The 2012 King and Queen of Prussia
Today is the day you have all been waiting for...hold back the uprising, the workouts are ready. Arrive adorned in your best CrossFit attire at 8:30AM for the royal registration. Standards will be announced at 9:00AM and the workouts will kick off promptly at 9:30AM.
This year all athletes will compete in three WODs and when all the dust has settled, the top four men and woman will duke it out at the "Dance with Dragons" (the Final WOD). All scores will be wiped clean when the final four commoners compete for the title of King and Queen of Prussia. In addition to bragging rights for the year, the winners will have their names engraved on the trophy that is proudly displayed in the main lobby and their picture featured in the "CFKoP Hall of Exercise Fame". For those who have registered please take this opportunity to have your friends and family come and watch you compete. Click here for the heats.
There will be a "Court Jester" - spirit of the competition award this year.
As a thank you for being part of the CFKoP empire we will adorn you with T-shirts, feast on food and honor success with beer for all participants; please feel free to bring some food and drinks to contribute too!
Previous Kings and Queens of Prussia:
2010- John Warnek and Cate Kelly
2011- Mike Viola and Laura Pappas
Drum Roll Please....
WOD 1:"Raise the Drawbridge"
For time complete:
Run 400 Meters
Hang Power Clean 55/75#
Front Squat 55/75#
Push Press 55/75#
Row 500 Meters
Time Cap: 15:00 minutes
WOD 2: "Fight The Power"
Dumbbell Snatch Ladder
Ladies 20# 25# 35# 40# 45# 50# 55# 60# 65# 70#
Lords 45# 55# 65# 70# 75# 80# 85# 90# 95# 100#
Competitors will have 20 seconds to complete a Dumbbell Snatch on the Right and Left arm and 10 seconds to rotate. On the final weight athletes can complete max reps alternating in 20 seconds.
WOD 3: "The Crown Jewel"
AMRAP in 8 Minutes
1 Box Jump, 1 KettleBell Swing 35#/55#, 1 Burpee
2 Box Jumps, 2 KettleBell Swings 35#/55#, 2 Burpees
3 Box Jumps, 3 KettleBell Swings 35#/55#, 3 Burpees...
...follow this sequence increasing repetitions until 8 minutes has elapsed.
WOD 4: "Dance with Dragon"
announced the day of....
Weighted Push up
Community Notes:
CrossFit Endurance will be at 5:30PM tonight, meet Coach Tim at the Upper Merion Track.
CrossFit is Dangerous??? by Miranda Oldroyd
“You’re a winner. The tests of life are not meant to break you, but to make you.”
~Norman Vincent Peale~
Balmer 265/150
Nina 205PR/85
Roni 140PR/25
Brian D 130/40
Lam 245/135
Lauren M 160PR/40
Becca N 125BabyPR/30
Gina 140PR//25
Mike S 155PR/50
Wax 245/180
Nick C 225/125
Drew 275/55
Paul F 255/165
Byrnsey 225/185
John C 325/125
Kim C 108/90
Dan L 250/130
Susan 175/70
Justin 250/135
Barb 155/50
Nick 235/145
Ciera 185/40
Beth T 105/30
Chris A 210/80
Joe C 225PR/90
Ben 205PR/1armpractice
Arin 165PR/70
Alison 185/115
Kim G 125/70
Brianna 125/70
Mark S 155/70
Becky 105/45
Vinny 330/...
Mike T 225/...
Flounder 195/70
Sandy 135/50
Erika 145/50
Mike P 315/135
Patrick P 225pr/165
Diego 220pr/90
Kyle 108 (vests)/50
Joy 130/40
Jess S 135/bw
Gene 335/170
Stacy H 150/50
Jim C. 240pr/100
Jeremy 195pr/70
Conn 245/110
Borden 280/70
Melissa L 145/50
Pam 150/60
Jackie 145pr/35
Tim Mcc 235/225
Al 275/225
Manisha 88
LP 125/50
Nicole M 108/50
Brett Z. 98/40
Rob Z. 155/115
JP 215/70
Leslie 118/35
Shoeless 275/85
Matt B. 215/115
Dan M. 190/80
Balmer 265/150
Nina 205PR/85
Roni 140PR/25
Brian D 130/40
Lam 245/135
Lauren M 160PR/40
Becca N 125BabyPR/30
Gina 140PR//25
Mike S 155PR/50
Wax 245/180
Nick C 225/125
Drew 275/55
Paul F 255/165
Byrnsey 225/185
John C 325/125
Kim C 108/90
Dan L 250/130
Susan 175/70
Justin 250/135
Barb 155/50
Nick 235/145
Ciera 185/40
Beth T 105/30
Chris A 210/80
Joe C 225PR/90
Ben 205PR/1armpractice
Arin 165PR/70
Alison 185/115
Kim G 125/70
Brianna 125/70
Mark S 155/70
Becky 105/45
Vinny 330/...
Mike T 225/...
Flounder 195/70
Sandy 135/50
Erika 145/50
Mike P 315/135
Patrick P 225pr/165
Diego 220pr/90
Kyle 108 (vests)/50
Joy 130/40
Jess S 135/bw
Gene 335/170
Stacy H 150/50
Jim C. 240pr/100
Jeremy 195pr/70
Conn 245/110
Borden 280/70
Melissa L 145/50
Pam 150/60
Jackie 145pr/35
Tim Mcc 235/225
Al 275/225
Manisha 88
LP 125/50
Nicole M 108/50
Brett Z. 98/40
Rob Z. 155/115
JP 215/70
Leslie 118/35
Shoeless 275/85
Matt B. 215/115
Dan M. 190/80
A-Squad reunion
Who's up for a little CrossFit KoP Trivia quiz?Members only can answer, no coaches. First to get all the answers correct will receive a free item from the CFKoP store. No Anonymous posts.
1. Who is pictured in the photo?
2. Which two athletes in the photo have trained in Texas?
3. What number of athletes have competed in CrossFit Regionals?
Good Luck!

Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up
Your score is the number of handstand push-ups completed for each round. Scale as necessary. Today is a great day to work on the Rope Climb and HSPU skill! Three rope pulls will equal one rope climb. The low ropes will be used for rope pulls. Towel pullups can also be used if necessary in 3/1 ratio.
(compare to 4.29.11)
Community Notes:
Thursday is the first Thursday of the month-- Open Gym will run from 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Thursday evening.
