
W.O.D. 4.28.14

Bootcamp---session #1

5 Rounds for total Calories and Reps:
1 minute of rowing
Rest 15 seconds
1 minute of Power Cleans (95/135#)
Rest 15 seconds

****one minute transition and rest****

5 Rounds for total Calories and Reps:
1 minute of rowing
Rest 15 seconds
1 minute of Ring Dips
Rest 15 seconds

Community Notes:
Click here to register for the next L1 at CrossFit King of Prussia on June 14th and June 15th.  

"When life throws you adversity, you have three choices: you can let it define you, you can let it destroy you...or you can let it strengthen you."


Unknown said...

Do realize that if you're having a "bad day" that you have the power change that? It's very simple... Just decide that from this point forward your day will continue to get better. It doesn't have to make sense. You just have to BELIEVE that it will.

Mike T. said...

Tracy 121,142
Gina 125,135
Zelda 86, 103

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 scores
Weight/Name/Wod-1, Wod-2
55/Darcy 106/120
75/65/Nicole F/117/148
105/Andrea/136/116 (Rx+)

Welcome back Kathleen!
Andrea great to have you at 9:30AM..nice job on the Ring Dips!

Jason Lyons said...

Who wants to do a Zone challenge with me? My diet is nearly as bad as it was in graduate school and I would like company in cleaning it up. Anyone interested? Misery always loves company.

Anonymous said...

This week in structured strength...

1. German snatch 4 sets of 2
2. Pause Back squat 5x5
Pause in the bottom of each back squat for 5seconds
3. Push Press 5-5-3-3-3
4. Accessories: as time allows
3x 10-15 weighted back extension
3x 10-15 Russian twists
3x4 strict pull ups, negative on last reps

Monday 6:30p, Tuesday 10:30a, Wednesday 7a

Aimee Lyons said...

Leslie 35/124/101
Sue K 35/102/93
Alex F 85/123/119
Lauren G 53/125/144
Jessie 53/147/118
Audrey 53/104/114

Aimee Lyons said...

Pete 162 rx/163 rx
Joe C. 139rx/126 rx
King 147rx/170 rx
Nick 122 115#/143 rx

Great intensity this am!

King said...

German Snatch - I have not even figured out the American snatch..... sorry could not help myself.

Keith B said...


Kirill 164@95HPC/126 Rx
Miranda 128Rx/127band
Jill 116@65/92band
Patrick 150Rx/163Rx
Josh 138@95/143band


Amy 101@35/99paralette
Ryan 114 Rx/126band
Conn 146@95/152band
Derreck 151Rx/99ROM
Matt B 141 Rx/117Rx
Stephanie 124@55/157band
Luke 138@95/128band

Aimee Lyons said...

Keith RX 147, 148
Ryan B #185, 140, 142
Ryan S. #95, 134, 120 RX
Roman #115, 146, 166 RX
Jill A. #70, 112, 121 Band
Payne #95, 130, 131 RX
Marci #45, 108, 151 Sit-Ups
Giulia RX, 114, 133 Band

Anonymous said...

Haha king...the German snatch is a great tool for teaching positions and building strength in those positions. :)

Unknown said...

5:30 Mobility


Welcome Mark! Thanks for dropping in your first mobility class!