
W.O.D. 10.27.11

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
3 Muscle-ups
6 Kettlebell Swings (55#/70#)
12 Box Jumps (24"/30")

“He that cannot obey, cannot command.”
-Benjamin Franklin

John K- 6 (GRN/Trans,55#/30")
Lee- 8 (GRN/Trans, 45#/25")
Greg- 6 (BLK/Trans, 53#,24")
Kristin T- (BLU/Trans&Dips, 55#, 24')
Paul 5 (pu/rd, 17")
Becky 5 (mua and bar mu)
Keith 4 rx
Mike T 9 rx
John C - 6 RX
Schell - 7 (24",55#,MUT)
Sharon - 3 (ouchie,24",RR)
Rob Ph - 8 (24",MUT)
Steph - 6 (21",MUT)
WW - 9 (55#,situps,MUT)
Beth - 6 (13"17.6#,RR)
Patrick - 7 (JMU,55#)


Melanie said...

Happy belated brithday Chris T!! You've been a great addition to the Box!

Anonymous said...

7am Class:

John K- 6 (GRN/Trans,55#/30")
Lee- 8 (GRN/Trans, 45#/25")
Greg- 6 (BLK/Trans, 53#,24")
Kristin T- (BLU/Trans&Dips, 55#, 24')

Nice work early morning athletes! Great intensity- keeping moving through the small sets of reps! John K, Way to take on the 30" box (you've got the battle wound to prove it!)

Cate said...

CONGRATULATIONS to Kevin B for his first muscle ups!!!! Kevin is a great example of what happens if you practice! Can't wait for festivus!

noon results:
Paul 5 (pu/rd, 17")
Becky 5 (mua and bar mu)
Keith 4 rx
Mike T 9 rx

Cate said...

Meg B - the turkey chili is delicious. Thank you!!! If anyone likes home made soups ask Meg B how to get in on it!

Jason Lyons said...

The trend continues. Congratulations to Danny for his first MU and he got it on the high rings. Again, perfect practice makes perfect. Congrats!

Our goal should be 30 people by Festivus. I say have the MU club and the MU masters (those that can string 5 or more)

Vinny said...

4:30pm results

John C - 6 RX
Schell - 7 (24",55#,MUT)
Sharon - 3 (ouchie,24",RR)
Rob Ph - 8 (24",MUT)
Steph - 6 (21",MUT)
WW - 9 (55#,situps,MUT)
Beth - 6 (13"17.6#,RR)
Patrick - 7 (JMU,55#)

I saw some nice progress on the MU today guys...keep working those transitions and it will happen. John C, what can I say, way to walk into the box and own one of the hardest moves in here...awesome job man!

Anonymous said...

Kristin T had 9 Rounds- sorry for the oversight!

John C.- So cool to watch you (for the 3rd time) do something other people practice forever before they can do!! Hope you enjoyed your water tonight, your not allowed to have it anymore ;-)

NICE WORK Burnsey and Danny!

Anonymous said...

I will never bring water again. Even though dehydration is potentially a serious problem steph!

John C

Jason Lyons said...

drink before and after...