Personal Psychology by S. Vincent
“A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”
Mike P 43
Byrnsie 39
Kit 19
Aimee: 60
Cate: 60
Nicole 43
Sam 74
Olan 22
Faby 62
John C. 92
Jason 43
Faby 90
Kate C. 58
Jim C. 28
Tim McC 43
Justin H 28
Patrick 50
Becky 21 (13 minutes)
Balmer 57 (SB)
Nina 30 ab mat
Ellie 40 (SB,rope att)
Gina 48 (sb,rope pulls)
Drew 28 (sb,rope att)
Brian D 55 (24",rope pulls)
Rebecca S 40 (sb)
King 51 (ab mat)
Jay E 47 (rope pulls)
Kim C 50 (SB)
Ciera 35 (RP/SB)
LisaA 17 (RP/SB)
Chip 66 (SB)
BJ 80 (SB/RP)
Beth 46 (RP/2AbM)
Melanie M : lots (abmat)
Dianne: 50 (sb, pulls)
Dawn: 14 (holds/att & pulls)
Megs: 31 (abmat)
Graeme: 26 (2abmat, att&climbs)
Farfa: 46 (sb/pulls)
Lisa C: 29 (sb, pulls/att)
Margo: lots (sb/pulls)
Shawn 58 box
Marie 37 rp/box
Travis 46 sb
Mike W. 31 sb
Wax 38 (ROM)
Klutch 44 (1 AM)
Ying 41 (RP, SB)
Diego 16 (SB)
Oji 30 (some rope pulls, SB)
Jen S. 24 (1 AM)
Jeremy 57 (RP, SB)
Al 67 (TPU, SB)
Ryan 60 (SB)
Tidmore 40 (1 AM)
Schaeffer 15 (2 plates)
Matt G. 32 (1 plate + 1 AM)
Travis M. 29 (RP, SB)
Leslie 37 (row, RP, SB)
Kathy 29 (RP, SB on knees)
Heather 34 (1/2 RP, 2 AM)
Joe C 24 (abmat)
Arin 45 (35ab 2 climbs)
Kim G 21 (SBP ROM)
Ryan B 86 (SBP)
Mark W 45 (SBP)
Sharon 32 (SBP)
The lulu ladies visit for the nooner!
The Mashup!
Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up
Your score is the number of handstand push-ups completed for each round. Scale as necessary. Today is a great day to work on the Rope Climb and HSPU skill! Three rope pulls will equal one rope climb. The low ropes will be used for rope pulls. Towel pullups can also be used if necessary in 3/1 ratio.
(compare to 4.29.11)
Community Notes:
Thursday is the first Thursday of the month-- Open Gym will run from 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Thursday evening.
Personal Psychology by S. Vincent
“A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”
Mike P 43
Byrnsie 39
Kit 19
Aimee: 60
Cate: 60
Nicole 43
Sam 74
Olan 22
Faby 62
John C. 92
Jason 43
Faby 90
Kate C. 58
Jim C. 28
Tim McC 43
Justin H 28
Patrick 50
Becky 21 (13 minutes)
Balmer 57 (SB)
Nina 30 ab mat
Ellie 40 (SB,rope att)
Gina 48 (sb,rope pulls)
Drew 28 (sb,rope att)
Brian D 55 (24",rope pulls)
Rebecca S 40 (sb)
King 51 (ab mat)
Jay E 47 (rope pulls)
Kim C 50 (SB)
Ciera 35 (RP/SB)
LisaA 17 (RP/SB)
Chip 66 (SB)
BJ 80 (SB/RP)
Beth 46 (RP/2AbM)
Melanie M : lots (abmat)
Dianne: 50 (sb, pulls)
Dawn: 14 (holds/att & pulls)
Megs: 31 (abmat)
Graeme: 26 (2abmat, att&climbs)
Farfa: 46 (sb/pulls)
Lisa C: 29 (sb, pulls/att)
Margo: lots (sb/pulls)
Shawn 58 box
Marie 37 rp/box
Travis 46 sb
Mike W. 31 sb
Wax 38 (ROM)
Klutch 44 (1 AM)
Ying 41 (RP, SB)
Diego 16 (SB)
Oji 30 (some rope pulls, SB)
Jen S. 24 (1 AM)
Jeremy 57 (RP, SB)
Al 67 (TPU, SB)
Ryan 60 (SB)
Tidmore 40 (1 AM)
Schaeffer 15 (2 plates)
Matt G. 32 (1 plate + 1 AM)
Travis M. 29 (RP, SB)
Leslie 37 (row, RP, SB)
Kathy 29 (RP, SB on knees)
Heather 34 (1/2 RP, 2 AM)
Joe C 24 (abmat)
Arin 45 (35ab 2 climbs)
Kim G 21 (SBP ROM)
Ryan B 86 (SBP)
Mark W 45 (SBP)
Sharon 32 (SBP)
The lulu ladies visit for the nooner!
The Mashup!
6:30 Power Snatch Practice
Bre overhead!
Congratulations to our intern Remi on his first MU
5 Rounds for time of:
Bre overhead!
Congratulations to our intern Remi on his first MU
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Power Snatch (75/115#)
10 Kettlebell Swings (55#/70)
10 Burpees
"The most important quality in a leader is that of being acknowledged as such. All leaders whose fitness is questioned are clearly lacking in force. "
-Andre Maurois
Manny 12:42 3round, 53PowerSnatch/25kb
Jay E 13:31 Rx
Celia 21:48 scaled,form
Becca N 21:33 45/18kb
Rebecca S 18:27 65/44
Lam 17:55 85/55
Mike S 22:55 75/53
Drew 18:54 95/45
King 14:50 95/70
Paul F 18:08 95/55
Mike P 16:54 95/70
Gina 13:34 64/55russian
Cris A 18:54 95/70
Roni 18:55 63/55
Chip 19:14 Rx
Peter 15:39 95/70
Mark 18:27 75/70Russian
Nick C 18:01 75/70
Nina 14:12 Rx
Mark B 14:56 85#55 KB
Steph V. 16:20 Rx
Beth O 14:26 45#/26 KB
Barb Z 14:40 45#/35KB
Bre 14:20 35#/26KB
Joy N 16:32 35#/35KB
Susan B 16:23 65#/55KB
Chris A 4 Rds
Fatyth 22#/26KB
Anne 22#/10KB
Ryan B. Rx
Becky 65#/55KB
Sharon 65#/35KB
Joe C 18:10/95#/55
Justin H 95#/55
Alexis 55#/35
Rob Ph Rx
John Sch Rx
Arin 65#/45KB
Sarah 21:36 63/26
Tim McC 15:52 85/53
JessSss 20:40 45/45
Kristin S 17:01 45/35
Sandy 18:54 55/45
Flounder 19:35 75/53
Jim C 17:03 100/53
Gene 19:35 Rx
Kate k 14:47 65
Faby 13:40 Rx
Kenny 20:53 75/53
Patrick 16:29 Rx
Kathleen 17:33 45/45
LP 13:38 65
Tidmore 12:48 75/53
Kyle B 14:30 75/44
Manisha 20:25 35/26
Jackie 17:19 26/45
Randy Dnf :(
Brian R 18:18 115/53
Vinny 13:11 Rx
Borden 15:10 95/53
Conn 16:15 95/53
Erika 13:57 65/35
Kyle Bry 19:35 18kb/12kb
Stasie17:55 35/35
Ditty 19:56 55/35
Derreck 21:55 Rx
Jess C 16:18 65/55 Russian
Dan M 18:28 65/45
Al 19:27 95/53
Andrew Y 19:23 75/44
Holly Dnf :(
Nate 21:10 (95/70R)
Roman 15:58 (95/55)
Olan 18:28 (Rx)
