


"Jumping Jackie"
200 Double Unders
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups

Community Notes: 
Saturday and Sunday's WOD will be at 9:00AM only, meet and park at Frosty Falls. This is a FREE WOD for members.

For those athletes competing at CrossFit Generation's Summer Slam - Good luck! Click here for some more details and click here for the updated schedule of events.

Periodization, Burnout and CrossFit a must read for everyone from Fletcher Fitness.

"Since time is the one immaterial object which we cannot influence--neither speed up nor slow down, add to nor diminish--it is an imponderably valuable gift."
-Maya Angelou

Lam 125 9:58Rx
Becca 55 16:00cap 100DUA15#/MF
Kim G 70 17:55 (DUA/Band)
Roni 85 15:35RX
Ellie 73 15:38 33/gr
Drew 115 18:46 100DU/Floss
Mike S 95 15:00cap (70DUA/25)
Jay E. 205 14:51 RX
Oleg 155 14:26 100DU
Klutch 145 9:52 RX
Mark C: 135 12:48 DUA/Band
Lauren 75 17:49 100DUA/Gr
Nick 105 16:19 Rx
Chip 125 16:49 RX
Peter 125 9:15 RX
Travis 75 17:58 300SU/33/RR
Diego 115/14:10 DC
Stacy 75/115:15 (125 DU/DUA, band)
Denise 85/15:01 (125 DU)
Justin 115/16:32 (band)
Breanna 65/14:52 (DUA, band)
Justin K. 155/16:47 (ROM on PU)
Faby 165 (PR)/12:09 Rx
Schaeffer 135/11:00 Rx
Kyle Bryant: Vest+15#DB/ 18:04 (35 jumps)
Stasie: 55#/17:34 (500SU)
Jim C: 115#/12:42 (84 DU)
Derreck: 125#/14:20 (75DU)
Oji: 70# (ROM)/ 17:32 (350 SU)
Sandy: 65# / 15:15 (450SU)
Borden: 115# / 12:56 Rx
Jeremy: 105 (4reps) / 17:30 (115DU)
Will from CA: 135 / 11:46 (559 SU)
Kate C: 105 / 11:06 (125 DU)
Tim McC: 85# / 11:07 (400SU)
Dan M: 95# / 16:10 (150DU)
Cate 135#/Row 9:58
Barb Z. 68#/100 DU 17:19
Mike W. 135#/150 DU 14:40
Joy 65#/150 DU 17:26
Heather 83#/75 DU 17:55
Kim C. 70# 17:19 15 Pullups
Sharon 85#/150 DU/19:29 33#
Jess S. 68# 75 DU 19:47 33#
Aimee 120#/8:39 Rx
Keith 165#/8:42Rx
Gene 155#/18:27 (SU for 6min)
Steph 125#/14:53 (115DU band)
Arin 45#/15:10 (100DU 33# band)
Joe C 135#/13:49 Rx
Ph 175#/13:12 (70DU band)
Brian R 115#/12:26 (72DU)
Zak 53#/14:20 (DNF)
Kyle 85#/15:45 (Rx)
Rinat 95#/9:50 (Rx)
Erika 75#/15:43 (band DUA)


Jason Lyons said...

Good article Aim. There are actually a LOT of books written about this by some ridiculously smart people. If anyone cares about over training, I would recommend Zatsiorsky's book. You will take so much from it. I travel a lot and I preach CF a lot and I hear a lot of people saying, "well Rich Froning does it". For DECADES, people have tried the mimic the training style of the Bulgarians in lifting and they were never successful. Everyone must treat their body as an experiment of one and find out what you can do and what works for you. That being said, read and educate yourself so that you do not burn out. You may see short term results but in my opinion, long term is more important and it is not possible to see the detriment until it happens. I would be glad to talk to anymore about this more as it is actually something I am quite passionate about.

Anonymous said...

If your a Mellissa Joulwan fan (Well Fed/The CLothes Make the girl) she will be in town doing a book signing at CrossFit Center City on thur August 30th at 6:30p. A couple of us are headed to an early dinner downtown and then meeting Mel, lmk if you want to join us :-)

Mark C said...

