
W.O.D. 10.9.11

Sculpture by: Zenos Frudakis "Freedom"

5 Rounds for time of:

400m run
30 Box Jumps (20-21"/24-25")
30 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)

(compare to 7.10.09)

"The moment you can visualize being free from the things that hold you back, you have indeed begun to set yourself free."


Anonymous said...

awesome quote and photo. :-)

Ken Blackwell said...

The sculpture is outside the GSK building on Vine St. at 16th.

Send513 said...

I like the sound of Ursula a LOT more than Kelly!!

Melanie said...


Ken 39:29 (24”/20”- 35#)
Jonathan 34:11 (20”/26.5#)
Lizzy 31:07 (17”- 26.5#/18#)
Megs 29:22 (17”/20”- 35#)
Rachel 34:37 (Rx)
Lee 34:37 (24”/26.5#)


Todd 38:00 (25”/53#)
Alexis 35:45 (17” SU/26.5#)
Katie 32:35 (17”/ 18#)
Arin 32:00 (17”/18#)
Brinsie 30:42 (Rx)
Sarah J. 21:27, 3 rounds (17”/18#)
Vinny 27:24 (Rx)
Tamas 35:47 (24”/35#)
Erika 32:05 (21”/26.5)
Kristin T. 23:18 (Rx)
Kristen SB 28:17, 4 rounds (17”/35#)
Kate 22:43 (Rx)

Solid performances all-round today everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Omg what a brutal wod.... i loved it!

Mike P said...

OMG - I LIVE for WODs like this. Nice, really nice, work all around.