Stacy 16:47 (45/35)
Mark S 21:01 (65/45)
Brynsie 17:21 (Rx)
Rachael 19:29 (53/45R)
Rinat 14:44 (95)
WW 21:41 (95/55)
Kate C 11:52 (Rx)
Dig 16:58 (75/45)
Manny 12:42 3round, 53PowerSnatch/25kb
Jay E 13:31 Rx
Celia 21:48 scaled,form
Becca N 21:33 45/18kb
Rebecca S 18:27 65/44
Lam 17:55 85/55
Mike S 22:55 75/53
Drew 18:54 95/45
King 14:50 95/70
Paul F 18:08 95/55
Mike P 16:54 95/70
Gina 13:34 64/55russian
Cris A 18:54 95/70
Roni 18:55 63/55
Chip 19:14 Rx
Peter 15:39 95/70
Mark 18:27 75/70Russian
Nick C 18:01 75/70
Nina 14:12 Rx
Mark B 14:56 85#55 KB
Steph V. 16:20 Rx
Beth O 14:26 45#/26 KB
Barb Z 14:40 45#/35KB
Bre 14:20 35#/26KB
Joy N 16:32 35#/35KB
Susan B 16:23 65#/55KB
Chris A 4 Rds
Fatyth 22#/26KB
Anne 22#/10KB
Ryan B. Rx
Becky 65#/55KB
Sharon 65#/35KB
Joe C 18:10/95#/55
Justin H 95#/55
Alexis 55#/35
Rob Ph Rx
John Sch Rx
Arin 65#/45KB
Sarah 21:36 63/26
Tim McC 15:52 85/53
JessSss 20:40 45/45
Kristin S 17:01 45/35
Sandy 18:54 55/45
Flounder 19:35 75/53
Jim C 17:03 100/53
Gene 19:35 Rx
Kate k 14:47 65
Faby 13:40 Rx
Kenny 20:53 75/53
Patrick 16:29 Rx
Kathleen 17:33 45/45
LP 13:38 65
Tidmore 12:48 75/53
Kyle B 14:30 75/44
Manisha 20:25 35/26
Jackie 17:19 26/45
Randy Dnf :(
Brian R 18:18 115/53
Vinny 13:11 Rx
Borden 15:10 95/53
Conn 16:15 95/53
Erika 13:57 65/35
Kyle Bry 19:35 18kb/12kb
Stasie17:55 35/35
Ditty 19:56 55/35
Derreck 21:55 Rx
Jess C 16:18 65/55 Russian
Dan M 18:28 65/45
Al 19:27 95/53
Andrew Y 19:23 75/44
Holly Dnf :(
Nate 21:10 (95/70R)
Roman 15:58 (95/55)
Olan 18:28 (Rx)
Stacy 16:47 (45/35)
Mark S 21:01 (65/45)
Brynsie 17:21 (Rx)
Rachael 19:29 (53/45R)
Rinat 14:44 (95)
WW 21:41 (95/55)
Kate C 11:52 (Rx)
Dig 16:58 (75/45)
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the CFKoP competitors who threw down at Summer Slam 2012. A great event was put on by CrossFit Generation and we had 24 athletes compete. Just a few of the amazing moments are pictured above!
Join Mel for an outdoor adventure WOD at 9:00AM, meet and park at Frosty Falls. We will not be hosting regular classes this weekend do to the CrossFit Football seminar. Sorry for any inconvenience. This is a FREE class for members only.
"Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it."
~Joe Clark
London 2012 - The Olympics have begun...
Join Steph for an outdoor adventure WOD at 9:00AM, meet and park at Frosty Falls. We will not be hosting regular classes this weekend do to the CrossFit Football seminar. Sorry for any inconvenience. This is a FREE class for members only.
Join Steph for an outdoor adventure WOD at 9:00AM, meet and park at Frosty Falls. We will not be hosting regular classes this weekend do to the CrossFit Football seminar. Sorry for any inconvenience. This is a FREE class for members only.
Community Notes:
Good luck to everyone competing at the Summer Slam at CrossFit Generation today!! Bring home the win!
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
~Winston Churchill
"Jumping Jackie"
200 Double Unders
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups
Community Notes:
Saturday and Sunday's WOD will be at 9:00AM only, meet and park at Frosty Falls. This is a FREE WOD for members.
For those athletes competing at CrossFit Generation's Summer Slam - Good luck! Click here for some more details and click here for the updated schedule of events.
Periodization, Burnout and CrossFit a must read for everyone from Fletcher Fitness.
"Since time is the one immaterial object which we cannot influence--neither speed up nor slow down, add to nor diminish--it is an imponderably valuable gift."
-Maya Angelou
Lam 125 9:58Rx
Becca 55 16:00cap 100DUA15#/MF
Kim G 70 17:55 (DUA/Band)
Roni 85 15:35RX
Ellie 73 15:38 33/gr
Drew 115 18:46 100DU/Floss
Mike S 95 15:00cap (70DUA/25)
Jay E. 205 14:51 RX
Oleg 155 14:26 100DU
Klutch 145 9:52 RX
Mark C: 135 12:48 DUA/Band
Lauren 75 17:49 100DUA/Gr
Nick 105 16:19 Rx
Chip 125 16:49 RX
Peter 125 9:15 RX
Travis 75 17:58 300SU/33/RR
Diego 115/14:10 DC
Stacy 75/115:15 (125 DU/DUA, band)
Denise 85/15:01 (125 DU)
Justin 115/16:32 (band)
Breanna 65/14:52 (DUA, band)
Justin K. 155/16:47 (ROM on PU)
Faby 165 (PR)/12:09 Rx
Schaeffer 135/11:00 Rx
Kyle Bryant: Vest+15#DB/ 18:04 (35 jumps)
Stasie: 55#/17:34 (500SU)
Jim C: 115#/12:42 (84 DU)
Derreck: 125#/14:20 (75DU)
Oji: 70# (ROM)/ 17:32 (350 SU)
Sandy: 65# / 15:15 (450SU)
Borden: 115# / 12:56 Rx
Jeremy: 105 (4reps) / 17:30 (115DU)
Will from CA: 135 / 11:46 (559 SU)
Kate C: 105 / 11:06 (125 DU)
Tim McC: 85# / 11:07 (400SU)
Dan M: 95# / 16:10 (150DU)
Cate 135#/Row 9:58
Barb Z. 68#/100 DU 17:19
Mike W. 135#/150 DU 14:40
Joy 65#/150 DU 17:26
Heather 83#/75 DU 17:55
Kim C. 70# 17:19 15 Pullups
Sharon 85#/150 DU/19:29 33#
Jess S. 68# 75 DU 19:47 33#
Aimee 120#/8:39 Rx
Keith 165#/8:42Rx
Gene 155#/18:27 (SU for 6min)
Steph 125#/14:53 (115DU band)
Arin 45#/15:10 (100DU 33# band)
Joe C 135#/13:49 Rx
Ph 175#/13:12 (70DU band)
Brian R 115#/12:26 (72DU)
Zak 53#/14:20 (DNF)
