
Get to Know Your Coaches

  Jason Lyons

1.    How long have you been doing Crossfit?
Since July of 2008

2.    What certifications do you have?
Certified CrossFit Coach, CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit Coaches Prep Course, CrossFit Kids, CrossFit Powerlifting, CrossFit Olympic Lifting and other clinics, CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Gymnastics (Tucker), Gymnastics (Paoli), CrossFit Football, Concept II Rowing

3.    What future certifications do you want to get?
CrossFit Level 2 if they reintroduce it, CrossFit Kettlebell, CrossFit Endurance, CrossFit Rowing

4.    What are your favorite things to coach?
I like to teach just about anything.  If I have to pick one thing, it is probably something related to a barbell.

5.    Why do you like coaching?
There are fewer things better than seeing someone do something for the first time because of your instruction.  Every person is unique and it takes a different cue to get through to everyone…I like the challenge of finding the right cue. 

6.    How would you classify your style?
Non sugar coated.  I only say “good” when it is actually good.  I will often say “better”.  I like to have a good time and joke around with people before class but when the clock starts, it is all business.  Some people may think I am mean and demanding.  I like to think that you respect those that demand the most from you.  You don’t need to like me as long as you respect me. 

7.    Other interests outside of Crossfit?
I like reading, music, traveling, beer and wine and my family.  My dream job is a tour reviewer for Pearl Jam or a writer for Fromers. 

8.    What are you top 2 Crossfit goals for 2013?
I want to work out 3 times a week consistently and I would like to drop 10+ pounds

9.    Favorite Crossfit memory?
The first time Andrea ran a 400m unassisted after being told she could not do it by “medical professionals”.   I cried when she got back and I get goosebumps when I write about it. 

10. What's your "day" job?
I am an R&D manager for a global specialty chemical producer.  My group is involved in the research and development of additives for a variety of plastics. 

11. What would you be doing for exercise without Crossfit?
Aimee quite literally saved my life.  I would probably be doing nothing and getting morbidly obese on my couch.  She opened my eyes and made me believe that I could actually like to exercise. 

12. Favorite cheat foods?
Beer, wine, good chocolate and french fries.  


Chris P. said...

Jason is a technician; not surprising when you look at his day job and analytical mind. It's not enough for him to learn something, he needs to know WHY and HOW.

You can be reassured that if Jason is coaching, he wants the best out of you and will push you to do your best. This goes not only physically, but also mentally and with integrity. It doesn't matter to Jason if you are the fastest or strongest person in the gym; he cares more about your improvement and character. That's what makes Jason a great coach.

Anonymous said...

I love me some coach Jason. You and Aimee are like yin and yang...together you sit at the helm of a community that makes people become who they can be. I probably wouldn't be here today if you hadn't been there through my early days of CrossFIt. You hold expectation high for all of us and it makes us better. Thank you.

Gina Spinelli said...


Shawn T. said...

All around great guy! One of a kind. Thanks for teaching me crossfit and introducing me to Dogfish!

Kathleen said...


I respect you AND I like you:) Not only do you bring great energy to the box, I love the science that you bring to your coaching too. It helps me when I understand why my feet need to be under my shoulders instead for further out where they are more comfortable. My favorite queue is "squenched butt cheeks" when doing a shoulder press, I don't think I've bent my knees on one since you told us that.

Great write up. Thanks for sharing!

Keith B said...

I second Gina's statement.... NEPA Rules!!!!

Miranda said...

Jason - you are an awesome coach and I love when I get to take your classes. I am constantly inspired by you and love to learn from you. Your knowledge and expertise are what make you such an excellent coach. If any members have not a chance to be in one your classes, I highly recommend they do. Rock on!

Anonymous said...

If you get a job with Fromer's as a travel reviewer down the road, I would like to apply as your assistant! :)

Jim Curran said...

Jason is a smart, smart dude! A true subject mater expert in any area of interest in his life. Lousy football taste , but a great crossfit coach.

Arin said...

I love Jason's classes and he's not a bad dude either. Did everyone know that in addition to coaching the crap out of us, Jason can also run a sub 30 5k? :-)