

Complete 5 Knees to Elbows and perform max rep Clean and Jerks at 105/155# on the minute. 

The goal is to complete 50 Clean and Jerks.

*At the beginning of every minute perform 5 knees to elbows for the rest of the minute perform as many clean and jerks as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 knees to elbows and then max rep clean and jerks and so on until you reach 50 total clean and jerks. 

Your score is the total time to complete 50 Clean and Jerks. 

"In life you are either a passenger or a pilot, it's your choice.

Ross 11:45 115/Rom
Rebecca 90/KTE scale
Kim 16:33 83/KTE scale
Gina 14:56 80/Rom
Roni 12:00 30 reps 90/KTE scale
Cris 18:53 135
Matt B 12:46 135/Rom
Mike S 16:51 75/Kte scale
Kathleen 10:59 70/Rom
Mr. W 15:52 (115)
Mrs. W 15:32 (35) Scaled K2E
Megs 12:58 (85)
Kelvin 13:43 (135)
Chip 13:00 (135)
Allison 13:42 (65)
Leslie 13:59 @85
Jack 12:50 75/ROM
Kate K 12:38 105 K2E/3reps
Chris A 11:49 105 ROM
Kyle B 15:51 15db
Sam B 8:57 Rx
WW 13:57 115 ROM
Travis 15:38 135 scale
Mike Fab 13:53 ROM
Joy 9:00 30reps 85 ROM
Ryan P 12:42 115
Lauren B. 8:58 53 scale
Brennan 7:57 Rx
LP 10:44 95#
Faby 11:42 Rx
Cory 19:01 100# scale
Tidmore 12:39 115#
Kyle W 10:36 95# scale
Luke 19:45 95# scale
Joe P 15:41 105#
Shoeless 15:55 95# rom
Mateo 14:20 100#
Gene 12:49 Rx
Mike T: 12:28 Rx
Joe C: 15:51 125#
Rob PH 9:58 ROM/135#
Schaefer 16:47 Rx
Jim C. 13:50 135#
Pam 14:56 ROM/83#


Jason Lyons said...

Just a coaches note on this one. If you decide to rest a minute, you still need to do the knees to elbows before resting. Any time taken off before doing the KTE would be considered a scale.

good luck!

Charles said...

What's the target time domain?

Anonymous said...

total crusher!!! youch!

Jason Lyons said...

I think very good people can do this sub ten. In my first minute I got 8 clean and jerks but faded after that. The main thing that hurt me was toes to bar proficiency. If you can kip them proficiently and not do one at a time you will do well with this workout if your Grace time is sub 3 minutes. Good luck. Your lungs catch on fire though so be prepared. :)

Vinny said...

6am results

Ross 11:45 115/Rom
Rebecca 90/KTE scale
Kim 16:33 83/KTE scale
Gina 14:56 80/Rom
Roni 12:00 30 reps 90/KTE scale
Cris 18:53 135
Matt B 12:46 135/Rom
Mike S 16:51 75/Kte scale
Kathleen 10:59 70/Rom

KTE scale = reps and Rom were scaled. Some athletes completed 3 KTE on the minute.

Vinny said...

Jason L 14:30


Rebecca S. said...

I think my time was 15:29. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am going to smoke this WOD!

Paul S said...

Mr. W 15:52 (115)
Mrs. W 15:32 (35) Scaled K2E
Megs 12:58 (85)
Kelvin 13:43 (135)
Chip 13:00 (135)
Allison 13:42 (65)

Paul S said...


Mr. W 15:52 #115
Mrs. W 15:32 #35/Scaled K2E
Megs 12:58 #85
Kelvin 13:43 #135
Chip 13:00 #135
Allison 13:42 #65

Nice job 9Trey, This workout was a lot harder than most of you thought.. and you kept pushing through!

Paul S said...



Leslie 13:59 @85

Awesome Job, way to push through 5 reps in the last minute to finish!

Keith B said...


Jack 12:50 75/ROM
Kate K 12:38 105 K2E/3reps
Chris A 11:49 105 ROM
Kyle B 15:51 15db
Sam B 8:57 Rx
WW 13:57 115 ROM
Travis 15:38 135 scale
Mike Fab 13:53 ROM
Joy 9:00 30reps 85 ROM

Anonymous said...

Sam B. You are increadible!!

Chris P. said...

Ryan P 12:42 115
Lauren B. 8:58 53 scale
Brennan 7:57 Rx
LP 10:44 95#
Faby 11:42 Rx
Cory 19:01 100# scale
Tidmore 12:39 115#
Kyle W 10:36 95# scale
Luke 19:45 95# scale
Joe P 15:41 105#
Shoeless 15:55 95# rom
Mateo 14:20 100#
Gene 12:49 Rx

welcome to Ryan P and Lauren B to their first class after finishing fundi's!

Anonymous said...

can someone post noon results?

Anonymous said...

noon athlete times?

Anonymous said...

Here you go anonymous!!

Mike T: 12:28 Rx
Joe C: 15:51 125#
Rob PH 9:58 ROM/135#
Schaefer 16:47 Rx
Jim C. 13:50 135#
Pam 14:56 ROM/83#

Keith B said...


Andrew Y 11:51 95
Albert 9:55 ROM
Conn 9:57 95
Borden 12:56 135 K2E scale
Kate C 11:59 Rx
Jess C 13:42 85
Matt G 14:44 115 K2E scale
Kelly G 15:34 55 K2E scale
David 10:57 115
VInny 9:51 Rx
Big Al 16:52 ROM