13 step ups

First of all super fun to coach Laura and Miranda in a class, it felt like old times at the FAC. Laura --week 36 (bad ass and your squats looked great). Miranda, great job driving your knees out and focusing on form and consistency. Ken great to have you in class, please drop in again when you are in town. You made some good squat progress by the end and keep mobilizing that leg and making your glutes stronger. Giulia...determination on the runs was awesome and your focus on the squats was top notch.

ok...Liza....you WILL get a pull up in about 2 months, your consistency in coming to classes is shining through with your squat form and kipping swing....just remember your CF sneakers next time. you really impressed me today....

great 5:30 CREW!

Anonymous said...

Mark c 31rx/16rr
Pam 25@125/8rx
Gavin 45rx/11rx

Regi 41@115/11bnd
Roman 33rx/15rx
Nick 50@?/12rr
John m 32bw rom/9 band
Keith 71rx/12rx
Josh 40@135/12band
Jeff 41@205/22rom

Paul S said...

Cline 27 @165, 10
D 13 @245, 9
Ryan A. 33 @225, 8
Alona 40 @115, 10
Vlad 60 @165, 19RX
Matt 25 @210, 10
Sylvain 39 @70KB, 8
Meghan 61 @45, 9
Rachel 51 @115, 12
Mish 63 @65, 10
Linda 53 @65, 10
Steph 50 @65, 11
Mark 50 @135, 6
Seshu 42 @125, 7

Lots of really smart scaling with the weight for the Back Squat today. Also had a lot of Billy BadAss's running in the rain. Good work today!