Kyle 85#/15:45 (Rx)
Rinat 95#/9:50 (Rx)
Erika 75#/15:43 (band DUA)
Lam 125 9:58Rx
Becca 55 16:00cap 100DUA15#/MF
Kim G 70 17:55 (DUA/Band)
Roni 85 15:35RX
Ellie 73 15:38 33/gr
Drew 115 18:46 100DU/Floss
Mike S 95 15:00cap (70DUA/25)
Jay E. 205 14:51 RX
Oleg 155 14:26 100DU
Klutch 145 9:52 RX
Mark C: 135 12:48 DUA/Band
Lauren 75 17:49 100DUA/Gr
Nick 105 16:19 Rx
Chip 125 16:49 RX
Peter 125 9:15 RX
Travis 75 17:58 300SU/33/RR
Diego 115/14:10 DC
Stacy 75/115:15 (125 DU/DUA, band)
Denise 85/15:01 (125 DU)
Justin 115/16:32 (band)
Breanna 65/14:52 (DUA, band)
Justin K. 155/16:47 (ROM on PU)
Faby 165 (PR)/12:09 Rx
Schaeffer 135/11:00 Rx
Kyle Bryant: Vest+15#DB/ 18:04 (35 jumps)
Stasie: 55#/17:34 (500SU)
Jim C: 115#/12:42 (84 DU)
Derreck: 125#/14:20 (75DU)
Oji: 70# (ROM)/ 17:32 (350 SU)
Sandy: 65# / 15:15 (450SU)
Borden: 115# / 12:56 Rx
Jeremy: 105 (4reps) / 17:30 (115DU)
Will from CA: 135 / 11:46 (559 SU)
Kate C: 105 / 11:06 (125 DU)
Tim McC: 85# / 11:07 (400SU)
Dan M: 95# / 16:10 (150DU)
Cate 135#/Row 9:58
Barb Z. 68#/100 DU 17:19
Mike W. 135#/150 DU 14:40
Joy 65#/150 DU 17:26
Heather 83#/75 DU 17:55
Kim C. 70# 17:19 15 Pullups
Sharon 85#/150 DU/19:29 33#
Jess S. 68# 75 DU 19:47 33#
Aimee 120#/8:39 Rx
Keith 165#/8:42Rx
Gene 155#/18:27 (SU for 6min)
Steph 125#/14:53 (115DU band)
Arin 45#/15:10 (100DU 33# band)
Joe C 135#/13:49 Rx
Ph 175#/13:12 (70DU band)
Brian R 115#/12:26 (72DU)
Zak 53#/14:20 (DNF)
Kyle 85#/15:45 (Rx)
Rinat 95#/9:50 (Rx)
Erika 75#/15:43 (band DUA)
CrossFit Endurance Class
Timed Mile Results:
Jim C. 5:39
Sam B 5:42
Vinnie G 6:12
K.T. 6:26
Mark W 7:15
Nina 7:39
Jess C. 8:00
21 Knees to Elbows
21 Sumodeadlift High Pulls (75/115#)
400 Meter Run
15 Knees to Elbows
15 Sumodeadlfit High Pulls
200 Meter Run
9 Knees to Elbows
9 Sumodeadlift High Pulls
Community Notes:
The NEW 5:30PM CrossFit Class starts tonight! Barbell strength is at 6:30PM.
The CF Endurance class is also at 5:30pm at the Upper Merion
High School Track - please bring water for the one mile time trial. After full recovery be prepared for sprint intervals and a
relay if we have enough people!
Zucchini Pancakes
Zucchini Pancakes
"Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure."
-George Edward Woodberry
Jason Balmer 8:32 Rx
Jonathan Sch 11:57 55#/floor KTE
Oleg 10:12 Rx
Ellie 12:30 53#/KR
Brett 11:46Rx
Gina 11:42 55#/KTE attempts
Mike S 15:13 80#/ROM
Rebecca 12:31 75#/KR
Cecilia 18:46 18#KB/KR
Travis 16:20 75#/KR/Floor
Nick T 14:20 Rx
Rinat 12:52 Rx
Lauren M 15:31 60#
Peter 12:59 Rx
Chip 13:54 Rx
Brian D 16:10 65#/KTE ROM
Laura P 10:38 Rx
Patrick 11:55 RX
Keith 12:21 RX
Byrnsie 11:23 RX
Meg B 14:35 RX
Fayth 13:58 35# kb / Sacle KTE
Anne 14:15 35# kb / Scale KTE
Mike W 15:03 RX
Roman 13:11 95#
Mike P. 9:05 Rx
Aimee 9:08 Rx
Sarah 17:14 75#/ROM
Brian R. 15:44 Rx
Rob Ph 11:17 ROM
Jen Sch. 11:49 scale/kb
Justin 12:05 75#
Cate Kelly 14:23 (row)
Heather 12:34 Rx
Joe C. 11:37 95#/ROM
Sharon 15:4175#/K2E scale
Erika 12:40 75#/ROM
Becky 14:42 Rx!
Mike P 9:27 Rx
King 11:25 Rx
Jason 12:55 Rx
Kim G 13:22 65 ROM
Dan L 9:25 Rx
Tidmore 11:23 95
Stacy 13:21 55 ROM
Time McC 11:27 Rx
Vinny 8:27 Rx
Justin 12:15 Rx
Faby 7:59 Rx
Manisha 14:00 53
Calvin 12:02 115 ROM
Dawn 13:00 55 ROM
Olan 10:56 Rx
-George Edward Woodberry
Jason Balmer 8:32 Rx
Jonathan Sch 11:57 55#/floor KTE
Oleg 10:12 Rx
Ellie 12:30 53#/KR
Brett 11:46Rx
Gina 11:42 55#/KTE attempts
Mike S 15:13 80#/ROM
Rebecca 12:31 75#/KR
Cecilia 18:46 18#KB/KR
Travis 16:20 75#/KR/Floor
Nick T 14:20 Rx
Rinat 12:52 Rx
Lauren M 15:31 60#
Peter 12:59 Rx
Chip 13:54 Rx
Brian D 16:10 65#/KTE ROM
Laura P 10:38 Rx
Patrick 11:55 RX
Keith 12:21 RX
Byrnsie 11:23 RX
Meg B 14:35 RX
Fayth 13:58 35# kb / Sacle KTE
Anne 14:15 35# kb / Scale KTE
Mike W 15:03 RX
Roman 13:11 95#
Mike P. 9:05 Rx
Aimee 9:08 Rx
Sarah 17:14 75#/ROM
Brian R. 15:44 Rx
Rob Ph 11:17 ROM
Jen Sch. 11:49 scale/kb
Justin 12:05 75#
Cate Kelly 14:23 (row)
Heather 12:34 Rx
Joe C. 11:37 95#/ROM
Sharon 15:4175#/K2E scale
Erika 12:40 75#/ROM
Becky 14:42 Rx!
Mike P 9:27 Rx
King 11:25 Rx
Jason 12:55 Rx
Kim G 13:22 65 ROM
Dan L 9:25 Rx
Tidmore 11:23 95
Stacy 13:21 55 ROM
Time McC 11:27 Rx
Vinny 8:27 Rx
Justin 12:15 Rx
Faby 7:59 Rx
Manisha 14:00 53
Calvin 12:02 115 ROM
Dawn 13:00 55 ROM
Olan 10:56 Rx
Jay E coming from behind for a final kick!
6AM crew gets it done!
In teams of four athletes will complete the following:
6AM crew gets it done!
In teams of four athletes will complete the following:
12 Minute AMRAP
Tire Sled Drag 50 feet (45#/90#)
Wall Balls (14#/20#)
2 minutes rest - then alternate
12 Minute AMRAP
Prowler Push (90# high push for ladies, low push for gents) 100 ft
DB Push Press (25#/45#)
The score for each AMRAP/total workout will be the total reps completed (of Wall balls
& Push Press & Burpees). The Sled drag/Prowler push is the time
component for the station rotation.
"If you can only be tall because somebody's on their knees, then you have a serious problem."