Thanks, Jason. This actually may relate to a question I've been asking myself and have been curious if others have the same experience. I find that I virtually always have some soreness somewhere in my body from working out, and often in my shoulders and elbows after things like kettle bell swings and pull-ups. It generally feels like muscular soreness, so I tell myself that's a good thing b/c I'm working my muscles to new limits. But is it a good thing? I don't workout as frequently as many at the box do, probably 3-4x/week between the box and home WODs, but still experience this. Is this common/normal/healthy? Do I need even more rest (which I think I have too much of, frankly, b/c work often prevents working out as much as I'd like)?

Anonymous said...

6am Baby Makers:
Lam 125 9:58Rx
Becca 55 16:00cap 100DUA15#/MF
Kim G 70 17:55 (DUA/Band)
Roni 85 15:35RX
Ellie 73 15:38 33/gr
Drew 115 18:46 100DU/Floss
Mike S 95 15:00cap (70DUA/25)
Jay E. 205 14:51 RX
Oleg 155 14:26 100DU
Klutch 145 9:52 RX

7am Wet Dreams:
Mark C: 135 12:48 DUA/Band
Lauren 75 17:49 100DUA/Gr
Nick 105 16:19 Rx
Chip 125 16:49 RX
Peter 125 9:15 RX
Travis 75 17:58 300SU/33/RR

Great job am crew putting the
"thrust" in Thruster :-)

Jason Lyons said...

Mark: I will let others chime is as well but there could be a list of factors going on here including nuitrition, sleep habits, stress, overtraining, poor range of motion, past injuries being exposed etc.

It is my opinion that when you work out, you will be sore but you should be able to tell the difference between soreness and pain. DOMS is the perfect example. I finish a workout and after it, I am fine but in two days, I feel like I got hit by a train..that is pretty normal. However, if it hurts during the workout or immediately after, something is wrong and you should have a coach look at your form or see an ART specialist or check your eating and sleeping habits.

Jason Lyons said...

Also, if your shoulders are sore from kettlebells, you are likely using them to pull the weight up, not the thrust from your hip and if your elbows are sore from pullups, you are likely initiating your pull with your elbows and not your lats. Goes back to form.

donkey said...

@Mark: I don't disagree with anything Jason says. I would only add that I have personally found that recovery takes longer as I have gotten older, and once I cleared 40 and started doing CrossFit, shit really got real with that. I am working much harder than before, but I definitely pay for it for longer too.

That said, I'm a fan of DOMS. I'm a little demented like that.

Melanie said...

3:30 crew
Diego 115/14:10 DC
Stacy 75/115:15 (125 DU/DUA, band)
Denise 85/15:01 (125 DU)
Justin 115/16:32 (band)
Breanna 65/14:52 (DUA, band)
Justin K. 155/16:47 (ROM on PU)
Faby 165 (PR)/12:09 Rx
Schaeffer 135/11:00 Rx

Good work everyone! Way to force yourself to get those double-unders.

Mark C said...

Thank you for the perspective! Lots to think about that I hadn't considered. btw - generally, I don't feel anything during the workout b/c I'm warmed up and loose; just after, usually the next day, and sometimes lasting 2-3 days. (Donkey, thanks as always for giving the cold, hard truth. Yes, age is surely a factor in my case.)

donkey said...

Mark C: You're welcome.

All classes had a 6 minute jumping activity cap, meaning that around 6 minutes they picked a finishing point if they hadn't gotten all 200/600 jumps in.

530 Class:

Kyle Bryant: Vest+15#DB/ 18:04 (35 jumps)
Stasie: 55#/17:34 (500SU)
Jim C: 115#/12:42 (84 DU)
Derreck: 125#/14:20 (75DU)
Oji: 70# (ROM)/ 17:32 (350 SU)
Sandy: 65# / 15:15 (450SU)

630 Class:
Borden: 115# / 12:56 Rx
Jeremy: 105 (4reps) / 17:30 (115DU)
Will from CA: 135 / 11:46 (559 SU)
Kate C: 105 / 11:06 (125 DU)
Tim McC: 85# / 11:07 (400SU)
Dan M: 95# / 16:10 (150DU)

Some truly ass-kicking moments tonight in the hot, hot evening classes. People worked super hard to maintain their lumbar and keep the bar path in the classic bagel cutter position. and those pullups at the end looked tough after those thrusters, but you all gutted it out. Nicely done.

Tidmore said...

Strange last minute question- does anyone have a dog walker in the area? Need one for tomorrow sunday morning?


Tidmore said...

Sorry - tomorrow night and sunday morning