- Toni Morrison
Team Rubbers: 665 reps
Jay E
Todd B
Team Levithan: 445 reps
Kim G
Alexis K
Paul F
Team Nicole: 576 reps
Roni A
Cris A
Team Balmers:608
Lauren M
Brian D
Team Meg Sandwich: 525
Meg B
Meg D
Tim M
Team Buck Furpees: 413
Lisa A
Chris A
Team They might be Giants:501
Fabtastic: 791 reps
Paul S.
No Name: 431
Tim McCann
Big D
Matt G.
Ladies First: 754
Pam G.
Melissa L.
Heavy Grinders - 494 reps
Matt B.
Dan M.
Barenaked Athletics - 601 reps
Team Burt & Ernie: 687
Tall Dan 40pp
Rachel H
Nate 40pp
Team JSHB: 550
Jay Z
Schaefer (vest)
Team Short Bus: 512
Rob Ph
Joe C 35pp
Mark S
Team Joyce: 504
Team Quincy: 587
Jess S
Team Phillies Suck: 455
Kristen S.
Team Rubbers: 665 reps
Jay E
Todd B
Team Levithan: 445 reps
Kim G
Alexis K
Paul F
Team Nicole: 576 reps
Roni A
Cris A
Team Balmers:608
Lauren M
Brian D
Team Meg Sandwich: 525
Meg B
Meg D
Tim M
Team Buck Furpees: 413
Lisa A
Chris A
Team They might be Giants:501
Fabtastic: 791 reps
Paul S.
No Name: 431
Tim McCann
Big D
Matt G.
Ladies First: 754
Pam G.
Melissa L.
Heavy Grinders - 494 reps
Matt B.
Dan M.
Barenaked Athletics - 601 reps
Team Burt & Ernie: 687
Tall Dan 40pp
Rachel H
Nate 40pp
Team JSHB: 550
Jay Z
Schaefer (vest)
Team Short Bus: 512
Rob Ph
Joe C 35pp
Mark S
Team Joyce: 504
Team Quincy: 587
Jess S
Team Phillies Suck: 455
Kristen S.
Congratulations to Megs, JZ and Plentus for the completion of the CFKids course.
Click here to see the blog post on the seminar in Constantly Varied.
Click here to see the blog post on the seminar in Constantly Varied.
AMRAP in 8
Row 150 Meters
10 Pull-ups
10 Push Press (@ 50% of your 1RM)
Community Notes:
Our 5:30 Thursday CrossFit class will begin this week, July 26th. Barbell Strength will be at 6:30PM. This week CrossFit Endurance is also on Thursday at 5:30PM.
This weekend we will host a 9:00AM WOD on both Saturday and Sunday. Meet and park at Frosty Falls.
This weekend we will host a 9:00AM WOD on both Saturday and Sunday. Meet and park at Frosty Falls.
“If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.”
Gina 85PR / 3
Balmer 205 / 4
Brian D 110Pr / 2
Jay E 275 / 2
Mike P 165 / 4
King 165 / 4
Chip 185 / 3
Nina 140 / 3
KT 135 / 3
Paul F 225Pr/ 3 black
Alexis 85 / 3 blue
Ellie 90/ 3 green
Rebecca S 110 / 3 (mf)
Susan 105/2
Chris T 95/3
Kim C 95(pr)/3
Beth 90(pr)/3
Lindsey 90/3
Eddie 185(pr)/2
John C 225(pj)/2
Nick 155/3
Rinat 155/3
Aimee 145(pr)/4
Cate 155/4
Mike W 155(pr)/3
Kevin 215/4
Keith 195/4
Jonathan 165/3
Megs 110/4
Tim M 185/5
John Sch 185/3
Oji 145/2
Roman 165/4
JZ 135/4
Liz 80/3
Arin 100PR/2band
Rachael 95PR/3
Dig 165PR/4
Justin H 165PR/4
Stacy 100PR/3band
Alison 140/3rom
Erika 105/?
Becky 83/-
WW 155/?
Sharon 125/2
Patrick 185/4
Tim H 175/3band
Jim C 150/4
Dan 200/4
Frafa 85/2band
Travis K 170/4
DeeDee 105/3
Calvin 205/2band
Mel 120PR/-
Faby 175/4
Travis 125/2jump
Cline 140/3band
Tidmore 145/3
Kate K 100PR/3
Sam 225 (PR)/ 4
Ditty 110/ 2
Derreck 245 (PR)/3
Klutch 175/3
Ying 53/3 band
Ryan 150/3
Matt G. 215/3
Paul 185/3
Jess C. 120/3
Jen S. 140 (PR)/4
Melissa S. 85/2
Stasie 68/3 JPU
Tim Mc. 175/4
Manisha 58/3 band
Justin 205/4
Olan 195/4
Al 245/2
BJ 185/4
Matt B. 175/2 (rack)
Leslie 105 (PR)/2 (band)
Mike S. 125 (PR)/2
Damien 225/2 (band/JPU)
Sean 205/3 (band)
Gina 85PR / 3
Balmer 205 / 4
Brian D 110Pr / 2
Jay E 275 / 2
Mike P 165 / 4
King 165 / 4
Chip 185 / 3
Nina 140 / 3
KT 135 / 3
Paul F 225Pr/ 3 black
Alexis 85 / 3 blue
Ellie 90/ 3 green
Rebecca S 110 / 3 (mf)
Susan 105/2
Chris T 95/3
Kim C 95(pr)/3
Beth 90(pr)/3
Lindsey 90/3
Eddie 185(pr)/2
John C 225(pj)/2
Nick 155/3
Rinat 155/3
Aimee 145(pr)/4
Cate 155/4
Mike W 155(pr)/3
Kevin 215/4
Keith 195/4
Jonathan 165/3
Megs 110/4
Tim M 185/5
John Sch 185/3
Oji 145/2
Roman 165/4
JZ 135/4
Liz 80/3
Arin 100PR/2band
Rachael 95PR/3
Dig 165PR/4
Justin H 165PR/4
Stacy 100PR/3band
Alison 140/3rom
Erika 105/?
Becky 83/-
WW 155/?
Sharon 125/2
Patrick 185/4
Tim H 175/3band
Jim C 150/4
Dan 200/4
Frafa 85/2band
Travis K 170/4
DeeDee 105/3
Calvin 205/2band
Mel 120PR/-
Faby 175/4
Travis 125/2jump
Cline 140/3band
Tidmore 145/3
Kate K 100PR/3
Sam 225 (PR)/ 4
Ditty 110/ 2
Derreck 245 (PR)/3
Klutch 175/3
Ying 53/3 band
Ryan 150/3
Matt G. 215/3
Paul 185/3
Jess C. 120/3
Jen S. 140 (PR)/4
Melissa S. 85/2
Stasie 68/3 JPU
Tim Mc. 175/4
Manisha 58/3 band
Justin 205/4
Olan 195/4
Al 245/2
BJ 185/4
Matt B. 175/2 (rack)
Leslie 105 (PR)/2 (band)
Mike S. 125 (PR)/2
Damien 225/2 (band/JPU)
Sean 205/3 (band)
Inaugural UMSTC Triathlon:
Date: Sunday 8/26/12 6:30AM
Event: Sprint Triathlon – 750 meter swim, 20K bike, 5K run.
Location: Upper Merion Swim and Tennis Club, 431 West Valley Forge Rd., King of Prussia, PA 19406.
Swim - 750 meter swim in the 50 meter pool. Start and finish will be at opposite ends.
Bike - Multi-loop course through the rolling neighborhoods of King of Prussia.
Run - 5K run course with some off road sections
Transition - T1 and T2 will be just outside the pool. Some parking restrictions may be in effect.
Entry fee: $60 for pool members, $75 for non-members. Make checks payable to Upper Merion Swim and Tennis Club. A portion of your entry fee will be donated to charity.
Registration: Please fill out the attached registration form and return it along with payment to the front desk at UMSTC. Please include seeding information so that you can be placed in a heat with comparable competition.
Prizes: Awards will be given for the overall winners, along with 2nd and 3rd place overall finishers, male and female. Awards will also be given for age group winners 18&under, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+, and Relay division. All participants will receive a race day “goodie bag.”
Post Race: Post race party will be held at UMSTC. Food, music, and entertainment will be provided. Kids triathlon race to follow!!!
For inquiries regarding the race, please contact John Kenny via:
Email - jkenny5150@gmail.com
Phone – (609) 864-2823
Date: Sunday 8/26/12 6:30AM
Event: Sprint Triathlon – 750 meter swim, 20K bike, 5K run.
Location: Upper Merion Swim and Tennis Club, 431 West Valley Forge Rd., King of Prussia, PA 19406.
Swim - 750 meter swim in the 50 meter pool. Start and finish will be at opposite ends.
Bike - Multi-loop course through the rolling neighborhoods of King of Prussia.
Run - 5K run course with some off road sections
Transition - T1 and T2 will be just outside the pool. Some parking restrictions may be in effect.
Entry fee: $60 for pool members, $75 for non-members. Make checks payable to Upper Merion Swim and Tennis Club. A portion of your entry fee will be donated to charity.
Registration: Please fill out the attached registration form and return it along with payment to the front desk at UMSTC. Please include seeding information so that you can be placed in a heat with comparable competition.
Prizes: Awards will be given for the overall winners, along with 2nd and 3rd place overall finishers, male and female. Awards will also be given for age group winners 18&under, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+, and Relay division. All participants will receive a race day “goodie bag.”
Post Race: Post race party will be held at UMSTC. Food, music, and entertainment will be provided. Kids triathlon race to follow!!!
For inquiries regarding the race, please contact John Kenny via:
Email - jkenny5150@gmail.com
Phone – (609) 864-2823
10 Back Squat (185/115#)
15 Deadlifts (185/115#)
*Weight should be taken from the floor, athletes will only get one bar for the WOD, therefore one weight.
*Weight should be taken from the floor, athletes will only get one bar for the WOD, therefore one weight.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"
-- Mariann Williamson
Jason 5:26 (Rx)
Aimee 7:10 (Rx+ 135#)
Cris 4:49 125#
Roni 5:02 85#
Chip 6:29 Rx
Rinat 4:50 110#
Lauren M 6:07 85#
Jay E 4:22 (Rx+ 205#)
Peter 4:53 135#
Lam 4:56 135#
Becca 8:01 65#
Steph V 5:18 Rx
Chris A. 5:36 125#
Joy 5:17 65#
JNa- ouchie
Sarah J 7:30 73#
Keith 5:19 Rx
Nick Z 5:00 145#
Beth O. 6:00 65#
Fayth 5:28 22#
Anne 5:28 22#
Tori 5:46 63#
Kim C 7:46 65#
John C. 4:55 Rx
Chris T 5:42 65#
Jonathan 5:45 85#
Ciera 6:13 85#
Lisa A 6:34 60#
Susan 5:34 95#
Mike P 4:22 165#
Shawn 7:35 155#
Jim C 5:33 135#
Gene 7:02 135#
Kristin S 4:45 35#
Ken B 9:00 95# 2 rounds
Tim H 5:29 135#
Calvin 6:00 165
Ryan S 5:27 135#
Flounder 6:31 115#
JessSSSSSss 5:18 73#
Mark W 4:56 83#
Ken S 6:15 135#
LP 6:15 83#
Dee Dee 5:35 85#
Sandy 5:42 70#
Faby 6:31 165#
Paul 4:36 135#
Tidmore 5:36 135#
Borden 5:58 155#
Nick 11:50 165#
Conn 6:56 155#
Jen S 4:06 Rx
Melissa S 6:09 75#
Oleg 6:52 165#
Manisha 7:08 53#
Vinny 4:38 Rx
Dan M 7:00 115#
Matt G 13:20 135#
Vincent 4:34 115#
Jess C 4:48 83#
Jackie 5:01 65#
Andrew Y 7:06 95#
Derek 6:59 165#
Shoeless 7:07 165#
Arin 4:45 75#
John Sch 8:25 Rx
Rob Ph 5:58 165#
Mark B 4:52 115# 17"
Alexis ouchie
Sharon 4:23 75#
Alison 3:41 115#ROM
Jessie 5:40 68# 17"
Becky C 6:18 75#
Nate 7:01 145#
Vinnie 8:40 115#
Joe C 6:06 135#
Byrnsie 6:17 135#
Mark S. 5:21 63#
Mel 3:35 85#
Megs 3:35 95#
Brian 5:34 135#
Justin H 7:08 135#
Rachael 5:50 85#
Olan 8:14 165#
Nina 4:26 Rx
Diego 6:05 115#
Cris 4:49 125#
Roni 5:02 85#
Chip 6:29 Rx
Rinat 4:50 110#
Lauren M 6:07 85#
Jay E 4:22 (Rx+ 205#)
Peter 4:53 135#
Lam 4:56 135#
Becca 8:01 65#
Steph V 5:18 Rx
Chris A. 5:36 125#
Joy 5:17 65#
JNa- ouchie
Sarah J 7:30 73#
Keith 5:19 Rx
Nick Z 5:00 145#
Beth O. 6:00 65#
Fayth 5:28 22#
Anne 5:28 22#
Tori 5:46 63#
Kim C 7:46 65#
John C. 4:55 Rx
Chris T 5:42 65#
Jonathan 5:45 85#
Ciera 6:13 85#
Lisa A 6:34 60#
Susan 5:34 95#
Mike P 4:22 165#
Shawn 7:35 155#
Jim C 5:33 135#
Gene 7:02 135#
Kristin S 4:45 35#
Ken B 9:00 95# 2 rounds
Tim H 5:29 135#
Calvin 6:00 165
Ryan S 5:27 135#
Flounder 6:31 115#
JessSSSSSss 5:18 73#
Mark W 4:56 83#
Ken S 6:15 135#
LP 6:15 83#
Dee Dee 5:35 85#
Sandy 5:42 70#
Faby 6:31 165#
Paul 4:36 135#
Tidmore 5:36 135#
Borden 5:58 155#
Nick 11:50 165#
Conn 6:56 155#
Jen S 4:06 Rx
Melissa S 6:09 75#
Oleg 6:52 165#
Manisha 7:08 53#
Vinny 4:38 Rx
Dan M 7:00 115#
Matt G 13:20 135#
Vincent 4:34 115#
Jess C 4:48 83#
Jackie 5:01 65#
Andrew Y 7:06 95#
Derek 6:59 165#
Shoeless 7:07 165#
Arin 4:45 75#
John Sch 8:25 Rx
Rob Ph 5:58 165#
Mark B 4:52 115# 17"
Alexis ouchie
Sharon 4:23 75#
Alison 3:41 115#ROM
Jessie 5:40 68# 17"
Becky C 6:18 75#
Nate 7:01 145#
Vinnie 8:40 115#
Joe C 6:06 135#
Byrnsie 6:17 135#
Mark S. 5:21 63#
Mel 3:35 85#
Megs 3:35 95#
Brian 5:34 135#
Justin H 7:08 135#
Rachael 5:50 85#
Olan 8:14 165#
Nina 4:26 Rx
Diego 6:05 115#
Summer Slam WODs
For those of you competing in the Summer Slam this weekend at CFG, please review the WOD's below.
WOD #1
In 12 min: 200 m plate carry (as a team) Then, AMRAP- ~30 m tire sled drag In addition, each team member must complete 100 DU's or 300 singles in the allotted time
*Each team gets set of six bumper plates (2 x 45, 1 x 35, 3 x 25) **Must move entire set of bumper plates one sled drag at a time( in any combination) with only one athlete pulling at a time. Each time all six plates have been moved is one round. The sled must be pulled back to the start (empty) to load more plates. After all six plates have been moved, start over and move the set of plates again. Each round (all plates moved) is 200 pounds. ***Score is total pounds moved minus incomplete double-unders
WOD #2
Clean & Jerk Ladder
Females: 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165
Males: 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245
*Move through with your team, in groups of three (3 males/3 females) **1 min 15 sec to perform lifts, 15 sec to rotate
***Score is total weight of maximum successful lift for all team members
WOD #3
For time: Run 400 (as a team) 300 box jumps Run 400 (as a team) 300 KB swings Run 400 (as a team) 300 goblet squats Run 400 (as a team)
*25 minute cap **Box jumps: 100 reps per box (22, 24, 28) ***Swings/Goblet Squats: 100 reps per bell (35, 45, 55) ****May not start movements until all team members have completed run
Summer Slam video standards have been released. Click here to watch WOD #1. Click here for WOD #2 and click here for WOD #3
More Details:
Summer Slam 2012 Schedule of Events
7:45 to 8:15- Registration
8:20- Standards Meeting for Athletes/Judges
8:35- Warm Up
8:50- WOD 1 Judges Meet
8:58- National Anthem
9:00- WOD 1, heat 1
9:15- WOD 1, heat 2
9:30- WOD 1, heat 3
9:45- WOD 1, heat 4 10:00- Break
10:15- WOD 2 Judges Meet
10:20- WOD 2, females
11:00- Break
11:15- WOD 2 Judges Meet
11:20- WOD 2, males 12:00- Break
12:15- WOD 3 Judges Meet
12:20- WOD 3, heat 1
12:40- WOD 3, heat 2
1:10- WOD 3, heat 3
1:40- WOD 3, heat 4
2:10- Break
2:25- WOD 4 Standards
2:30- WOD 4 Judges Meet
2:35- WOD 4
3:00- Awards
3:05- After party
More Details:
Summer Slam 2012 Schedule of Events
7:45 to 8:15- Registration
8:20- Standards Meeting for Athletes/Judges
8:35- Warm Up
8:50- WOD 1 Judges Meet
8:58- National Anthem
9:00- WOD 1, heat 1
9:15- WOD 1, heat 2
9:30- WOD 1, heat 3
9:45- WOD 1, heat 4 10:00- Break
10:15- WOD 2 Judges Meet
10:20- WOD 2, females
11:00- Break
11:15- WOD 2 Judges Meet
11:20- WOD 2, males 12:00- Break
12:15- WOD 3 Judges Meet
12:20- WOD 3, heat 1
12:40- WOD 3, heat 2
1:10- WOD 3, heat 3
1:40- WOD 3, heat 4
2:10- Break
2:25- WOD 4 Standards
2:30- WOD 4 Judges Meet
2:35- WOD 4
3:00- Awards
3:05- After party
Join Jason and Vinny for an outdoor adventure WOD at 9:00AM, meet and park at
Frosty Falls. We will not be hosting regular classes this weekend do to
the CrossFit Kids seminar. Sorry for any inconvenience. This is a FREE class for members only.
VJ Adventure WOD II
Teams of 4 complete AMRAP in 20 minutes
200m Run
100 KBS (35#)
75 Jumping Lunges
50 Medicine Ball Cleans (14#)
Coaches Note:
VJ Adventure WOD II
Teams of 4 complete AMRAP in 20 minutes
200m Run
100 KBS (35#)
75 Jumping Lunges
50 Medicine Ball Cleans (14#)
Coaches Note:
Three athletes can work at a time while the fourth athlete holds a 25# plate over their head. If the weight is dropped, the team will be assessed a 25 burpee penalty.
"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."
Join Jason and Vinny for an outdoor adventure WOD at 9:00AM, meet and park at Frosty Falls. We will not be hosting regular classes this weekend do to the CrossFit Kids seminar. Sorry for any inconvenience. This is a FREE class for members only.
VJ Adventure WOD I
Team of 3 complete the following:
800 meter run
30 sandbag ground to overhead
30 box jumps
30 overhead squats
800 meter run
Brave teams then went an extra
400m run
30 sandbag ground to overhead
30 box jumps
30 overhead squats
400m run
When the team gets back from the run, one member will go to each station (G2O, BJ, OHS) and the team can only rotate when all reps are complete. Once each team member has done each exercise, the team goes for the second run.
VJ Adventure WOD I
Team of 3 complete the following:
800 meter run
30 sandbag ground to overhead
30 box jumps
30 overhead squats
800 meter run
Brave teams then went an extra
400m run
30 sandbag ground to overhead
30 box jumps
30 overhead squats
400m run
When the team gets back from the run, one member will go to each station (G2O, BJ, OHS) and the team can only rotate when all reps are complete. Once each team member has done each exercise, the team goes for the second run.
Coaches Note:
Teams with four members added pushups as a station.
"I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead, others come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see. Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me."
-Dr Seuss
Team Questioning Jason (Becca, Tracy, Roni) - 25:03+
Just Visiting (Cris, Dave, Lam) 23:54+
Team Vinnyisms is inflating his ego and we are concerned about his mental health (Mark, Tim H, Cline) 24:08+
No Bueno (Kim, Arin, Erika, Dianne) 26:10
Girl Talk (Jess C, Liz, Jackie) 17:26/25:04
Marky Mark, Ryan Reynolds and the Flinstones (Shawn, Balmer, Coxhead, Mike Fab) 22:29+
I haven't had enough coffee (Faby, Tidmore, Jim C) 19:13 + 1/2
Who needs boxes?
Don't worry about me.
Aren't these supposed to be easy?
Sandbag Survivors
Team Questioning Jason (Becca, Tracy, Roni) - 25:03+
Just Visiting (Cris, Dave, Lam) 23:54+
Team Vinnyisms is inflating his ego and we are concerned about his mental health (Mark, Tim H, Cline) 24:08+
No Bueno (Kim, Arin, Erika, Dianne) 26:10
Girl Talk (Jess C, Liz, Jackie) 17:26/25:04
Marky Mark, Ryan Reynolds and the Flinstones (Shawn, Balmer, Coxhead, Mike Fab) 22:29+
I haven't had enough coffee (Faby, Tidmore, Jim C) 19:13 + 1/2
Who needs boxes?
Don't worry about me.
Aren't these supposed to be easy?
Sandbag Survivors
Congratulations to Laura our visitor from CT who got her first MU at KoP!
Amanda Miller Memorial WOD:
Muscle Ups
Squat Snatches, 95/135#
Scaled Version*:
Chest To Bar Pull-ups
Squat Snatches, 75/115#
*this can also be scaled further as needed
Community Notes:
Scaled Version*:
Chest To Bar Pull-ups
Squat Snatches, 75/115#
*this can also be scaled further as needed
Community Notes:
Click here for registration information. It's not mandatory to register but if you do wish to donate to the memorial fund please register online or we will have a donation bucket at the gym. All proceeds from this event will go to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center in Bellevue, New York. Sloan-Kettering is a world leader
in cancer research and treatment, and we will be making our donation in
Amanda’s name, which will go directly to Melanoma research. 100% of
donations will go to this charity.
Mini Mexican Stuffed Peppers
Mini Mexican Stuffed Peppers
"I can make it through the rain, i can stand up once again."
RX Results:
Keith 14:50
John C 5:43
Tim M 6:03
Aimee 9:50
King 8:49 (scaled)
Mike P 11:58 (95#/JMU)
Drew 12:09 (75/pu)
Mike S 8:38 (40#/C2B (rom))
Gina 6:11 (35# form/band pu)
Jay E 6:18 (135#/JMU)
KT 8:06 (85#/C2B)
Cecilia 9:44 (PVC/Jump)
Rebecca 9:05 (55#/C2B band)
Klutch 9:19 (115#/JMU)
Nina 8:15 (Scaled)
Kim G 9:04 (55#/pu)
Damien 12:04 95/C2B
Sea 10:00 (75#/jmu)
Roni 8:05 (50#/band)
Becca 10:04 (35#/mf)
Chip 11:11 (115#/JMU)
Mark 9:05 (95#/scale)
Cris 11:00 (95#/MU&JMU)
Jay E 4:53 (scaled)
Peter 9:28 (85#/C2B)
Laura 15:10 35#/jump
Dee Dee 10:40 65#/PU
Susan 6:56 45/PU
JNa 12:53 35#/PUmf
Mike W 13:26 65#/jumpMU
Joy N 9:22 35#/mf
Nick Z 6:48 65#/jump
Barb Z 10:18 35#/MUT
Kim C 7:46 35power/PU
Megs 9:12 65#/jump
John Sch 11:25 135/115/jump
Bre 8:09 35#/pu
Jim C. 18:43 95/MU
Jess C 15:07 65/C2B
Mike E 10:37 75#/MU
Sharon 6:43 PP/RR
Dianne 8:25 15#/PU
Mike T. 7:25 105#
Jason 16:16 MUA 135#
Lam 5:30 75/C2B
Justin 7:33 75#/greenband
Steve M. 6:42 65/PUband
Manisha 8:52/22#bandPU
Joe C. 8:10 75#/C2B
Mark B 5:43 (85# C2B)
Stasie 5:23 (35# band)
Jen S 8:03 (75# C2B)
Borden 7:54 (95# C2B)
Faby 10:26 (115# JMU)
Tim M 10:02 (95# MU/JMU)
Paul S 10:45 (105# JMU)
Justin 10:44 (115# MU/JMU)
Dan M 10:50 (65# JMU)
BJ 14:10 (95# MU/JMU)
Justin H 6:47 (115# C2B)
Nate 8:54 (95# JMU)
Jesssss 8:22 (33# band)
Jason B 4:35 (95# C2B)
Brian R 7:44 (95# JMU)
Jim C 10:36 (97.5# C2B)
Gene 13:21 (95# JMU)
Justin K 7:37 (105# JMU)
LP 7:05 (55# MUA)
Holly 7:01 (35# band)
Travis M 7:20 (65# ring row)
Ken 10:00ish (75# C2B)
Melissa L 6:16 (33# band)
Pam 6:35 (53# band)
Sandy 8:12 (60# band)
Heather 5:20 (33# pull)
Derreck 10:04 (115# C2B)
Travis K 9:17 (75# JMU)
Kyle B 9:45 (75# MU)
RX Results:
Keith 14:50
John C 5:43
Tim M 6:03
Aimee 9:50
King 8:49 (scaled)
Mike P 11:58 (95#/JMU)
Drew 12:09 (75/pu)
Mike S 8:38 (40#/C2B (rom))
Gina 6:11 (35# form/band pu)
Jay E 6:18 (135#/JMU)
KT 8:06 (85#/C2B)
Cecilia 9:44 (PVC/Jump)
Rebecca 9:05 (55#/C2B band)
Klutch 9:19 (115#/JMU)
Nina 8:15 (Scaled)
Kim G 9:04 (55#/pu)
Damien 12:04 95/C2B
Sea 10:00 (75#/jmu)
Roni 8:05 (50#/band)
Becca 10:04 (35#/mf)
Chip 11:11 (115#/JMU)
Mark 9:05 (95#/scale)
Cris 11:00 (95#/MU&JMU)
Jay E 4:53 (scaled)
Peter 9:28 (85#/C2B)
Laura 15:10 35#/jump
Dee Dee 10:40 65#/PU
Susan 6:56 45/PU
JNa 12:53 35#/PUmf
Mike W 13:26 65#/jumpMU
Joy N 9:22 35#/mf
Nick Z 6:48 65#/jump
Barb Z 10:18 35#/MUT
Kim C 7:46 35power/PU
Megs 9:12 65#/jump
John Sch 11:25 135/115/jump
Bre 8:09 35#/pu
Jim C. 18:43 95/MU
Jess C 15:07 65/C2B
Mike E 10:37 75#/MU
Sharon 6:43 PP/RR
Dianne 8:25 15#/PU
Mike T. 7:25 105#
Jason 16:16 MUA 135#
Lam 5:30 75/C2B
Justin 7:33 75#/greenband
Steve M. 6:42 65/PUband
Manisha 8:52/22#bandPU
Joe C. 8:10 75#/C2B
Mark B 5:43 (85# C2B)
Stasie 5:23 (35# band)
Jen S 8:03 (75# C2B)
Borden 7:54 (95# C2B)
Faby 10:26 (115# JMU)
Tim M 10:02 (95# MU/JMU)
Paul S 10:45 (105# JMU)
Justin 10:44 (115# MU/JMU)
Dan M 10:50 (65# JMU)
BJ 14:10 (95# MU/JMU)
Justin H 6:47 (115# C2B)
Nate 8:54 (95# JMU)
Jesssss 8:22 (33# band)
Jason B 4:35 (95# C2B)
Brian R 7:44 (95# JMU)
Jim C 10:36 (97.5# C2B)
Gene 13:21 (95# JMU)
Justin K 7:37 (105# JMU)
LP 7:05 (55# MUA)
Holly 7:01 (35# band)
Travis M 7:20 (65# ring row)
Ken 10:00ish (75# C2B)
Melissa L 6:16 (33# band)
Pam 6:35 (53# band)
Sandy 8:12 (60# band)
Heather 5:20 (33# pull)
Derreck 10:04 (115# C2B)
Travis K 9:17 (75# JMU)
Kyle B 9:45 (75# MU)
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